Forget : A Dark Omegaverse (Unhingedverse)

Chapter 27

Over the last week, odd things have been happening. Aiden is sporting two black eyes, and Domh, Evan, and Caelin are quietly ignoring their bruised and split knuckles.

Sitting at the breakfast table, I sip my coffee as I gaze at them all. They’re talking about what they’re doing today, things they’re looking forward to, while I feel like an awkward onlooker.

There’s a gorgeous purple orchid bloom sitting in front of me on the table, and it’s been there since I walked into the kitchen.

A part of me thinks it’s Aiden, who is completely ignoring me as I take another sip of coffee. Domh puts a blueberry muffin with crumble topping, that looks suspiciously like Flynn’s baking, on a plate, sliding it toward me as he continues to discuss a contract that he’s working on for Dad.

Flynn’s working through his trauma with Dr. Alys, but there are good and bad days. There’s still a lot of anxiety, and while he’s still rage baking, it’s not as out of control as it was. He’s dealing with a lot of shame and worry that his pack will think there’s something wrong with him for how he’s processing things.

I was over at Pack Mohan’s home a few days ago when he had a meltdown, and we all held him, while Wren and the guys reassured him.

Was it awkward that I was there? No, because I swear Flynn held on as tightly to me as he did everyone else. Normal is simply a word in the dictionary, it doesn’t define how you should feel or act.

There are a lot of different kinds of family, and I’m a part of his.

I know I need to make an appointment with Dr. Alys, but don’t trust myself not to break apart. I’m holding on to things with twine and glue, knowing that neither are going to last long. Then, there’s the added issue of my upcoming heat that I need to handle soon.

Stifling a sigh, I pick up the muffin and take a bite, my eyes closing as the flavors burst over my tastebuds. Fuck, that’s so good.

“I need to make sure we always keep some of Flynn’s muffins in the house after this,” Domh mutters under his breath, clearing his throat as he adjusts his erection. Well that answers that. “I’m off now.”

I may have made a moan or two while eating, and everyone in the pack around me is adjusting themselves now. Oops. This muffin is too damn good to care about the cocks rising to meet my noises.

They can just deal.

Finishing my muffin, I sigh happily, happy to start the day. Standing, I throw away my trash and wash my cup before beginning to walk toward the garage. Someone will intercept me at some point.

They always do.

“I’m with you today, Aisling,” Caelin says, surprising me. He’s usually really busy, I thought I’d be with Evan. “I’ll work on things on my computer while you’re doing your thing. WiFi is a wonderful thing.”

His response is to the surprised glance I gave him, and I roll my eyes. Smart ass. I know how untethered workspaces happen, I just didn’t realize that’s how he’s planning to work today.

“Alright then,” I tell him. “It’s a pretty boring day.”

Aiden snorts as he walks around me to start his day, and Evan shakes his head.

“If anyone deserves a day where they’re not running around, you do, Aisling,” he says.

In the blink of an eye, Caelin and I are alone in the house, and I walk out into the garage with him.

“I can’t wait until I drive the Mustang again,” he laments as he unlocks the doors to an SUV. The snow isn’t the best for his muscle car. “Evan is headed to your Dad’s with Aiden, so they just went together. We’ll take his vehicle today.”

I’m not ready to be surrounded by Aiden’s scent all day.

Hiding my grumpiness, I nod as I climb into the vehicle. Fuck me, he smells good. Why does he have to be such an ass? I am in over my head when it comes to Aiden. He blows hot, cold, and depraved. That’s the only way I can explain it. While they’re all dangerous, I feel like a little rabbit trying to constantly stay calm around him the most often.

I mean fuck, he even ran me down like one pretty recently.

Shivering, I pull my belt over my lap and connect it.

“Are you cold, poppet?” Caelin asks, concerned, turning up the heat.

It would be one thing if they all treated me like shit but they don’t. There are moments like this where they’re sweet, and it just ties me up in knots.

“Thanks,” I murmur, glancing out the window as he drives out of the garage. “I’m just spending the day at Omega’s Haven.”

“No meetings?” he teases me, and I shake my head with a tight smile.

