Twenty Seven


I sat on my heavy duty office chair behind the huge brown mahogany table, reminiscing about my conversation with Janis last night. Even after so many years her eyes still sparkled and her orbs were beautifully structured.

I couldn’t hold back the thoughts of how beautiful Janis was. Her lips parted in such a very elegant manner as she opened them to speak. Little observations about Janis Walter clouded my mind as I sat in my office, this observations weren’t initiated last night at the party so why now?

Irrespective of the fact that she looked so stunning, I wasn’t interested in all that at the party, my concerns were focused on my son. Getting custody for my son was my main agenda not reuniting with Janis.

I was stern and strict to Janis particularly because i needed information about my son, the disrespect and degrading attitude of the Walters was another reason why I was so strict and rude to Janis at the party.

After everything Janis and Stravis had done to me, been friendly to them after so many years felt like atrocity against my heart and my self esteem.

I never hated Janis but the fact that she used her wealth to trample on my self esteem two and a half years ago made me dislike her.

I never imagined that Janis would be the mother of my child. Not even in my dreams.

After last night’s heated conversation between Janis and I.

I was to have a brief meeting with Mr Lester, So my secetary drove me to Lester corporation to sit and negotiate with Mr Lester concerning a certain deal. The meeting was quite favourable for me and LC corporations at large.

Mr Lester was delighted to have the meeting with me last night, I finally submitted the business proposal my father had sent me to deliver.

I was overwhelmed with joy on seeing the look on Mr Lester’s face when we discussed freely about various industrial and business matters.

“That’s just it about business and finances, people will always love to partner with you.

I got an email from a young man, he wanted to be a shareholder of Lester’s corporation, guess what he had to offer?” Mr Lester’s jovial tone sounded very fresh in my memory as I recalled our chat.

I gazed at him, eager to hear the completion of his story.

“He attached pictures of bottles to the email and said that they were worth hundreds of dollars and he would give it to the company in exchange for shares of our company”

A loud laughter erupted from my belly and left my lips forcefully after hearing him. He chuckled and released a loud laughter.

“On seeing the email I couldn’t stop laughing, his desperation left me feeling pity as well, so I assigned someone to give him some money for the stress”

“That’s really nice” I morphed a warm smile, Mr Lester was indeed a kind man. Even after all the wealth he acquired he still chose to be humble and kind and i admired him for that.

“You’re so lively, how about we hang out more at the gulf course” he grinned from ear to ear, a bright smile spread across his lips as he gazed at me.

“Fine by me sir” I replied cheerfully.

I had lost track of time that night, we conversed freely for more than two hours. I was so happy because Mr Lester and I went along so well.

He picked up his pen at the office table and signed the contract proposal I submitted to him, he was more than happy to sign it. I never imagined…..

“Mr Jax…” my secretary’s placid voice drew me out. of my reverie.

“Yes?” I turned to him.

“Mr Storms would like to speak to you” my secretary released the door knob and ambled his way to me with a phone in his hands.

“Hey Dad”

“Jax how are you? Are you done with work? it’s almost time” he reminded.

I widened my eyes in surprise. Holy fuck! I completely lost track of time, I was so deep in thoughts that I forgot today’s dinner with Dad.

“I’m alright, yes I’ll be there very soon”

“Make sure you come early. Remember, the dinner is at 8 pm” he said.

“Yes I remember dad”

“Alright, finish up and meet me at the restaurant. I’ll be waiting for you” he ended the call after uttering those words.

It was already 7 pm and I was barely ready. I just need to go home, take a shower and then drive to the restaurant.

“Clean up my desk” I instructed my secretary before leaving the office.


The chauffeur pulled the car’s door for me to step out, I stepped out of the white tinted Mercedes Benz. The wind glided through my hair and brushed my skin, the atmosphere was cool and calm.

I stood in front of La cuisine; one of the classiest french restaurants in the city. The door was opened up for me by two huge men.

They stood at the entrance, dressed in black tuxedos.

As I stepped into the restaurant, the chilled breeze from the air conditioners welcomed me in. My eyes caught sight of the illuminating blue lights that shun from the chandeliers above.

The restaurant was mild and calm, waiters walked around taking orders and serving meals. Beautifully designed flowerpots were seen at different areas of the restaurant. The gold coloured chairs were arranged in an appropriate pattern.

A small rectangular table sat at the middle of two long armless seats that were opposite eachother.

