Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 101


As the pack faced the threat of the vampire coven, I knew we had to act quickly. The elders gathered in the council chamber. It was obvious they were worried about our safety as much as I was.

With resolve, I approached the council. As the new head general and semi Alpha, I felt responsible for protecting our pack. We needed to strengthen our defenses and prepare for the upcoming attack. I was determined to do whatever it took to keep everyone safe.

“Brothers and sisters, Elders and generals,” I addressed the council, “we cannot afford to be complacent. The vampires are growing bolder with each passing day, and we must be prepared to defend our home and our people. Theo, one of the pack hunters alerted me a few days ago about some vampires conspiring to attack the grove days before the war finally happens as a means to weaken our stronghold and will before the battle. We need to show them that we’re prepared for their advance, but with the use of old devices and weapons, we may sadly lose to their venomous strikes.”

One of the elders, James, nodded in agreement. “He’s right. We cannot rely on old strategies and defenses. We need to be proactive and find ways to strengthen our position.”

Another elder, Mary, chimed in, “What I suggest we do now is send out scouts to gather information about the vampires’ movements and plans. Knowledge is power, and it will give us an advantage.”

I nodded in agreement with Mary’s suggestion. “Yes, scouting is essential, but we also need to consider the possibility of using the secret weapons my father kept hidden away. He wrote it in his will that he had entrusted all his assets to him as his only surviving blood and heir, so by right, I am able to use them under my command, but it seems most of the elders here believe I am too inexperienced to wield them and this is why they have kept them hidden from my reach. Those weapons were meant for dire situations like this.”

I walked quickly towards one of the older and wiser members of our pack. I had this burning need to act fast to safeguard our pack and do all it takes to ensure we’re prepared for the war. I sought wisdom from the elder.

“Tyler,” the elder greeted me warmly, “What exactly are you asking for?”

I took a deep breath, steadying my nerves before speaking. “I’ve been thinking about this direly, Elder Mason,” I began, “in this war that’s coming, we need to strengthen our forces and fortify our walls if we’re going to stand a chance against the vampires and their allies.”

Elder Mason nodded in agreement. “You’re right, Tyler. The safety of our pack members is our top priority.”

“Exactly. I was wondering if you’d consider convincing the fellow elders to approve the use of the secret weapons that my father kept hidden,” I hesitated. I knew that these were dangerous and powerful weapons but these were dangerous times and the vampires are very resilient, I dare say even more resilient then us. “I believe they could give us a huge advantage in the upcoming battle.”

Elder Mason regarded me thoughtfully. “Your father was a wise leader, and if he deemed these weapons necessary for our protection, then I trust his judgment. However, we must be cautious in their use. Power like that can be both a blessing and a curse to our kind. That is why they were kept hidden.”

“I understand,” I replied earnestly. “I won’t use them recklessly, I promise. But if it means protecting our pack, I believe it’s worth the risk.”

I had totally forgotten Lily’s father was there until he spoke up, “Tyler, those weapons are dangerous and unpredictable. We must consider the consequences of using such power.”

“I am aware, but Henry,” I countered, “we are facing an unprecedented threat. If we don’t take drastic measures, we risk losing everything we hold dear. These weapons could be our saving grace.”

The room fell silent as the council members weighed the pros and cons of my proposal. I could see the hesitation in their eyes, their reluctance to resort to such extreme measures.

Finally, Henry spoke again, his voice gentle but firm, “Tyler, I understand your desire to protect our pack, but we must also consider the risks. Using those weapons could have dire consequences not just for us but for the entire supernatural world. I have used them once during the last battle we had and I know how it feels to yield them. The power is also brain draining and consuming. You must consider your decision carefully.”

I took a deep breath, trying to control the frustration and fear that threatened to overwhelm me. “I know the risks, Henry, but I’m willing to bear them if it means keeping our people safe. We cannot let fear paralyze us. We must act, and we must act now.”

There was a moment of tense silence before Mary spoke up, “Tyler, we trust your judgment, and we know that your intentions are pure. Let us consider your proposal carefully and weigh the risks and benefits. We will reconvene tomorrow to make a decision.”

I nodded, knowing that it was the best I could hope for at the moment. “Thank you for considering it,” I said sincerely.

Elder Mason studied me for a moment, assessing my sincerity and determination. “He may not have to wait till tomorrow,” he finally said. “Let us discuss the matter now if it is really dire.”

I nodded joyfully and bent in reverence. “Thank you, Elder Mason. Thank you very much. I know we face difficult times ahead, but with the help of those devices, I believe we can overcome this threat.”

As I left the elder’s presence and stood by the sideline, watching as they discuss the matter amongst themselves, my mind was already racing with plans and strategies. Time was of the essence, and we needed to act swiftly to prepare ourselves for the battle to come.