That’s the other odd part of this week. Dad managed to get the food delivery service to refund me, but said they’re a tainted well, so I need to find someone new. I’ll be doing that today, and setting up a meeting with the Regional Omega’s Women’s Society to figure out if they are in fact the reason that I am having rotten food delivered to the shelter.

It’s pretty fucking low if they are. It’s one thing to fuck with me, but quite another to fuck with people who are struggling to patch together a new start to life.

“Not today,” I tell him. “Things seem to be figuring themselves out without them. I’m having a video call with Fisher Morris tomorrow, though, about Pack Dayton. He reached out to me to ask for one.”

“Really? On a professional level?” Caelin asks, an odd look coming over him. Honestly, he looks a little constipated, and I hide my smile as I glance away.

“Yes,” I say. “Remember, I’m a locked down omega on paper. I doubt he’ll be inappropriate in any way, and he’s a lot older than me. Fisher seems nice.”

“I’m sure Mr. Morris is,” he grunts.

Domh is the one who told me to meet with him. They have nothing to be jealous about.

“Anyway, it’s going to be a quiet day,” I continue. “I’ll just be talking with omegas in the outreach center.”

“I have to say I’m a little disappointed, poppet,” he drawls. “Evan and Domh talk non-stop about what a force of nature you are, but I won’t be able to see it today.”

“I’m a chaotic dumpster fire who occasionally gets lucky,” I snort. “The planets are aligning at the moment for Omega’s Haven and I don’t have any fires to put out today.”

“I think you should take a closer look at what we see,” he says mildly. “You’re motivated, passionate, simply lit up with excitement over what you’re doing with this organization. At some point, I firmly believe that other people will pick up what you’re doing and will expand it to other cities and states.”

“That’s the dream,” I admit. “Everyone deserves hope and a soft place to land, and I never had that. Fuck, God knows that Wren definitely didn’t. When I met her, I felt drawn to her, as much as I wanted to scare my cousin away for being a judgemental asshole. I just want better than what is considered society’s best.”

“I’m sorry to say it, but I didn’t realize how bad it is,” Caelin sighs. “The women’s group you’re meeting with pushes the narrative that Minneapolis is one of the safest cities for omegas to live in. Chicago is the next safest, yet auctions are run in both places.”

“The auctions are a way to keep omegas in line, but I am willing to bet there are people who don’t believe they really exist,” I say. “There’s nowhere for omegas to go after they escape that life, either.”

“There is now,” Caelin grunts, pulling just down the street from the alley I usually walk down. “You, Wren, and everyone who has helped are the reason why there is. When shit feels hard, remember that.”

A wave of emotions surprises me as I clamp my lips together and nod, opening the passenger door and getting out. Blinking furiously, I curse at how silly I’m being. A little bit of praise is all it takes for me to burst into tears?

Get a grip, Aisling.

The truth is that I’m holding on by a thread. My soul is exhausted, and I don’t know how to fix it. Things are on a good path, yet all I can wonder as I trudge down the snowy path in the alley, is when the next shoe will drop.

“Shaw, I have a problem,” I say hesitantly on the phone.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

I’m not going to have a chance to go out there again before my heat, and I’m cutting it really close.

“I already told you that we would be more than happy to torture your pack for you,” Shaw grunts, making me snort. “I’ll make sure no one knicks their precious cocks.”

“How kind of you,” I giggle. It says something that when the talk of torture it doesn’t even faze me. Do I want to see it? No, but I can talk about it with Shaw, Ambrose, or Everest without an issue. “No, I need hormone suppressants, Shaw. Something that will dim my heat specifically.”

“Aisling,” Shaw curses, while I roll my eyes.

“I refuse to fuck them,” I growl. “My heats are so intense, I’ve spent a year under sedation, so you really think that I would ask if I had a pack in my back pocket?”

“Aye, I know,” he says. “I fucking hate these drugs, Aisling. I understand there’s a use for it, but it feels wrong.”

“Because I’m telling biology to fuck itself?” I ask.

“No, because I don’t know the long term effects of them. They’re not meant to be used forever,” he says.

