“I want to apologize for the way I have been…. For being frosty,” she greeted him. “I just, well, I was very sensitive and tired that night and I kinda snapped. And it was my fault that we… Ermmm… You know. I just want you to know that I am sorry. My father tells me that sometimes I tend to get a little too into the zone and too emotional and I can lose sight of my manners.”

Asher hadn’t expected an apology. He just stared at her, so she continued. “So, why don’t you come with me to the Chinese restaurant a few blocks down and we can get…. I don’t know… reacquainted? You know, like the normal way”

“I appreciate the offer, but you know as part of my job I’d go anyway,” he pointed out finally.

Kimberly gave him a wry smile.

“I’m inviting you to eat with me,” she corrected. “Not sit creepily behind me like a weird stalker.”

Asher stepped back to retrieve his wallet and walked out into the hall. As she shut the door, he snorted.

“You apologize and then call me a stalker. I feel like you don’t often apologize to people.”

Kimberly crossed her arms over her chest, smile gone.

“I don’t.” she said.

The walk down to the lobby and out to the street was silent. Their conversation hadn’t stalled. It had stopped completely. Asher walked at her side but kept his eyes in a constant sweeping motion of their surroundings.

It was late afternoon and the streets were packed tight. Gaggles of pedestrians crowded the corners of blocks and only half waited for the Walk sign to flash green before darting across the street. Asher watched Kimberly through the corner of his eyes. She walked with purpose and little doubt. Asher followed without question or comment.

Two blocks from the hotel, they hung a left into a small, one-room Chinese restaurant. It was dark and surprisingly quiet despite the street noise. The handful of patrons paid them no mind as they slid into a booth against the wall. Before they could settle in, a man took their drink orders.

Asher checked his sight line to the door again and then decided to break his client’s quiet.

“Why did you decide to live here?” he asked, motioning around them. “Instead of staying with your father in the big house? It’s safer there. Especially now. You don’t have to work. Most people would take advantage and just relax in their riches”

“What can I say?” Kimberly said. “I hate being idle. Life has no purpose for me if I don’t work. I want to help people. I don’t do much but I donate when I can”

He nodded.

“And I like this place too,” she added, looking around. “A friend brought me here for the first time. An associate who is based in Buffalo frequents a lab here and commutes just to eat the chicken fried rice when in the city.” She shrugged. “Not the healthiest traveling diet, but I had to admit I was impressed the first time I ate here.”NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

She paused before smirking. “And I’m somewhat of a fast food queen, although I cook, so take my word for it as a weighty stamp of approval.”

“Noted.” Asher said. The timing couldn’t have been better for the waiter. He came for their orders and Asher decided to test out her theory. He ordered the chicken fried rice.

“So home, that’s here?” he asked, eyes scanning the new couple who’d just entered.

“Yes,” she replied.” I’ve lived here almost all of my life, with the exception of school.”

“You moved back here when finished, then?” he asked.

She nodded. “I love my father so much. I can’t bear to be too far away from him.”

“There’s nothing wrong with staying close to family,” he said.

“And what about you, Mr. Bodyguard? Where’s your home?” Kimberly asked.

A simple question and one he always avoided talking about time and time again. He didn’t like people getting too close.

“I moved around a lot growing up. Never in one place for too long.” He shrugged. ” It was just my mom and I. Never met my father. When I came here, I decided that I liked that city best. As someone who’s traveled the world for the job, you can take my word for it ‘as a weighty stamp of approval.'” he said.

She smiled. She was beautiful. He loved seeing her smile. He thought.

“Noted. You know, I’ve done some research of my own on your team and I must say that as a service of bodyguards and investigators, it has a fascinating track record,” she began, lacing her fingers atop the table.

Asher wondered why she had gone through the trouble of doing research about his team. He didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe she just wanted to know more about the person who was going to be her bodyguard.

He sat up straighter and nodded. “We’ve had a few interesting cases,” he said.

“Ha! Interesting? If I recall correctly, last year you and one of your fellow bodyguards was instrumental in bringing down an underground drug-running organization that the police had no idea existed.” Kimberly said.

Asher shrugged but couldn’t stop the smile that sprung to his lips. The other bodyguard to whom she was referring was none other than James.

“Each case-each client-is always interesting. It’s just part of the job.” He said simply. Kimberly seemed put off that he hadn’t divulged more, but she clearly understood that he didn’t want to talk more about it due to confidentiality, so she dropped the topic.

“Why did you become an investigator?” she asked instead.

“Same as you,” he replied. “I want to help people. And a part of me just loves kicking bad guys asses. Don’t tell anyone I told you that though” he said softly.

Kimberly laughed, she loved this side of him. She wished he talked and joked a little bit more. She noticed him staring at her.

“What?” she asked.

“Ermm” he began. “I know we haven’t really talked about it, but have you… Ermmm… Taken the pregnancy test?” he asked.

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