Heart Of A Beast

Chapter 25


“Drake?” I called pausing at the door, I have no idea if he was in or not.

“Ah! Look who just fell from the sky just come in Rina!” Drake yelled excitedly, I couldn’t see him from view so I went inside and met him sitting on a mat, his back was facing me. Not so surprise the guy is a wizard, a freaking wizard who’s gonna help me get to school.

“I didn’t fall from the sky just so you know” I replied.

“What brings you by? I thought you would be in Damien’s bed resting and he isn’t supposed to let you out” Drake scolded gesturing for me to sit in a nearby chair.

I just rolled my eyes and sat down on it. “Damien doesn’t know I’m here and he doesn’t need to know. He’s doing some business in his study” I glared at him.

“Oh alright?”

“Where do I start school? I hope you’ve finished all the necessary arrangements” I frowned.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“Trust me, all you need now is your mate permission” Drake boasted.

“Oh that shouldn’t be a problem at all, I will talk to Damien. Thank you so much” I jumped on him excitedly , continuing my studies has always been my dream, jumping excitedly up the stairs few minutes later to my room.

Damien was no where in sight, I frowned displeased and decided to look for him in his study, he was there of course well not entirely alone, he was with another girl, I didn’t bother knocking cause I had saw them through the keyhole.

Jealousy crowded inside me, I thought he said he was gonna change for me? then why this? He hurt, ask for forgiveness then went ahead and do the same thing, I flinged the door open and the girl gasped. She’s Clara.

“Rina?” Damien looked stunned.

“Alright. I get the message” I spun around and ran all the way to my room.

“Rina, listen me to” Damien said trying to pull my face towards him, when I finally did I tried to keep my voice emotionless.

“Why should I listen to you? Why don’t you go ahead and let your mistress keep sucking you off? I bet you’re already missing her already!” I snapped.

“Rina… it’s not what you think”

“I want permission from you to go to school, well I don’t care if you give me or not. I made my decision so live with it” I shut the door after me.

I don’t really want to be around him right now, I feel so confused, I thought he said he was gonna change for me, he got my hopes up and then… then… this?

I knew I said I wasn’t going to forgive him, but deep in my heart I knew I already did. Why did he have to do this?

Just why?


Damien haven’t return back to the room even though I have unlock it, I couldn’t sleep, I just kept turning on my side trying so hard to forget what had happen earlier, with Fiona I wasn’t this hurt but after telling me he would changed then went ahead to do the same thing.

Doesn’t he feel this mad insane mate bond? It driving me crazy and it’s killing me to know he prefer to be with other girls than me.

When the door opened, I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep, wishing he would also go right to sleep, I can’t face him right now.

“Rina?” He called.

“Are you asleep” I made no sound.

He walk past me and went the bathroom, few minutes later he return to the bed and lay down next to me, I thought he would sleep or pretend to, but what he did next left me stunned, Damien turn me around to face him and started stroking my hair.

That got me melting but I refuse to back down. *Remember why you are mad at him Rina, just remember* I told myself over and over again.

“I wish you would understand this is for your own good. It’s so hard” He mumbled.

Well that got me really mad, and I open my eyes to glare at him, he seems startled then smirked at me.

“It’s not funny and stop trying to distract me or change the subject. It doesn’t work. I know you don’t want me despite the mate bond, then why don’t you go ahead and reject me so we could get this over with” I tauted trying to get up from the bed.

I was slammed back unto the bed, the next thing I knew Damien’s mouth crash into mine, kissing me hungrily, I moaned into his mouth, tugging at his soft dark hair, in the moment I want to lose myself in him, I want to find pleasure in this single kiss even though its was the only intimate gesture I will ever get from him.

Against my will, a tear slide down my cheek, Damien rub it away unknownly as he trail kisses down my neck, tearing the lose blouse I was putting on, I gasped as the material gave away, I was scared and a little frighten, Damien was going too wild for me.

His mouth made contact with my bear breasts and he begun to suck on the naked flesh he had exposed, I could only moan and begged for more, his fingers slide down between my legs, up my thighs, after pulling the short I had on, then he tear off my underwear the same way he had with my blouse.

I pull away from him. “You know cloths can be taken off, gently right?” I asked.

“I know but I don’t care” He wispered in my ear then slide a single finger inside me.

I cried out in pleasure pain, but pain mostly as he added another finger and starts to pump me faster and harder.

I screamed as my orgasm surface, panting and breathing heavily, I felt something huge and pulsing against me and without having to ask, I knew what is was.

“Damien?” I pleaded reaching for him.

“No it fine” His word cause a starb of pain in my heart.

“Of course” I snorted.

“No Rina. Don’t think like that” He pleaded.

“Like what? I should be happy my mate doesn’t find me desirable then just so you know, I’m very happy” I answered.

“Would I have kiss you like that, if I don’t find you desirable? Fuck Rina don’t make this harder than it is. I’m protecting you”

“From what?”

“Look Rina, you’re a human and I’m not just an ordinary man, I have three beast inside me, if I get intimate with you, you won’t survive it. You would die, or get injured down there. Do you know how hard is for me not to pleasure the way I want to?”

He took a deep breath. “If you want to reject me, go right ahead” He turn and walk out of the room.

I sank slowly back into the bed with tears in my eyes, I finally know what happened and it scares me and it breaks my heart more cause I knew Damien was right.

I won’t survive it, i’m just too weak.

Why wasn’t I a werewolf or something?


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