“I know that,” I sigh. “I just need a little more time.”

Realizing how I sound, I shake my head. “I’m not an addict. I refuse to have sex with men who don’t respect me.”

“I think they’re idiots, for what it’s worth,” he says. I can hear snow crunching under his boots, and I imagine him walking outside. “There’s a drug we’re selling that’s short term for heats. You can’t use it more than three times in a year, Aisling. It’s powerful, but doesn’t mean you’ll skip your heat entirely.”

“I understand,” I say with a nod. There’s a ton of sex toys in my nest, and I’ll call The Naughty Tote store owners to ask if the option to product test is still open. They offered when we first started working together, but I wasn’t sure if I would be willing to use toys again after they’d been stolen by Aiden.

“I’ll swing by the outreach side of Omega’s Haven today. I know the score about not coming to the door. I’ll text you to come out,” he grunts. “While I don’t like this, you shouldn’t be forced into doing something you don’t want to. But Aisling?”

“Yeah?” I whisper, breathless as I wait for his next words. Shaw could say or ask for anything right now and I’d agree to it.

“Sometimes, as alphas, we fuck up big time,” he says. “They need you, crave you, and are wired differently than normal men. They suck at life, but I think they’re getting a first hand view of what you’re about as your shadows. Don’t give up on them too early, okay?”

“Yeah, okay,” I promise, the back of my eyes feeling warm. More tears, ugh.

Hanging up with Shaw, I press the heels of my hands into my eyes as I breathe. I can do this. I’m halfway through the day, and no major catastrophes have occurred. I’m good.

Lifting my head, I dry my face of the suspicious liquid on it, take a deep sip of water, and get back to work.

I’m running on borrowed time now, and need to finish my tasks.

I feel really warm when I wake up two days later. I started taking the pills immediately after Shaw brought them to me, and hid the rest away. They’re six blue pills, and I’ve been taking them every eight hours, just like Shaw told me to.

Grabbing the last pill, I whisper a little prayer and swallow it down with some water.

Please work.

For all I know, I could be immune, or it could do some really fucked up shit to my body. I’m desperate right now, so I would be happy with an outcome in the middle.

Get it together, babe.

Blowing out a breath, I swing my feet off the bed onto the ground. I need to tell Omega’s Haven that I’m not going in today, because I need to clean, vacuum, and fix my nest. I won’t tell them any of that though, simply sending a text with the fewest words possible.


Hey, Hazel. Can you let everyone know that I’m going to be working from home today, please?


Got it. I’m here, I’ll run up to the Outreach and let them know as well when they come in.

My lips twitch at her response. Ever since Wren and I spoke to Hazel, she’s stepped up her game at work. Her mom is sick, which is why she was missing so much work.

I completely understand, and asked her to let us know if she needed us to hire someone part time to help out as needed. I don’t want her to ever feel as if she has to choose between work and her mother.

Hazel said that the hospital stays should be over for now, but she would let us know if something changes.


Thank you!

It’s barely six in the morning, but I still shoot Wren a message as well.


I’m probably going into heat soon. This omega is entering a cleaning frenzy at the moment, though. I let Hazel know.

Tossing my phone onto the mattress, I stand, intent on grabbing the cleaning supplies. A wave of lightheadedness hits me, making me whimper for a moment until it passes.

“What the fuck was that?” I mutter, padding over to the bathroom. I’m wearing Evan’s T-shirt as my nightshirt, though I don’t want to look too hard at the reasoning behind it.

The shirt no longer smells like him, but it’s very soft and comforting. Grabbing the basket full of cleaning supplies, I begin to attack my nest, scrubbing every surface clean. The ceiling isn’t very high, so I can even clean the corners with the extension pole on my duster.

At around six-thirty, I turn on music, singing to myself as I clean. I didn’t want to wake anyone up, but unless they’re right outside of the door, they won’t hear it. Soon, everything is sparkling clean, including the stained glass windows that clearly aren’t part of the original house.

I don’t know how, but I have a feeling.

Looking around, I see all the little details in a new light. Soft light for my sensitive eyes, because by the end of the day they hurt from the fluorescent lights most stores and offices use. Wren and I made sure our bulbs are all softer light in the rooms, offices, and shelter.

