Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 52


The day was going slowly as usual. The warriors trained, some patrolled around the gate while Lily’s parents worried endlessly about their daughter, even though they tried to distract themselves with idle tasks.

Out of the blue, some loud chattering was heard from the gate.

Rebekah and Henry looked at each other in thought, both of them silently hoping it wasn’t what or who they thought it was.

A guard came in, “Sir! Jaxon is back!”

That sentence alone made Henry jolt up from his seat. Jaxon? The same Jaxon everyone thought had died or had ran away?Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Bring him in now!”

Jaxon stumbled into the room by the support of the guards, his clothes torn and his face bruised. Henry stood looking shocked and Rebekah rushed to him.

“Jaxon! Good lord, I thought you were dead! Where in the world have you been? What happened to you?” Lily’s father demanded, his voice carrying both anger and worry.

Jaxon took a deep breath, “I was injured during the battle…” he said, exhausted.

“We had searched for you everywhere. You were nowhere to be seen, Jaxon!” Henry emphasized. “We thought you ran away or something but that was too hard for me to believe or accept…”

“I was badly injured by a vampire, sir, but I wanted to follow them to see the way back to their lair. I know you would ask me why I would do that, but you have also trained me to put the interests of the pack first and that’s what I did. It unfortunately..” he burst into a violent cough and he drank water Rebekah brought to his lips.

“…. unfortunately, I lost them and was stranded in the woods, but luckily I branched at a friend’s cottage nearby and he helped heal my wounds partially,” he explained, exhausted. “But then my friend told me he got an urgent message. There was an emergency in the grove, and I had to leave immediately.”

Lily’s father’s brow furrowed in frustration. “You left without my permission, Jaxon. You know better than to act on your own.”

Why were these kids acting rebelliously these days? What was happening to his leadership?

Jaxon lowered his gaze. “I’m sorry, sir. I knew it was against the rules, but I wanted to see if I could help locate the enemy’s lair. When I heard of the news, I had to stagger my way to the grove even though my friend opted me to stay and let my wounds heal for a while.”

Henry sighed heavily, his anger dissipating into a deep concern for his daughter. “Lily and Adrian have disappeared. We don’t know where they are or what has happened to them.”

Jaxon’s eyes widened in shock. “What? Lily and Adrian are missing?” He struggled to process the news.

Rebekah interjected, “Jaxon, there’s no need for you to go after them. We can’t risk losing more pack members. It’s better if we focus on keeping the rest of the pack safe.”

Jaxon fidgeted, “But sir, ma’am…. it’s Lily! She…oh no.. what if…”

“There is no need for what ifs again. We’ve already contemplated, worried and sent out men. All that wasn’t in our favour or helped in finding them.” Rebekah said sadly.

Jaxon nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He could sense the deep sorrow and fatigue in Rebekah’s voice, and he knew they were all struggling to hold themselves together.

Feeling relieved but restless, Jaxon said finally. “I understand, ma’am. I won’t go after them if that is your wish. But please, keep me updated on any news. Lily is like a sister to me, and I worry about her. I’ve been worrying about her since I left.”

Lily’s father placed a reassuring hand on Jaxon’s shoulder. “We will do everything we can to find them and bring them back safely. We won’t rest until they’re back home. You need to rest…”

With a heavy heart, Jaxon stood up and was escorted to the health care unit, his thoughts consumed by the well-being of his friends. He knew that waiting was the hardest part, but he had to trust in their strength and resilience.

He felt extremely guilty for leaving Lily’s side and even treating her the way he did because of his personal struggles.

“If I find out anything has happened to her, I’ll never be able to forgive myself…” his voice choked as he laid on the examination table for the nurse to check him.

Beyond the lies he just told Lily’s parents to cover up for his absence in the recent weeks and his own rebellious plans, he still knew he had a duty to protect his friends and that is what he wanted to do. But his father’s words…

Focus, Jaxon, Focus, my son. What we’re planning to do is bigger than all you value right now.

He valued Lily with all his life. Heck, he dared say he loved her, but what pained him the most was the fact that he wouldn’t ever be able to say anything about his true feelings to anyone. Now, she was gone. Where was she? He had no idea and he blamed himself for it.

“If anything happens to her…I swear…. I’ll kill myself…” those were his last words before he gave in to the effect of the sleeping fluid injected into his body.


Tyler looked at his father, his eyes filled with anger and frustration. He couldn’t understand why his father didn’t trust him. “Dad, why don’t you believe in me? Can’t you see that I can lead this squadron?”

