Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 3


I woke up the next morning and found myself in the middle of nowhere. It appeared like I had lost my way inside an unfamiliar woods, but how and when I got there, I could not remember.

I turned around in circles, wondering how I got there. There was a lot of mist everywhere, and I could barely see beyond four feet from where I stood.

I turned around sharply after I thought I heard something from behind me. I looked and saw no one, but I could feel that something or someone was watching me.

I could feel its steady eyes watching my every move as I frantically looked around.

Then, a pair of bright red eyes suddenly appeared from a distance from where I stood, followed by a loud howling sound.

That was when I realized that I was been watched by a wolf, or should I say wolves because the first wolf was soon joined by two others with the same matching eye colors.

“Mine, Mine, Mine,” they all chanted after one another as they kept steady eye contact with me.

Since I could not see them clearly due to the mist, I could not tell if they were rogues or not.

I was suddenly afraid for my life as I turned on my heels and ran as fast as my two feet could carry me.

I could hear their paws galloping on the floor at full speed as they ran after me to catch up with me. I kept running, jumping over fallen trees, and dodging branches and sticks that occasionally pricked my skin.

I noticed, however, that I was super fast as I ran, but the wolves were faster, making me acknowledge the fact that they might be alpha wolves.

When I least expected it, I tripped over a fallen tree and broke my ankle which made me scream out in pain as the three wolves stopped and started circling me.

They were all black giant wolves with deadly stares. As much as I wanted to be afraid of them, I noticed I had an inner calmness around them. But the fact that I was surrounded by three alpha wolves made me scream for help at the top of my voice.

I woke up from the sitting position I was in before I fell asleep in the dungeon, with heavy panting, and to worsen the situation, my soul almost jumped out of my body when I saw three sets of eyes gazing upon me.

“Ah!” I screamed, but I quickly composed myself as soon as I realized that this set of eyes belonged to Denver, Derrick, and Devon.

“I thought you weren’t scared of dying,” Devon said, giggling, as I stood up to try and compose myself around them.

“What do you want?” I asked sternly, directing my attention to the three alphas before me.

“We were asked to come and bring you out for execution,” Derrick said coldly, while Devon started laughing uncontrollably.

Hearing them say they were there to bring me out for execution hit me hard, so much so that I became speechless.

There is a difference between wanting to die and knowing that you are going to die, right?

“Look who’s got a weak tongue now,” Derrick said teasingly, and this time it was Devon’s turn to start laughing.

“The Alpha has decided to reduce your punishment after your mother and father refused to let anyone sleep all through last night. It has been decided that you will remain here in the palace as Gwen’s maid for as long as she lives in this palace,” Denver, who has been quiet and emotionless the entire time said bluntly while staring coldly into my eyes.

“The Alpha has decided to reduce your punishment after your mother and father refused to let anyone sleep all through last night. It has been decided that you will remain here in the palace as Gwen’s maid for as long as she lives in this palace,” Denver, who has been quiet and emotionless the entire time said bluntly while staring coldly into my eyes.

You know what I said about being afraid of death earlier, just pretend you didn’t hear that because I am more than willing to die this very minute. It will be over my dead body that I will be made a servant to that b***h. Like, hell no, never!

“Over my dead body will I ever agree to be a maid to your w***e,” I said angrily to Denver, damning all consequences.

I noticed Derrick’s countenance turned soured as soon as I said those words, but the stares from his brothers deterred any action he was going to take against me.

“We thought you might say that,” Denver said calmly, with a half-cocky smile hanging on his side lips, as he beckoned on one of the guards with them. The guard ran closer to Denver stood and awaited his instructions.

“Go and bring in her parents,” Denver said to the guard, who ran out and came back almost immediately with my parents.

Seeing my mother and father with their swollen eyes told me that they were awake all through the night crying.

Seeing them in that state broke my heart as all the bravery I previously had was suddenly washed off. I realized that I had missed them after all these years I was away. I so much hated the fact that we were all meeting in a dungeon for the first time as a family since I got back.

“Mom, dad,” I called out as I walked over to where they stood and hugged them tightly while tears flowed freely from my eyes.

“I am so sorry, mom,” I said, crying and sniffing my nostrils.

“It’s okay; we love you, baby; we are so proud of you, and we support you in whatever decision you take, baby,” my mother said as storms of tears poured down from her eyes.

“I couldn’t stand by and watch her disrespect you mum, I couldn’t and I am not sorry for hitting her, because even in death I will hit her all over again if she dares to insult you,” I said to my mum amid tears as I rested my head on her shoulders.

I could feel my father patting my back gently and even though he was not crying like my mother, his eyes were bloody red.

“I understand my baby, you did what every well-bred child would do, and I am so proud of you,” Mum said, clearing the tears from my eyes.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Enough of the drama,” Denver said coldly, and that instant a guard came to separate my parents from me.

I looked at him angrily, wishing I could punch him and his brothers for the pain they were putting my family through. Either way, I felt a little relieved seeing my parents, even if it was going to be the last I might see them. But, little did I know that my woes were just beginning.

“You have thirty seconds to decide what you want; either you agree to be the maid of our future Luna or watch your both parents be killed right this minute in front of you,” Denver said blankly with no iota of emotion.

I wonder how he got to be so cold and heartless.

His words hit me hard, even harder than the Alpha death proclamation.

“No, you can’t do that; please, kill me instead; don’t let anytime happen to my parents, please,” I cried as I begged Denver, but my voice was like noise to him as he paid little or no attention to me.

“You have less than fifteen seconds,” he said coldly, while he signaled the guards to position themselves close to my parents with their hands on their swords as my both parents went on their knees.

My parents’ faces dropped to the floor as if in anticipation for the worst to happen. They didn’t argue or beg, it was almost as if they had made up their mind to die.

Their willingness to give up everything for me melted my heart and I frantically turned to the triplet to beg for their forgiveness.

“Please don’t do this; I beg you, please.” I cried, begging all three brothers at the same time, but they were all adamant, as all my pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears.

” You have less than five, four, three, two…” Denver was counting down when I knew what I needed to do at that moment to keep my parents alive.

“Stop!” I screamed as I ran over to where my parents were kneeling and threw my hands over them as if shielding them from any danger.

“Fine! “I will do it; I will become your Luna’s maid; I will do anything you want me to do; please just don’t kill my parents, please,” I pleaded as tears rained from my eyes.

My actions seem to take the triplet by surprise as I watched their once cold eyes soften a little, but their look returned to how it was almost immediately, making me think that I had only imagined what I saw.

“Good choice; now, you two go home and bring down her things; her job starts immediately,” Denver said to my parents before they were escorted out with the guards.

Now assured that my parents were saved, I picked myself up from the floor and attempted to clean my already sulking eyes.

“One of our servants will come to take you to your new room, and I will advise that you carry out your duties well because a single complaint from our Luna-to-be will have your both parents’ heads on the chopping board,” Denver said, as he walked away.

“And just to add to what our brother has said, remember you promised to do whatever we want from you; just don’t forget because if you do, we have a thousand and one ways we could punish you severally for your disobedience,” Derrick said, as his eyes lustfully rested on my size 38DD boobs.

They all chuckled, after which they went out one after the other, and at that moment it hit me that the once happy life I knew had been taken away from me.

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