Most people don’t realize that our eyes are so sensitive, and we rarely complain. The attic is one of my favorite places, despite who created it for me. Sighing, I throw open the door to find the vacuum in the closet, almost running into Domh.

“Excuse me,” I say, on a mission, ducking around him.

“Why aren’t you ready for work? Are you sick?” he asks, sounding panicked as I roll my eyes.

“No,” I grunt, opening the hall closet with pursed lips. “Ha, there we are.”

Pulling the vacuum, I wheel it toward my nest.

“Don’t go in there,” I growl as Domh looks between me and the room, leaning toward it to see what I’m doing. “You’re not allowed anymore.”

“Anymore,” he says, dejected. “Sugar…”

“No sugar for you,” I mutter. “I’m busy, please go away.”

“So you’re not going into the city today?” he asks. “I was going to drive you.”

“No, I let them know that I’ll be working from home,” I tell him, though I know I won’t touch my laptop today.

The Naughty Tote sent me some new toys over to Omega’s Haven yesterday by courier, and they have some girthy knots on them. The dildo part also has piercings down it, that twist and thrust when inside of you. If anything is going to make me come, it may be that.

Sometimes, an omega just needs a jackhammer and a knot.

“Move, Domhnall,” I say with a sigh.

“If you’re not sick, then I don’t understand why you’re staying home,” he says, his face perplexed.

Domh hates puzzles he can’t solve, I’ve noticed. I constantly perplex the man. It’s not my fault that he doesn’t know what a nesting omega looks like, and since I don’t want the rest of them to stomp upstairs, I simply shrug.

“Sometimes a girl needs a mental health day,” I lie, rocking the vacuum into his foot gently to get him to move.

“Mmhmm,” he grunts, stepping to the side as I walk inside, closing the door behind me. Turning up the music, I belt out the words as I turn on the vacuum and clean the carpets.

I let the world fall away as I focus on getting crisp lines perfectly imprinted on the carpet, and once I’m done with that, work on the angle of my blankets on my bed. My work is never done, though. Fuck.

Wrinkling my nose, I twitch my curtains into the perfect place around my nest, annoyed when it flips in the wrong direction.

“Go the other way,” I complain.

Everything is wrong. Fucking hell. I think I officially hate navy blue today, too. Hiding all the blue items in my closet, I frown at how bare it looks. Glancing at my phone, I see it’s almost two in the afternoon, and I’m starving.

Opening the nest door, I pop my head out, listening for voices. Not hearing any, I put away the vacuum and pad downstairs to investigate. Sure enough, no one is home. It feels so odd, but at the same time, the buzzing underneath my skin that I’ve been feeling since they decided to be my shadows is quiet.

I can take a full breath, my blood pressure is normal, and the weird voices that tell me I’m not good enough are silent. I’m not used to being around people all of the time. Even at my dad’s house, I have spaces where I can chill alone.

I need that solace after taking on everyone else’s problems all day. As an empath who deflects her own emotions, I feel everything, and it’s hard to be able to function sometimes. Going to the kitchen, I grab a bottle of water, sliced Swiss cheese from the fridge, and an apple.

“Fuck yes,” I hum, excited for my booty. Shutting the door, I head back upstairs, taking a bite of my apple. It’s crisp and delicious, exactly the texture I want in my mouth.

Smirking at my inadvertently dirty thoughts, I stop on the second floor, walking toward the first door I see. Pushing it open, I inhale deeply, smelling the guys’ combined scents. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me that these men slept together.

I’m lost as one foot is pulled farther into the room after the other. Leather and whiskey are the strongest, which makes sense as their alpha. He steers their way, even if it’s straight into a storm.

Apple blossoms is the next scent I notice, the crisp, warm scent reminding me of the apple I’m eating as I take another bite. It appears as if my body is trying to tell me something, except I refuse to admit that I need any one of them.

Grapefruit and raspberries are the next scent I smell, the scents reminding me of Domh. I think I miss him the most, because we got the closest first. I hate that I’m in this weird limbo of missing the way he made me feel, because the treacherous, paranoid voice in my head tells me that it’s all been a lie.

