Hell Marriage

Chapter 40: Your plan ruined and saved everything

Chapter 40: Your plan ruined and saved EverythingThis is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Author’s POV

Come morning, Connor gave the order to release Alaina, he couldn’t break his promise to Ava, he knows, she seduced him, he would give her what she wants, but he would not let Alaina stay in the Country either, he had banished her from Myths once, and she came back, now he’s banishing her again, and if she even think of Coming back, he’ll kill her himself, if that’s the last thing he does,

But Ava had once again interfared, she stopped Alaina from going and invited her to stay as her guest for week, Connor gave in after he saw tears in her eyes, he just doesn’t understand why she was doing this, he understands the fact that she feels bad about her being in prison and thinks we were wrong, but she doesn’t really know Alaina, she’ll manipulate the situation to suit her, and this time, what if nobody’s able to catch her?, what if she harms someone?, Especially Ava. Connor thought of all these, and suddenly he missed Nicholas greatly and seriously want him there with him, he would have done something to stop this madness. And just like a cue, Nicholas arrived.

Nicholas’s POV

I got to the palace, for the first time ever, I felt as if I was tired. Mentally. I was drained, I had dropped Elora home and on her request she told me to leave, she’ll like to be alone with her mother, of course she wants to be the one that tells her what happened, and that we’re getting married, I couldn’t be more happy, I didn’t want to face the lovely woman and recount to her, the tale of her daughter’s humiliation.

Something sharpened my senses, as I parked the lady, a sense of danger I hadn’t felt before, a presence so strong and reeks of evil, after I turned the lady’s engine off, I listened for the heart beat of the presence. Suddenly, I thought I caught the heart beat, but it was gone in a minute, it’s like someone was disguising the heart beat, perhaps……. No Connor doesn’t bring his opponents home, to flaunt the beauty of his home.

I shook the feeling away, I really want to see Ava, we’re going to have some serious talk about this seduction stuff.

I got out of the Lady,

“Good Morning your highness” A familiar voice greeted.

“Morni…..” I was left shocked when I saw the person.

“Shit!, how come?, when, how?” I was really surprised.

“This Morning your highness, I was freed this Morning.” The person grinned, looking like…. fuck.

“Oh Goddess, come on give me a hug boy, it’s been awfully long” I said, as I gave him a bear hug.

I released him, and look him over, holding him at arm length,

“Oh Eyre, you look…… Amazing!” I exclaimed, well I’m surprised to see him, it has been almost six months, since I saw this dude, he’s the king’s second son of course, but he has always been with Connor, and out of the Royal Family shit, Connor cared for him, and likes him, buy despise the rest. Connor has sent him out of the Country to study, the dude has great aspirations.

“When will you go back?” I asked

“I presume it’ll be soon your highness” He replied.

“Then you have little time, to spend here?”

“I hope they’re treating you well over there?” I asked

“Yes sir” He replied, smiling, revealing his one cheek dimple.

“You look happy your highness?” Eyre, studied Nicholas, the Nicholas he had left all those months ago never shows any display of affection, at times he wonders who’s the colder of the two, Connor or Nicholas?, but then the things he had seen since he arrived, are really strange, Connor seems more drawn to his mate, the way they’re acting, one would think they’ve been lovers since the beginning of time, looks like lot of things has changed around here, even Anne’s no longer the annoying little spoilt brat, she’s always been.

“What prompted you to ask the question?” I asked the young man.

“I just thought to ask your highness, you really look happy” Eyre replied, a bit embarrassed, he looked down, Nicholas had the ability to make people weaken before him. He has this way of intimidating people.

“Oh, of course” I grinned broadly, I realized even though I feel Mentally Exhausted, I really do feel happy.

“That’s because I’ll be getting married soon” I said, a look of shock, came over the boy beautiful features, I grinned.

“I’ll go in now, I have some rather pressing matters I need to attend to, do enjoy your stay.” I started walking away before he regained his posture.

“Congratulations are in other sir!” He shouted after me.

“Thank you” I lifted a hand, but kept walking.


I asked a maid for Connor’s whereabout, even though I know where he is. I just wanted to ask, I felt the presence again, it’s stronger and I really do feel it’s presence, but the heart beat……. I read the maid’s thought. It gave off fear, I couldn’t read anything from her, she was truly scared, why is she scared?, but I definitely no the fear wasn’t coming because of me, whatever it is, her fear was ruining my mood, so I cut it off and moved away from her, without waiting to find out where Connor is.

I walked into his study without knocking and found them, Ava and Connor, having some real argument.

“No Connor it’s only right to…..” Ava stopped her sentence when she saw me.

Connor raised his brow.

‘Where have you been?, why was I not able to get to you?’ Connor sent, immediately.

‘You got through the night well without me, so shut up’ I said back, glaring at him.

