Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 122

In Jaxon’s home, there was a big, tall oak tree in the backyard. The sun was setting, making everything look golden. Jaxon sat under the tree, feeling heavy-hearted about the past. He couldn’t forget what his father did to him, but strangely enough, he still wanted his approval.

Then, his foster mother, Cecelia, came over to him, looking worried. She was a kind and loving woman who took care of Jaxon and his foster little brother, Junior, when they were kids. She had seen Jaxon grow up into a strong young man, but she could see that he was still carrying pain and turmoil inside.

“Jaxon, are you alright?” Cecelia asked, sitting down beside him.

Jaxon let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t know, mom,” he replied, using the endearing term he had always called her. “I can’t stop thinking about somebody who I trusted betraying me, and yet… I can’t help but still want his approval.”

Cecelia placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. She thought it wise to not ask who and just show comfort.

“It’s natural to feel conflicted, Jaxon,” she said gently. “You have endured a lot of pain and betrayal, and it’s not easy to let go of those feelings. But you have to remember that you are not defined by what happened to you or what anyone says about you. You are your own person, and you have the power to shape your own future.”

Jaxon nodded. “I know, mom, but it’s just so hard,” he admitted. “I want to move on, but a part of me feels like I’ll never be able to escape my past.”

Cecelia pulled him into a warm embrace. “You are strong, my dear, stronger than you realize,” she said softly. “You have a bright future ahead of you, and we will always be here to support you and help you through this. Okay, dear?”

Junior, Jaxon’s younger brother, came running into the backyard. He looked as excited as ever. “Hey, Jax, wanna play catch?” he asked, holding a worn-out baseball in his hand.

Jaxon smiled, grateful for the distraction. “Sure thing, big boy,” he said. “Let’s play.”

Junior took his hand and led him to the center of the backyard. As they tossed the ball back and forth, Jaxon felt comfort and peace. He cherished moments like these with his little brother, moments of simple joy and connection, devoid of any worries or his own personal demons. It reminded him of the family he had found with Cecelia and Junior, a family that had shown him love and acceptance when he needed it the most.

As the evening turned to night, Jaxon found himself sitting by the window in his room, lost in his thoughts once again. He couldn’t shake the memories of his father’s betrayal, and he wondered if he would ever be able to move past it.

Just then, Cecelia entered the room, “Jaxon, you should try to get some rest,” she said. “You’ve had a long day.”

Jaxon nodded, but he couldn’t seem to be less perturbed. “I just can’t stop thinking about everything that happened,” he confessed. “I don’t know how to move on from it.”

Cecelia stood down beside him. Her presence was calming and exactly what he needed at that moment. “It’s okay to feel that way, dear,” she said. “Healing takes time, and it’s a journey that you have to take one step at a time. But you are not alone in this. We are here for you, and we will support you every step of the way.”

Jaxon took a deep breath, feeling a sense of comfort in Cecelia’s words. “Thanks, mom,” he said softly. “I don’t know what I would do without you and Junior.”

Cecelia smiled, her eyes filled with love. “You are family, Jaxon, and family sticks together,” she said. “No matter what you’re going through, we will always be here for you.”

As Jaxon lay in bed that night, his mind was consumed by guilt. Was he to blame? If he had just gone ahead and done what his father asked, maybe… But he couldn’t kill Tyler. They were best friends once upon a time and he still considered him a friend.

He knew that healing would take time, but he also knew that he had the love and support of his foster family to help him through it. With Cecelia and Junior by his side, he felt stronger at least to a certain degree.

Junior ran into his bed, giving him a startle, “Jax! Wake up! Wake up!”

Jaxon rose up, “What is it?”

“It’s mom.” The little boy’s face looked darker as he held back tears in his eyes.

“What happened to mom?”

“She fell down the stairs.”

Jaxon’s mouth opened before he sprung to his feet and ran out the room, with Junior following him behind.



I scrambled down the stairs and was thankful when my eyes landed on Sarah.

I ran up to her and held her hands. She looked confused, “Lily, what the hell? Aren’t you meant to be asleep? What’s wrong?”

“Adrian. Where’s Adrian? He’s not in his room.”

“Oh, Adrian?” Sarah said then rubbed on my shoulders, “He told me to tell you that he’s gone to meet someone, an old friend, to clarify things with him. I don’t know what he meant though.”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

I thought hard till I got it. Oh, he went to meet Ethan. But why?

Sarah shook my arms, “He said he’ll be back soon. Come let’s go to our room.”

I reluctantly let her drag me to my room though I felt uneasy about what she just told me.



Adrian could sense him from miles away. He found Ethan near the edge of the forest, looking troubled and distant.

Ethan was a little startled when he saw Adrian’s shadow, “How did you find me?”

“How are you doing, old friend?” Adrian said, walking slowly towards him till he was fully in sight.

“Pfft…old friend indeed. Look at you, you’re already so much like them. I could hardly recognise you if it wasn’t for my telekinesis sense and your scent.”

“I’m not like them. I am with them because -”

“Of that girl? You’ve literally thrown away your family and birthright for that girl.”

“And what about you? You already did a long time ago, you know you can’t fool me. You’re about to risk it all because of vengeance.”

Ethan’s eyes narrowed, “You’re saying nonsense.”

“Ethan, I came here because we need to talk,” Adrian said in a serious tone.

Ethan turned to him and put on a guarded expression. “What do you want?” he asked, trying to act nonchalant.

“Why did you attack Sarah and Theo?” I asked.

Ethan’s eyes darted father, and he seemed to hesitate before speaking. “So those are their names? I didn’t do anything to them,” he said defensively.

Adrian’s eyes narrowed. “Why are you lying? Theo was on the brink of transforming into a vampire because of you. Did Leo send you to do that? To deliver the message to Lily?” he asked firmly.

Ethan’s façade crumbled, and he looked torn. “I-I had to do it. Yes, Leo gave me orders and you know better not to disobey Leo,” he admitted.

Adrian’s heart sank at his confession, and anger surged through him. “You almost killed my friend. Why are you still a puppet to that guy? When will you wake up?” I demanded.

Ethan looked more torn. “I didn’t fucking wanna do it! I don’t want anything to do with what’s happening! You won’t understand,” he said, looking away.

Adrian knew he was hiding something so he persisted. He wanted to get the truth out of Ethan. Adrian shook his head, unable to comprehend his actions. “Then explain to me. When I came to attack Leo that day, you were also behind him. You follow him everywhere now? Is that how badly you want his approval?

Ethan punched the tree next to him, leaving a dent on its body, “You don’t fucking understand! I have no choice! There’s something he does to my body…if I disobey him…that’s why I need to kil-” But he stopped again and walked away from Adrian.

Adrian stepped closer to him and said in a stern voice. “Is he blackmailing you? Controlling you? How could anybody control you, Ethan?” he said.

Ethan shook his head. “Did you come here to mock me?” he growled with with a low voice.

“No, I came here to listen to you.”

“You’re doing more talking than listening.”

“I know you’re not okay with Leo’s reign. I know you want to put a stop to it. I know you’ve been a rebel even before I ran away.”

“Since you know everything, why are you here?!”

Adrian stood in front of him and placed a shoulder on Ethan’s shoulder, “We both want Leo dead. We may not be on the same team right now, but we have similar goals. Heck, Ethan, at least we were friends once.”

“What are you saying?”

“You know what I’m saying.”

Ethan gulped, “You want me to kill Leo?”

“No, I want you to weaken him so on the day of the war, he’ll be easier to kill. And you’ll be free.”

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