Has it? Or did shit just go wrong?

Round and round my mind goes, and finally as I step further into the room, the scent of orchids fills my senses. It’s delicate and light, so different from the powerful beta it belongs to. None of them are soft, overly sweet, or delicate. It simply isn’t in their nature.

A sweatshirt forgotten at the base of the bed attracts my attention, pulling me toward it like a moth to a flame. It’s a beautiful maroon color, perfect to replace the navy of my fuzzy blankets. I don’t know why, but navy isn’t a good color for me. Whenever I look at it, I feel nauseous and unsettled.

Picking up the sweatshirt, I decide I need it on my body. Evan’s shirt is pulled up and over my head, and the sweatshirt replaces it. Bringing the fabric to my nose, I moan as apple blossoms are what I smell.

This is what I want. Pulling the hood over my head, I enjoy the way my body swims in the material. It makes me feel safe and tiny. Nothing like stroking a girl’s ego here and there to get me in a better mood, even if it’s just in my mind.

Drifting through the room as I leave behind Evan’s shirt, I find a dark-green blanket stuffed under a pillow.

“Mine,” I murmur, pulling it away from its hiding place. I’m working on autopilot as I bring the fabric to my nose. The scent of grapefruit and raspberry to my surprise. I would have thought that these men would have put out enough heat to keep everyone warm.

Bundling the blanket in my arms, I begin to scour the room for something that belongs to Caelin or Evan. Instead, I find a photo of the four of them, their arms around each other as they grin at the camera.

Deciding I need it, I take it as well, looking around as I recognize a few of the faces of the women who were at the Whalen Society.

They seem really nice, and they’ll be running the knitting circle next week. So far, the first one went well, though I was nervous. Evan’s mother was there as well as Aiden’s. Upon second glance, I also realize that Meghan’s mother is a part of it as well, something I didn’t know. They look too closely alike not to be related though.

Did they think I’d refuse them if I knew they were related to my asshole scent matches and beta? You know, on second thought, I definitely would have wanted to, though I can rein in my pettiness when necessary.

Pulling myself away from the photos on the wall, I decide to raid their closet, finding a discarded T-shirt that’s sweaty. It may as well be catnip for me, and smells like leather and whiskey. It’s so strong, my eyes roll as I moan.

“Oh my God,” I whine. My body jerks as I fight the need to find them all, call them, beg them to come home. “No, you can handle this. Don’t be weak.”

My skin is covered in goosebumps as I search frantically for the last piece of the puzzle.

“Where are you?” I whisper. I need something that smells like Evan, which is proving difficult because everyone else’s scents are overpowering his. My nose is plastered to the clothing in the closet as I search for it.

Being an omega while nesting is intense. It means intense anxiety until things are perfect in the nest, the need to control everything until someone else does it better, and being obsessive.

I’m hyper focused on the need to find this, while also noticing that my legs are a bit shaky underneath me.

Deciding to feed the beast, I shove a piece of cheese in my mouth, chewing slowly as I continue to look for the perfect piece. Finally, I find a hat, sticking my nose inside of it and inhaling deeply to ensure that I’m not hallucinating Evan’s scent.

He must have recently worn it, because it’s just the right amount of scent.

“Got you,” I rasp, turning and walking slowly back upstairs.

My internal batteries are beginning to flag, and I gobble down my food, knowing I’m going to face plant into my mattress. Closing and locking my door, I throw away my apple core and set down the last piece of cheese on the nightstand, along with my water.

Tossing my spoils of omega scavenging, I drop to my knees to arrange it perfectly before dropping down onto my mattress.

At this moment, everything is perfect. My eyelids get heavy as I moan, trying to find a comfortable position, and then in the next breath, I’m asleep. It’s amazing what happens when my nest is exactly how I want it to be, despite being so indecisive.

Sometimes you just have to tweak until your internal meter decides it’s just right. My eyes close as I clutch the green blanket around me, unable to stay awake for another moment.

I’m going to pay attention to my body, and let go of the wheel.

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