Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife


“How are you holding up with this chaos?” ZhengLi perched his ass on the end of YuZhi’s huge desk and dropped a few folders in front of him that required signatures for ongoing projects.This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

“Hmmm” YuZhi didn’t lift his eyes from his laptop screen and carried on typing. Shrugging in a non-committal way.

“Still being followed and hounded by the press?”

“It’s dying down, but they are still lingering. The articles online seem to be less regular now too. We’ll be old news soon enough.”

It had been a full week since the announcements and despite the Leng and Lei collaboration being bigger news in the business world, the media were more interested in his breakup, and it was really starting to grate on him. He couldn’t go anywhere without a mask, baseball cap and sunglasses as they were invading his life way worse than before.

“How’s’ Rhea holding up? She seemed distracted when I saw her yesterday at the fashion show rehearsal. She didn’t say much though but even she had a following paparazzi.”

“She’s used to the limelight, and trying to pretend this is all okay. I’m trying to see her less and make this easier for both of us. That way it will give them nothing to photograph.” Even though YuZhi knew that in two years when this was over, they would reunite, he didn’t want to complicate matters in keeping on dating secretly. The breakup was real, they had a tacit understanding of that, and they had both agreed that whatever happened in this time, they wouldn’t hold it against one another in the future. It didn’t make it easier even if they both knew it was temporary and were trying to navigate the situation.

“Did you see this today?” ZhengLi slid his cell out and pulled up a news article that popped up before lunch. It was a candid shot of Rhea and TangShi arm in arm on Huaihai Road, out shopping designer boutiques. “They are interested in this unknown daughter of the Lei Empire. Seems TangShi has caught the media’s attention too. They are questioning where she was hidden all these years and where this new sisterly friendship as Rhea ‘struggles’ through break up came from.”

YuZhi glanced up, seeing the image of the two women facing him and took the phone to inspect the story and picture.

“Well, it’s a good thing. If they seem like they’re best of friends and she’s memorable then the PR plan should work without a hitch. As of right now no one even knows I know TangShi. Make it seem genuine.” YuZhi stared at the two faces for a moment, comparing them in their similarities and contrasts.

Rhea was a born model with symmetrical and elegant features that could handle any angle, lighting, or make up. She had an unearthly flawlessness that sometimes looked airbrushed or photoshopped, but she had never undergone enhancements or surgery. She was beautiful, seductive, with thick straight brows, a tiny nose and cherry plumped lips that were suited to bold make up and high fashion style. Every guys dream girl. She looked wealthy and she had the mannerisms and presence of an international model.

TangShi however was the other kind of beautiful, and even if he hated to admit it, he could see it. Natural and earthy. She had an innocent and sweet quality and softer features like the girl next door type. Small nose, pouted lips, delicate cheek bones, but larger eyes that came off as doe like and cute. She had a youthful prettiness that looked good in natural make up and soft hair that hung gently to frame her face and curled at the ends. In pictures she sometimes looked shy and vulnerable rather than confident and sassy like Rhea and in this one, she seemed much younger and almost doll like compared to his ex-girlfriend.

For a second, there was a hint of protectiveness for her, as the picture was clearly shot from a distance, and she looked utterly unaware they had even been captured. Rhea on the other hand was in full pose mode and working her best angles, so had spotted the hidden camera man and made sure she looked good. TangShi was looking at Rhea with a wistful smile on her face, eyes locked onto the other woman talking and seemed way too trusting for a moment as she listened intently to whatever was being said.

Anger pricked up in his heart, proceeded by gnawing guilt and a heavy weight as he thought of the fact that he knew Rhea was only getting close to her because she was meant to. It was orchestrated by them, for the good of all of them, and Rhea was a grade A actress who could do her part well. She was pleasant to everyone and could charm whomever she set her sights on, so it didn’t chock him to see them so close. He told her to keep TangShi sweet but looking at the picture now he was irritated by how genuine the look of affection from TangShi was and how oblivious and uninterested Rhea’s true expression came off. He knew her well enough and could see from a glance she wasn’t all that invested in her new shopping buddy. It was all an act.