Tyler’s voice shook a little, showing that he was hurt by his father’s lack of faith.

Rex let out a deep sigh and kept his gaze fixed on Tyler. “Tyler, this isn’t about trust or your potential as a leader. These are serious and dangerous times. We need to make decisions based on what’s best for our survival,” he explained firmly.

“But I’ve proved myself over and over again! I’ve worked hard, trained endlessly, and gained the respect of the soldiers,” Tyler argued, frustration evident in his voice. “Why won’t you give me a chance to show that I can be a good leader?”

Rex looked serious and focused, “It’s not just about how good you are at things, Tyler. Leading a group of soldiers requires more than just being skilled. It means having experience, knowing how to plan, and understanding the battlefield really well. I have doubts about giving such an important responsibility to someone who hasn’t had the chance to develop those qualities fully.”

“But dad, I’ve watched you and grew in your shadow since I could barely say a word. Isn’t this what you’ve been training me for even before I came out of mom’s womb? Isn’t this my destiny?” Frustration gripped Tyler and his voice shook as he spoke.

“Why are you mentioning irrelevant things, Tyler? This is not about your destiny or any other thing. Listen and understand me. You simply cannot lead this squadron. You are just not prepared enough for it.” Rex said in finality.

“Oh, so I’m not prepared enough? I guess my entire life has been a waste then.” Tyler heaved.

“You always fail to understand what I try to tell you.” Rex shook his head.

“Then for goodness sake, Father, what are you trying to tell me?! I’m 19 years old. I’m old enough and have enough experience to lead in battle. Don’t tell me it’s because of who I think it is you feel I’m not prepared enough. I’ve told you my emotional and personal life has nothing to do with how I perform on field.” Tyler threw his hands up, his frustration flaring up even more.

The argument got worse, and their voices became louder and angrier. Tyler’s frustration grew too much, and he couldn’t control his anger anymore. He felt a strong surge of fury rushing through him he had to ball his fists to subdue them from doing the unreasonable and unthinkable.

“You don’t want to give me a chance, Dad?”

“I don’t want to take chances. You grew up in a time of relative peace in the lands. All the “experience ” you think you have garnered is all simulated and not real. Can’t you understand what I’m saying, boy?”

“Okay, so because you grew up during the war that means you were then the better person to lead at a young age?”

“I will not fight or argue with you, Tyler. Leave my office.” Rex sat back down.

“We both know it’s because of mom you became the Alpha…without her, you wouldn’t even be on that seat now. So the fact you wont give me a chance to-”

“Tyler! I won’t sit here and let you continue to insult me! I am not just your father but also your Alpha. Leave right now before I show you who a real man is.” He banged his fist on the table, and pierced Tyler’s gaze.

“Then show me. Darn it! I’m tired of how you fucking treat me like a kid all the time. The hell! Fucking show me who a real man is and I’ll show you I’m no longer a kid.” Tyler’s eyes bulged out of his sockets as he stood, fists clenched, and unmoving in front of his father.

In the heat of the moment, their argument turned into a physical fight. They started swinging at each other, their fists hitting hard because of their growing anger. Tyler’s mind was clouded by strong emotions, and he continued acting without considering the consequences.

In the midst of their intense fight, Rex was unexpectedly struck with a powerful blow. He staggered backward, holding his chest in pain. Tyler’s eyes widened in shock as he realized what he had just done. The room fell silent, with only Rex’s struggling breaths breaking the quiet.

Tyler’s voice came out in a pained whisper, “What have I done?” He hurriedly went to Rex’s side, his hands shaking as he tried to check the harm he had caused.

Rex’s face twisted in agony, and his breaths became shallow. He mustered the strength to speak, “Tyler… you… you didn’t mean… for this…”

Tears filled Tyler’s eyes as he realized how badly he had hurt his dad. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Dad. I lost control…” Guilt and regret filled his voice.”We need to get you help. I’ll call for a medic.”

But it was late. Rex’s eyes grew distant, and he went limp. Tyler held him tightly, his face failed with disbelief. What had he done? It was unbelievable for him to say himself.

No. This wasn’t happening. Tyler’s vision blurred.

No, he wasn’t holding his father’s limp body. No, he wasn’t.

“Guards! Guards!” Two guards came in and their face went white on sight. “What are you standing there for?! Go get help!”

They rushed out and Tyler’s cheeks flushed with tears. “Father…. no…”

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