Her Baby’s Secret

Chapter 29 Home Call

Arike’s POV

I haven’t heard from Dayo since I left Nigeria. He tried to get in touch with me through uncle Badejo but he was told that I wasn’t in the same state with them and I haven’t been in contact with them too. To him, I made it look like I lied about my dad involved in an accident just to leave the country. I deleted his contacts, deleted my social media accounts (not like I was that active) and I did my best at cutting him out of my life completely. It was really hard but I did my best at not giving in to the urge to call him cause I know his number by heart.

There are times when I wanted to just pick the phone, call him and tell him everything. Those moments when I had craved for intimacy, to share happy moments with him especially when I found out I was going to have a baby girl, when my baby kicked in my belly and down till the day I had my baby.

To be honest it wasn’t easy because I had complications during pregnancy. I was diagnosed of Hyperemesis Gravidarum, a condition of extreme, persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy which led to dehydration. It was caused by a rapid rising serum levels of hormones such as HCG which means Human Chroionic Gonadotropin and estrogen.

It had occurred during the first trimester of my pregnancy. I vomited more than five times a day so much that I lost so much weight and I had to spend a long time in the hospital under strict supervision of doctors. I had to fight for our lives. I was contantly in and out of hospital. At some point my dad was tempted to call Dayo up but I pleaded with him with the promised that I would scale through and be fine.

Later on he told me that my mom had the same complications during pregnancy and it really affected me as a baby.

Being dehydrated, scan results detected that there wasn’t enough water for my baby to survive. So they had to operate me and brought out my child months before the due date. She was premature.

Those months waiting on my child to survive seemed to be the longest of my life. It was a 50/50 chance but I hoped not to lose my baby. She spent months in an Incubator also trying to survive with an oxygen.

I could clearly remember the day a doctor announced that I could go home with my child. They did series of test on her and she was healthy. I gave her a name which I have in mind before her birth after she was discharged from the hospital. “Iteoluwakishii.” Meaning “The Throne of God can’t be removed.”

She has other names from her grandparents and Aunt who is her godmother. Uncle Badejo gave her “Inuoluwadunsimi” God is happy with me.

Aunty Sade named her “Ayomidesiree” My joy come with fortunes

While Busayomi gave her “Bright” which happens to be her English name. She truly brightened my world since her birth.

“Iteoluwakishi Bright Awosika.”

I decided that she takes on her father’s name unlike me who bears my mother’s family name. It was the least I could do to Dayo for keeping his child away from him.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

My baby turned out to be what I expected her to be. Bright as her name implies, smart and brilliant. She does and says things you will never expect of a four years child. She was outspoken and never shy and I guess she got that from her father because I was never the type who talks a lot. She is my world!

“Arike….. You can’t miss my wedding.”

I nodded in agreement. “I’d love you to bring Bright but I know that’s the last thing you want to do.”

“Yes…” I mumbled.

“I want her to be my little bride but it’s impossible right?”

“We can talk about this…”

“I am sure her grandparent can take care of her.” She added.

“I can’t be away from my daughter. She needs me by her side all the time.”

“So you’ll bring her along?” She said hoping to hear a Yes from me. I could tell she was praying silently that I agree to bring Iteoluwa to Nigeria.

“I don’t know yet. I will talk to her grandparents about it.” I replied.

“I know this is hard for you but I need you by my side this time.”

“Can I get back to you?” She asked.

“Okay.. we’ll talk later.” She answered

I ended the call.

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