Her Dirty Professor Series (21+)



An hour earlier.

I finally manage to get myself off the bathroom floor. I’ve only thrown up once since the guys left for lunch, and my stomach’s finally beginning to settle. Part of me wonders if the reason I’ve been so ill was in fact nerves, and not food poisoning as the twins suggested.

Stumbling my way into the kitchen, I search for sparkling water in the hopes that the fizz will settle my stomach somewhat. Hydration. Yes, that’s what I need.

I’m just sitting down to a glass of ginger ale and a pack of Saltines when several sharp knocks sound on the front door. Who is that? I hold very still, hoping they’ll go away, but the insistent rapping continues.

“Okay, okay, I’m coming, hold on,” I groan. Clutching my stomach, I make my way to the door and immediately regret opening it. It’s my mom, and Angela looks like a crazed animal. It’s not her make-up or hair. No, her blonde locks are perfectly molded into a helmet, and she’s got a fake Chanel skirt suit on. It’s her eyes that scare me. Those blue orbs dart around the room behind my shoulder, as if searching for something.

“Where the hell are they?” she hisses, nails clawing at the air.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Excuse me? Mom?” I manage to sputter. “What are you doing here? How did you even find me?”

Angela pushes past me and storms into the house, her overly made-up face contorted with rage. She begins marching in and out of various rooms as if on a mission.

“I had myself a nice little chat with Bess Cartwright just a few minutes ago,” she sneers while making her way around the place. The woman slams doors in her wake, and pictures on the walls rattle with the force of her movements. “She just shared the most interesting piece of news about my own daughter.” Angela finally comes back into the hallway, venom dripping from her voice. “Do you know what that piece of news is, Chrissy?” she asks in a faux-innocent tone. At my silence, the woman continues ranting. “She told me that my baby girl is active on the dating scene, and aren’t I just so happy for you?”

I feel my heart skip a beat. Oh shit. But Angela continues with her rant.

“‘Dating?’ I asked Bess. ‘Dating whom, may I inquire?’ And do you know what that good for nothing little slut told me?” My mom’s face is knotted with rage now, her cheeks bright red. I shake my head, hoping for a way out of this nightmare, but of course, that’s too much to ask.

Angela merely spits, she’s so angry now.

“She told me you’re dating the Walsh twins! Imagine that, sweetheart! I didn’t even know they were back in town but it turns out that all along, you’ve been fucking your twin stepbrothers! Is that something you planned on keeping hidden forever?”

Immediately, I try to calm her down.

“I’m not fucking Ryder and Rick,” I say in a calm voice. “We’re in love.”

Angela swivels around to jeer at me.

“Are you shitting me? Love? Where are you getting this? You’re fucking them!”

I hold up a hand.

“Okay, yes, we have sex but ”

My mom cuts me off.

“Do you hear yourself? You’re having sex with twin brothers who are also your stepbrothers! Do you not get how whore-y and disgusting that is? What kind of slut are you? Did I raise you to be like this?”

I try again.

“Rick and Ryder are my former stepbrothers. You’re not married to Fred Walsh anymore, so in fact, it’s fine. It’s not like we’re blood related anyways.”

All this time, Angela’s been crashing through the house like a bull in a china shop. She’s literally been pulling open drawers in the kitchen, and finally, she finds the object of her desire. I watch my mother pour whiskey into a large glass and take a long, slow gulp.

“That’s an expensive vintage,” I say in what I hope is an even voice.

“Your stepbrothers can afford it,” Angela huffs before taking another big gulp of whiskey. “You know why? Because I did a little research on-line and found out that those Walsh boys are worth a fortune. A massive fucking fortune, darling, which means you’re dating billionaires. You hear that, Chrissy? You’re earning billions of dollars with your pussy. What do you do? Offer it to a different twin on alternate nights? Do they pay you bonuses if you perform well in the sack?”

I stare at her.

“Get out. You know nothing about us, and I will not tolerate this kind of obscenity in my home.”

“Your home?” my mom screeches, gesturing wildly with her whiskey glass. Some of the amber liquid spills out, landing on the kitchen floor with a splat. “This isn’t your home. This is their home, and the Walsh brothers are paying you to be their sex toy. Don’t you get it?”