Because of him he was forcing Rhea to lie, build relationships she didn’t want, and still end up alone and hurt while he stayed married to another woman for two years. It made him sick to think about it. Souring his mood as he mulled over the unfairness of his life.

“You’ve gone awfully quiet” ZhengLi was watching his buddy zone out at the screen and got up to walk around and head to the hidden bar. The day was nearly over, and they had done enough overtime this week already.

“Just thinking about how much this situation sucks. Rhea doesn’t deserve this.” He put the phone down and slide it away before returning to his laptop. Not willing to waste more time making him feel worse about it.

“And TangShi does? Have you even read the file I got for you on her background? Pretty sure she never asked for this either.” ZhengLi had made sure to get all the dirt he could on the Lei family when entering this merger and it had kicked up a lot of interesting titbits about the eldest daughter. Such as she was dragged home from abroad, ditching a prestigious art school and full scholarship only two days before the wedding. If she was so intent on having YuZhi, why even leave and start a semester, when talks about marriage were going on a month prior to that.

“I don’t have the inclination or the time. She is low on my list of priorities.”

“Really? Yet you spent more time staring at her image than Rhea’s.” ZhengLi nodded at his discarded phone and smiled in amusement as YuZhi’s brow flickered in irritation, a tony frown forming as he pretended not to hear.

“Let’s go to the gym. I have way too much tension in my shoulders. I need a good session in the ring with you.” YuZhi answered in a bland tone.

ZhengLi laughed heartily.

“Did I touch a nerve? Boxing really translates to you wanting to kick my ass for making you mad.” He went about dumping ice in two glasses.

“It’s all in your head, buddy. Maybe you should get that checked out.” YuZhi closed his laptop with a heavy sigh and leaned back in his chair to stretch his legs out. It had been a long day and he was stiff and tense all over.

“Wouldn’t you rather go get drunk and see people we haven’t in a while. I heard the club has put up missing posters for you because it’s been so long.”


ZhengLi chuckled at his partner in crime, finally poured them both a scotch on the rocks and brought it over to hand to him.

“Seriously though, Cheng has been asking us to come by and hang out. It’s been a month already. Work has been crazy and we deserve a night playing. We could take Rhea and TangShi and start leaving the breadcrumbs of how she introduces you two.”

YuZhi exhaled in an ‘argh’, loudly, expressing frustration and dislike and picked up a rubber stress ball from his desk and threw it at ZhengLi’s head. ZhengLi dodged expertly and laughed at the attempt to assault him.

“I spend every night with her, I don’t want to have her invade my hangouts before I’m even publicly dating her. I really do not want to be all cosy on threesome outings with her and Rhea.”

YuZhi wanted one night of normal, where he could forget everything to do with this situation, to do with work, wives, and just kick back with his friends. A couple of mergers were giving him headaches this month and he had been working like a dog.

“I’m taking a date, so don’t get all pissy with me for lack of one for you. Invite Rhea or be the sad single for the night. You know Cheng will have multiple women on his arm.”

“You know, I heard it on good authority you were a spoiled, rich boy, womaniser. Maybe you should consider a reform of your personality and leave women off the list for one night.” YuZhi drolled at him in pretend disdain.

ZhengLi clutched his heart in mock shock, looking dramatically offended. Opening his mouth in a gasp motion.

“Who would say such a thing?”

“The one person you keep trying to champion and warm me to. Maybe you should take note of that. She thinks you’re to be avoided at all costs and not all that nice.”

“Damn, our little TangShi is harsh. I wonder if I wronged her in another life. Little miss needs me to set her straight and win her over.” ZhengLi laughed at this proclamation and wasn’t really insulted at all. He was no stranger to the opinion that he was a wild womaniser who had yet to settle down.

“Good luck with that. She’s an impenetrable wall of hostility. She doesn’t appear to like men.” YuZhi sighed.

“No, baby cakes. She doesn’t like you. There’s a world of difference and I can fully empathise with her. She doesn’t have to work and play with you the way I do.” ZhengLi dodged another flying object that YuZhi aimed at his head and stuck his middle finger up in retaliation. The normal banter between them in full swing.

“I second my suggestion that we go to the ring tonight.” YuZhi raised his brows, his expression serious and tone heavy with intent.