‘Looks like you had the time of your life at my expense and now you won’t even apologize for worrying my butt?’ He glared back

‘Your butt can go to hell for all I care, I could say the same for you, you had a splendid night, when you didn’t even know how I was doing or where I was, shameless’ I sent, with a spark, I saw him clench his hand tightly, a wicked smile curled my lips.

‘Who told you I had a splendid night?, it was hell of a night!’ Connor sent with a hiss of fire, it passed through my being, I almost doubled over in some real pain.

‘Oh really?, you liar, you dare lie to me, if you didn’t have a night of pleasure, why do you look flushed?’ I asked, sending double sparks, and bracing myself for his next attack.

‘I don’t look flushed!’ He sent a whole lot of shock through me, oh my goddess, did that hurt?.

‘You do!’ I glared at him furiously and sent as many sparks I can send at once

He looked like he was going to faint, no he doesn’t look like that, it was more like, I felt his agony.

“Wait, are you guys fighting right now?” Ava asked, breaking off our Conversation.

“No” We said at the same time.

“Hehehe, we didn’t say anything, so how could you say that?” I asked, laughing nervously.

“Yes, how could you come to that conclusion, when we didn’t even say anything?” Connor asked.

“Well I didn’t come to any conclusion, but the way you guys were glaring at each other, and the look on your faces……..”

“What did you come here for?” Connor asked me, cutting her off.

“I don’t have your time now, don’t disturb me……”

“Woah, woah, I’m not here to see how ugly you look today, I’m here to see my friend.” I cut him off, what a proud fellow.

“Well you can go away, the friend you’re looking for doesn’t want to see you” Connor said smirking, oh really?.

“Ava, is it true you don’t want to see me?” I asked, staring at her. A smile played on my lips. The look on his face was worth it.

“Me?” Ava asked, eyes wide.

“Yes you, don’t you really want to see me?” I asked.

“Of course, I want to” She replied smugly. Anything to irk Connor, but I really do want to speak with her.

“When did you two…….”

“It’s about last night” I told Ava, getting serious.

“What about last night…….” Connor started, but we ignored him.

“Your idea was really……”

“What idea?” He glared at me. I had the urge to laugh.

“We’re not talking to you, at least not yet, learn not to speak before your turn, unless of course you want us to have our talk somewhere else.” That quieted him down.

“Your plan ruined and saved everything Ava” I grinned at her.

“You mean, you acted on it yesterday?, I thought you’ll use it later, when your options runs out.” She smiled widely.

“At least someone appreciates my ideas and uses them” It was her turn to glare at Connor, who looked away, searching his table for something.

“So tell me what happened?” Ava asked. She seem genuinely excited I couldn’t resist Telling them what happened, leaving out some more private event of course.


“And now we’re getting married” I shared with them the news. Ava gasped.

“Oh mine, I’m so delighted, we need to pour a drink to this” She went Connor’s always well stocked bar to get something. I stared at him, he’s happy for me, I know it, but….

“That’s enough, Spill it” I said.

“Spill what?” He stared at me. I raised a brow.

“Fine, don’t blame me, I really don’t want you to have this on your mind bothering the fuck outta you.” He said.

“Just say it” I have a feeling this is gonna be bad.

“While you have some good news, I’ve got some bad ones, Ava made me release Alaina, and she wouldn’t let me send her away, she’s to spend a week here.” Connor said, inhaling sharply.

“Did she seduce you?” I asked studying him, already knowing the answer.

“What?” Connor asked, staring at a point behind my ear, I got my answer.

“Tell me everything” I demanded.

Elora’s POV

I thought mum was gonna be sad or mad, after everything that happened, but she had this look on her face, that suggests that she was having the time of her life, she asked questions and drilled me for more. it almost seemed like they were talking about the weather.

Talks that would have been Embarrassing between parents and their kids.

It seem so natural to talk to Mum about things I wouldn’t tell another person, knowing Mum won’t judge me or hold it against me, she’ll listen, try to solve the problem together. She’ll present her opinion but won’t try to force them on me.

After telling her everything, mum had kept quiet, studying the kitchen paint. My palms started to sweat, what would she say?, scold me?. But alas

“Why don’t we fix the wedding to next week’s Tuesday?” Mum said, my breath hitched in my throat.

“Mum!” I gasped

“No matter how I see it sugar, I really do want you to get married the day I met your father, do this for me please?” She asked, tears pooling at the conner of her eyes.


After Connor explained everything to him, Nicholas was so Angry and blinded with rage, he went in search of Alaina immediately. The presence he had felt all along had been hers. Traitor. He wasn’t angry because Ava had a part in this, he wasn’t even annoyed with Ava, his gut tells him, Alaina used Ava, and he’ll find out.

He climbed the stairs and got to the second floor, and met….. good.

“Wow, what do we have here, my persecutor?” Alaina asked mockingly.

“What did you do to Ava?” Nicholas asked.

“Pardon?” Alaina asked.

“Come with me right now.” Nicholas dragged her with him, holding her arm in a neck breaking grip.

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