“No, that’s not true,” I say.

My mom stares at me, her eyes still wild.

“Well, do you still work at that shitty little lingerie store?”

I take a deep breath.

“As a matter of fact, I do-”

“See? They’re not paying you enough if you kept your job! I have to find their millions,” my mom says in a deranged tone, looking around wildly. “I know they keep it stashed around here somewhere.”

This is insane. Angela is now tearing around the house, as if on a treasure hunt. She literally runs up the stairs and surveys the study before slamming the door.

“Mom, Rick and Ryder keep their money in a bank! It’s not going to be here. They don’t have a suitcase full of cash, so I have no idea what you’re looking for.”

But my mom won’t listen. Angela barges into the master suite next, and I’m horrified as she begins pawing through my lingerie drawer, tossing all sorts of filmy fripperies on the ground.

“I know I’ll find it,” she mutters, clearly drunk and out of her mind. “I know there will be money.”

“Angela,” I say in a sharp tone while standing in the doorway. “Stop it right now. This isn’t funny, and there is no money in the house. Ryder and Rick don’t have a safe, they don’t keep cash around-”

But my mom lets out a crow of delight before holding up a five by seven photo. My heart sinks when I realize what it is because Ryder, Rick, and I took some naughty photos together a while ago. It was just one session, but it was really steamy and hot. We developed the photos too, just as a keepsake, and even from here, I can see the one that my mom’s looking at. It’s an image of me, double stuffed. I’m on my hands and knees, my breasts dangling heavily as one of the twins claims my pussy from behind. The other twin is crouched over my back, and he’s clearly crammed my bottom full with nine inches of hard length. But it’s more than that. It’s the sheer pleasure on my face as I enjoy the illicit duality, my head thrown back and my lips parted in a delighted moan.

“Mom,” I begin. “Please don’t-”

But Angela won’t let me get a word in during this confrontation. Instead, her eyes bug out as she continues flipping through the photos while licking her lips.

“Well, well, well, I had no idea I had such a whore-y slut on my hands. Does it hurt when they do that?” she asks, looking curiously at one where I’m taking both of them simultaneously into my pussy. “I didn’t even know women could stretch this way,” she remarks, sounding impressed.

“Mom,” I begin again.

This time, Angela puts the photos down and stares at me, her eyes narrowed.

“Do Rick and Ryder know that you’re their stepsister?” she asks suddenly, cocking her head. “Do they do this to you, knowing that you’re related?”

I take a deep breath.

“No, but I’m going to tell them. Now, if you’d just put those photos back-”

Angela slams the drawer shut, the snaps still firmly in her hand.

“You know what? I think we’re going to tell them. Together,” she says in a venomous tone.

I draw back with horror.

“No, Angela. That’s not a good idea. That’s something that I have to handle on my own. Please don’t interfere. I’m begging you.”

Unfortunately, at that moment my phone goes off on the bedside table, and my mom scrambles over to pick it up. I pray it’s not a dirty text from one of the twins, but her eyes light up, and I know it’s even worse.

“‘Why, you have a calendar notification,” she almost sings, her eyes lighting up. “12:30 Lunch with Mr. Walsh and twins at the Canopy Restaurant.'” Angela glances at me, her eyes filled with malice. “And let me guess is that Fred Walsh, my ex-husband?”

I refuse to answer.

“Give that back,” I say in a trembling tone, holding out my hand. “Don’t you know it’s rude to look at other peoples’ phones?”

Angela snatches the cell away, cackling maniacally.

“Oh, I think we’re beyond that, sweetheart, because I just found a way to get rich. Come on, Chrissy. We’re going to tell Fred Walsh just how much you love his sons because this is all about love, isn’t it? Like you said? Get real,” she hisses before grabbing my wrist and hauling me downstairs. I stumble behind her, trying to pull away, but Angela is too strong. Her fingers are like a vise on my wrist and before I know it, we’re in her car on our way downtown. Too soon, we’re outside the Canopy with its gay red and white striped awning.

“Please don’t do this,” I plead once more, tears forming in my eyes. “Nothing good can come of this. You’re not thinking straight.”

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