I saw my Dad seated at a far end of the restaurant, scrolling through his phone peacefully, he had no dinner on the table.

He was probably waiting for me to arrive before he orders something. I plodded my steps towards him as my eyes were fixed directly at him.

The minute he raised up his head and noticed my presence, an infectious smile played on the corners of his lips.

On getting to the table he stood up and embraced me cheerfully. His countenance was ebullient and lively.

“Jax welcome” he said as we both sat opposite to eachother to have our dinner. The atmosphere was quite promising

The aroma of various delicacies filled the air as we sat to discuss about to company’s growth and my personal life as well.

A waiter sauntered towards us, she approached our table and bowed respectfully before speaking.

“What may I get you sirs?” her high pitched voice met my ear as I examined her.

“Anything he is getting” dad said with his eyes fixed on the waiter.

“Uhmmm how about pasta and grilled chicken, that’s good right?” I glanced at dad.

“Of course” he replied.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Anything else?” the waiter asked.

“And a bottle of champagne” I added.

She scribbled our orders on a little notepad, dug it into her apron and walked away to go prepare our order.

“So? How is the company coming up?” Dad dropped his phone and fixed his eyes on me.

“It’s going really well dad, infact I have news”

“Really? What’s that?”

“Remember the business proposal you made for Lester corporation? I got Mr Lester to sign it. He is so interested in working with us. Additionally he wants to go hang out with me” I uttered confidently. I was so proud of my recent achievements.

Having someone as big as Mr Lester as a friend and a businesses partner was indeed an achievement. Anyone would die to have a meeting with him not to talk of hanging out with him.

“Oh wow I’m really proud of you son, you’re doing so great better than I did” a beaming smile contorted on his lips as he bored his eyes on me.

The waiter ambled towards us with a two trays of pasta, grilled chicken and one champagne.

She dropped our dinner and flashed a smile at me, I couldn’t help but notice it. I almost chuckled at her intensive stares.

“Beautiful isn’t she?” Dad said right after she walked away.

I chuckled and dug my cutlery into the aromatic pasta Infront of me. I was avoiding any questions about marriage or dating. At the very moment I wouldn’t have an appropriate answer to give.

“What else do Mr Lester say?” Dad said as he picked up his fork and began to dig into his food.

“We just discussed business and joked about some funny proposals” I laid my back against the restaurant seat.

“I love how you both are getting along, you are rally making exploits and that’s why you’d be the perfect CEO”

Hearing those words caused me to choke on my dinner, I stopped eating and stared at him. My instincts are saying things about that sentence he just made but I won’t rush into conclusions.

“I want you to be the new CEO of LC corporations, I want to formally retire and focus on my health. You are the right person not just because you are my son but ever since you’ve been handling the affairs of LC corporations we’ve seen tremendous upliftment. I am going to put this business in your name in the next board meeting”

My jaws dropped, flabbergasted, astounded, dumbfounded, stupefied, speechless. All this words weren’t enough to describe how shocked and happy I was.

“Wow! Are you serious?” i asked with my eyes wide open.

“Thank you so much dad, I won’t let you down. I promise”

“I know you won’t…. I’ve seen how well you handle the company, I know you’ll do well” he smiled and continued his dinner.

I suspected that this day would come, I can’t believe I’ll finally be the CEO of LC Corporations. If I was told that I would be a CEO two years ago when I was working at the bar or when I was a mere Uber driver I wouldn’t believe it.

“So Jax I’ve been meaning to ask you”

“Do you have a woman on your life? Someone you have intentions of getting married to or atleast a girlfriend?” he uttered mildly.

I’ve been avoiding this question for such a long, I’m not ready to get married or get acquainted to any lady. I just want my son by my side. Getting married to Janis or anyone else isn’t part of my plans.

“Jax?” my dad’s husky voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Don’t you have you someone in your life?” he asked again. His eyes were stationed on me as he sat quietly, ready and eager to get a response from me.

“I didn’t include all that in my plans” I muttered.

“Jax, it’s very important, I acquired all the wealth and riches but I was a very lonely man and I don’t want you to follow that same path.

You should have someone by your side, loneliness is very depressing even for a wealthy and populous man like me” he uttered in regret.

“I’ll see to it, maybe I’ll get someone” I assured.

“You should it’s very important” he urged me as he continued to dig into his dinner.

After eating our dinner, I took Dad to the car and drove him home. I couldn’t hold the thoughts of what he said earlier on. I should get a wife? He has never said anything about this ever since we met. Why now?

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