“Admit you just want to get up close and personal with me and it’s nothing to do with boxing me to death.” ZhengLi winked saucily, blew him a kiss and then picked up the scotch bottle to top up his drink as he wandered past it.

“I suddenly have the urge to repeatedly roundhouse kick someone in the head, so maybe you do have a point.”

YuZhi and ZhengLi had been kick boxing buddies most of their life and were equally skilled, but this was an ongoing joke between them. They used it for exercise, stress relief, sometimes to settle disputes between them, and a way to spend time together outside of work and away from nightclubs. They had gone through their crazy young years together, done some wild things that should have made headlines and created so many scandals, but they had managed to avoid it somehow.

About three years ago they both settled down a little, trying to be more mindful of their images and the possibility they would create news if they didn’t behave. Thanks to becoming prominent in the Leng Group running’s. It didn’t kill all the urges in them though.

“You know, it really bothers me that my new sister-in-law is biased against me. I am so heartbroken and can only assume you have told her the worst about me.”

YuZhi gave him a flat look as if to say, ‘I don’t even talk to her so why would I?’

“Why don’t you romance her and become friends. That way you can keep her out of my hair.”

“I don’t want to make you jealous. As much as you deny it, I think a little part of you likes her being around. She comes up in conversation way too much for you to be indifferent.” ZhengLi cocked his eyebrow and gave YuZhi a knowing look.

“You’re the one who brings her up. Every single time.” YuZhi pointed out, cocking one brow in return and adding a wry smirk. ZhengLi stared back at him for a long thoughtful moment, thinking back to how this conversation started and shook his head.

“Whatever. I am still not convinced that you dislike her as much as you say. There’s that for one.” He motioned to a brown a4 envelope in the tray on the desk, knowing fine well what was inside. YuZhi glanced at it, picked it up and immediately slid it in his drawer out of sight with a shrug.

“Xiaosu gave it to me as a gift. I like Koi.” He stood up and hauled his suit jacket from his chair and began putting it on. Pretending that it was no big deal but ZhengLi could see through his deflection technique.

“You asked Xiaosu about TangShi’s painting and if she had done anymore, and two days later she gave you that print. I know you definitely asked her to get it for you, even if you deny it. Don’t think I don’t know you then searched up the website from the back and looked through the rest. I saw you. Pretty sure we are expecting a package of more.”

“I like art, especially watercolours, and fish. She’s talented, which I didn’t expect, and her paintings are peaceful and nice enough to hang.” He dodged the implication that it was because it was TangShi’s art, denying it had any relation.

He had been surprised to see her work a few days ago when he got back from Japan. He never knew she was an artist, and she had a nice style that made him want to see more. Not that he would ever tell her that or that he bought three pieces to be framed in large sizes for some business acquaintances. The website had the pieces listed as Author A. Lin, but he could tell right away they were all her.

“Fine. Let’s move, I’m tired of this infernal denial you’re in. Where to? Gym then Cheng’s place? I think we could pull an all nighter and work hungover tomorrow like the good old days. I am ready to take that beating if it puts you in a better mood.”

“How about no? My grandfather would kill me if I rocked into the stockholders annual meeting tomorrow like that. He almost disowned me that one time I went from the club to the press release for our fifth shopping mall a few years ago.”

Both of them grinned at the memories of that debacle and the fact grandfather almost skinned both of them alive right after.

“Good times, brother. Good times.” ZhengLi patted him on the back as they both walked out towards the reception area, leaving work behind and transitioning to boys at play. Casting off mature and shrewd wolves of the commercial world and regaining easy boyishness.

“Shouldn’t you call home and tell the wife you won’t be home till late?” ZhengLi poked fun at him with a finger prod in his shoulder. Knowing he was skating on thin ice if he kept pushing the topic like this.

“The wife is right here.” YuZhi grabbed ZhengLi’s hand and grasped it tight before picking it up to pretend to kiss the back of it with a cheeky smile. ZhengLi was quick to haul it out of his grip and lasso him around the neck with one arm instead. Casually leaning on him and matching his stride with his best friends. Being equal height and build meant it was a comfy way to walk.

“Babes, I didn’t realise we had finally gone public.” He laughed heartily as they made their way out to go kick back and cause mayhem.

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