Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Jasmine And Her Bullies – Chapter 10

JasmineExclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

My mind raced with thoughts of last night: how they had taken turns to k**s my forehead. It felt like they were claiming me as theirs, and it still seemed like a dream. I had never imagined them acting so cool and gentlemanly. From the way they took care of me when I felt nauseous to how they helped Mia and me carry our bags into our rooms, everything seemed different.

The worst part was that they were making this whole situation difficult for me. As my mates, I felt a bit of a connection with them, and I thought I could overcome it with time and be with the man I truly loved, Noah. But what about now? What should I do about Ethan, Calix, and Zane? How should I handle them when they keep acting nice?

“Jasmine!” Mia’s loud voice jerked me back from my deep thoughts. “Are you okay, Jasmine?” She asked, concern etched on her face.

I looked around and realized I had walked past the school’s cafeteria while lost in thought. Quickly, I faked a smile and grabbed Mia’s hand. “I was just trying to think about what to eat; you know I could be picky sometimes!” I lied, but I guess I did a great job because Mia bought it immediately.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make a combination for you, and you’ll definitely love it,” she chuckled and held my hand as we both walked into the cafeteria.

My legs felt glued to the floor as soon as I met the triplets’ gazing eyes. I stopped, causing Mia to stop abruptly too. Ethan, Calix, and Zane were already there, their gaze fixed on me as they scrutinized me from head to toe. Their long and intimidating stares could make anyone sink into the ground. I tried to avoid their gaze, but it felt like their eyes followed me everywhere I went.

“Come on, Jasmine!” Mia, who was yet to notice her brothers, pulled me to the counter with her.

Thank goodness she was with me; I would have turned back and left as I wanted to try my best to avoid them. I didn’t want to be distracted by their sudden cool and caring acts. People don’t change that easily; they only wanted to get my attention, and I knew it was for their selfish interests.

We got to the counter and picked a tray, setting our foods and taking our seats. As we started to dig in, I looked around, and my eyes caught them again, still gazing at me like I was the only one in the cafeteria. They weren’t surrounded by the other girls as usual; they were all alone this time. Even though I had always hated how girls swirled around them and made it look like they were the only boys in the school, I wished those girls were around this time. Maybe they would be able to distract them and make them take their eyes off me.

“What could be wrong with your brothers?” I whispered to Mia, “Why are they acting so strange?”

Jasmine chuckled, “What do you mean?” she asked, and I made an unnoticeable gesture to show her where her brothers were seated.

“They’re not with those girls as usual, and remember how they acted so cool yesterday?” I shook my head, finding it difficult to believe that they were the same people I know, “Are you really sure your brothers are not sick, Mia?”

She laughed, “People change, Jasmine,” she murmured and picked up her tray, “Let’s go sit with them!”

She didn’t let me say a word before standing and rushing to their end; I had no other choice than to go with her. I couldn’t sit alone. I picked up my tray and dragged my feet reluctantly to their end. Calix stood up immediately I got there and pulled out a seat for me.

“T..thanks,” I mumbled.

I resumed eating, burying my head in my tray to avoid their peering eyes.

Zane cleared his throat, “The Luna festival is in a few days. Do you intend on going, Jasmine?” he asked.

I shook my head. “I don’t think so.”

“Why not?” Mia asked, and I was forced to look up. “You will be missing a lot if you don’t attend the festival.”

“And you might also meet your mate!” That was Calix.

I looked at him, then my gaze went to the other two, and finally back to Calix. How was I supposed to tell them that I already knew who my mates were and I was just finding it difficult to come to terms with my fate? How could I tell them that they were my mates, but I would rather spend my entire life without a mate than be with them?

“Or, have you found your mate already?” Ethan asked.

I looked up at him, my heart thumping hard in my chest. How do I answer this question? What do I tell him? I squinted my eyes, trying to think about what to say, but my mind was so blank that I couldn’t come up with anything.

“No, she has not,” Mia responded, saving me from this question, “She would have told me if she has, and that is a good reason for you to go to the festival, Jasmine. You might find your mate there.”

I had been put in a difficult position, and I knew the only way out was to go to the Luna festival, else Ethan, Calix, Zane, and Mia would become suspicious that I had already found my mate.

“I will go then,” I murmured.

“So, who will—”

The bell rang, cutting him off, and I quickly jumped up on my feet. I didn’t want to entertain any more questions from him or any of the brothers.

“I have a class now,” I stated and rushed to the counter, where I dropped the plate and headed for the economics class.

What excited me the most about the class was that I got to be with Noah, and considering that he was nowhere to be found in the cafeteria, I believed that there was something wrong. I couldn’t wait to get to the class so I could see him and ask what was wrong with him. I didn’t want our perfect story to be ruined by anything.

I walked into the class, and I could see him sitting at the corner, a smile forming on my face as I walked over to him.

“Hey, Noah!” I called and sat beside him, “You weren’t at the cafeteria. Is everything fine?” I asked.

He only nodded at me. “Yes, thanks for asking!” He smiled but turned away, and I could sense the insincerity in his words.

Something was really wrong, but what could it be?

I tried to talk to him, but he spared me no glance. I wasn’t sure what was going on, and I couldn’t figure out the reason he was acting so cold towards me. As far as I could remember, I didn’t do anything wrong, and it was fine the last time we talked. What could have happened after that?

“Noah, I—”

“Good morning, students.” The lecturer cut me off, and I couldn’t complete my sentence.

As the class went on, I couldn’t focus on anything. All I kept thinking about was what could have happened and why Noah was acting so strange towards me. I gave it thorough thought, but I still couldn’t figure it out. Noah was never acted like this, why was he suddenly being so cold towards me? I couldn’t wait for the class to be over so I could ask him what was really going on.

I heaved a loud sigh of relief when the class was finally over, but before I could pack my books and put them into my bag, Noah had already left. I could see him walking out of the class.

I grabbed my bag and ran after him, “Noah!” I called, but he didn’t stop, even though I was sure he could hear me. “Noah!” I called again, but it was still the same response; he didn’t stop. stop.

I finally caught up with him and grabbed his hand. “What is wrong, Noah? Why are you being so cold towards me?” I questioned.

He chuckled and shook his head, “Isn’t this what you want, Jasmine?”

“What do you mean? What are you talking about?”I questioned as I was confused.

“Come with me, I will make you understand,” he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to a secluded part of the school. He stopped and released my hand before he began to pace up and down. I could sense his uneasiness.

“What is it, Noah? Just spit it out!”

“It is about you, Jasmine! I am being cold because of you,” he yelled and grabbed me by my shoulder. I came to the cafeteria earlier to grab my lunch and get to talk to you, but y… were with them. You were sitting with Ethan, Calix, and Zane, do you know how I felt?”

“But Noah, I…I was with Mia too, and…”

“I love you, Jasmine, I love you so much, and I am really scared of losing you, especially not to those freaks!” He stepped away and rubbed his forehead. I could sense his anger and uneasiness. “You know how I feel about you, Jasmine, but you still let them flirt with you. I don’t like it! It makes me feel so insecure!” He turned away from me.

I stood still, not knowing what to say to him or how to explain that I had no sort of relationship with Ethan, Calix, and Zane. How do I tell him that I was also confused about their sudden change?

I moved closer to him and held his hand. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way, Noah, but I really don’t have any sort of relationship with them,” I explained. “I only sat with them because Mia asked us to. I have nothing to do with them; they were just being friendly,” I added, looking into his eyes. Cupping his face, I said, “I am sorry, Noah.”

“No,” he held my hand, “Please don’t be sorry, Jasmine. I…I overreacted, and for that, I am sorry too,” he murmured and pulled me into his embrace.

A big smile radiated on my face as I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tightly to myself. He was my safe space. He was the only one I wanted to be with, not the triplets who had done nothing but taunt me since we were kids.

I knew my fate was against me, and it made Ethan, Calix, and Zane my mates, but I was ready to fight this ill-fate of mine. I was ready to fight against it so I could be with the real one I love: Noah.

He pulled back and cupped my face, placing a soft k**s on my forehead. He smiled, “I have been wanting to ask you this: will you be my date for the Luna festival?” he asked.

My stomach rumbled with excitement; this would be fun. “Yes!” I avowed.

“Thank you,” Noah mumbled and pulled me into his arms again.

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