The council meeting came to an end and I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. I knew that time was running out, and we needed to make a decision quickly. But I also knew that I couldn’t act alone – I needed the support and approval of the council.

Elder Mason frowned at me and I knew it would take a lot more than just an unguided speech to convince them.


Over the next few days, we worked tirelessly to strengthen our defenses and train our younger warriors despite the elders not granting me access to those weapons. We still made due with what we had. We were all in this together, fighting for the survival of our pack and our way of life.

During our training, I saw Lily in the distance, fighting fiercely with so much strength. It made me proud to have her as one of us, ready to fight with me.

What was I talking about? I meant ready to fight with us…for the pack.

After training, I went to talk to her about my plans. When I got close, she looked at me with concern in her eyes.

“Hi.” I said


“You’re still good with the dagger?”

“It never left me.” She said and continued practicing in front of me. I took a seat and stared at her, oblivious to the fact that she could read my expression.

“Tyler,” she said softly and walked to me, “what’s going on? I can see something is bothering you.”

I took a deep breath. “I’ve been talking to the elders about using some secret weapons my father kept hidden,” I confessed. “I believe they could give us an advantage in the upcoming battle.”

Lily’s eyes widened with surprise, but she didn’t question me. “If you believe it’s necessary to protect our pack, then I trust your judgment,” she said firmly.

I smiled gratefully at her, “Thanks, Lily. Your words always mean a lot to me but I’m afraid your dad’s the one who doesn’t want me to have those weapons.”

She looked concerned, “My dad? But why?”

“During the council meeting, he was the only one who questioned me. He says because he’s fought with them before and they really do corrupt…that it’s better we don’t use them and continue training. It’s simply not going to be enough.” I sighed, frustrated.

“If he says that, it means they’re really powerful objects and he’s looking out for us, but he’ll later say yes.” She says and shrugs.



“But how do you know that?”

“Just trust me. He’ll come around sooner or later.”

“Then it should be sooner than sooner.”

We both chuckled until she abruptly stopped and took her bag, “Later?”




Jaxon’s absence had affected everyone, and you could feel the strain in the air. Pablo seemed especially upset, and his emotions were reaching a breaking point.

One evening, with the sun setting and the sky colored in beautiful shades, everyone had gathered in the camp. The atmosphere was heavy with tension, and whispers of the recent argument spread among the members.

Pablo was usually calm, but now he was pacing back and forth, anger and sadness pent up in his whole aura. He was trying to understand what had happened and how to deal with it all.

Ethan, standing a few feet away, seemed hesitant, but he was insistent to make his point known. “Pablo, I understand your frustration, but you have to see that Jaxon had his reasons for leaving,” he said.

Pablo halted his restless pacing and turned to face Ethan, his eyes burning with intensity. “His reasons? A petty argument is what caused all of this?” he exclaimed, his voice rising in pitch. “We are a team, a family, and we should be able to work through our differences, not let them tear us apart!”

“But it’s not just about a petty argument,” Ethan retorted. “There’s more to it than that. Maybe Jaxon felt like he didn’t belong here anymore, like he was constantly being judged and questioned. He needed space to figure things out.”

Pablo ran his fingers through his hair in frustration,

“Oh, stop that. My own son, feeling that he’s been judged and questioned? And that is why he defies me?!”

Ethan’s ears stood, “Defy you? How?” He had noticed Pablo’s recent change in mood but he didn’t want to think too much of it. To him, Pablo was a mentally disturbed man but he would use him to get what he wants. He just needed to be careful with him, but he didn pity Jaxon…if at all this man was his father, that alone was hell itself.

Pablo continued pacing and grumbling to himself, “How dare he? How could he jeopardize everything I’ve planned for over forty years? How could he?”

“Pablo, what exactly do you mean by he defied you? You told us he ran away after you both had an argument. Is that what truly happened?” Ethan asked him suspiciously.

This got on Pablo’s nerves. He stopped pacing and looked at Ethan squarely, “Are you questioning me?”

“Can’t I? Last time I checked we were allies and all equal here. There was no hierarchy – no leader or the led. Just allies. So why can’t I question you?” Ethan’s voice grew louder.

“Then you doubt me? You believe I am lying to you?”

“Yes, because your stories don’t correlate. What happened to Jaxon?… no, better still Pablo, what did you do to Jaxon?” Ethan glared at him and the others’ murmurs increased.

Pablo’s throat went dry as he felt challenged, but he kept his cool, “I don’t know what the hell you’re insinuating but I advice you to not be foolish, my boy.”

“Don’t call me that.” Ethan flashed his teeth and Pablo sat down, mentally exhausted.

“Listen, Ethan, I am not against you.”

“Nor am I against you.”

“I am not trying to fight you.”

“Nor am I.”

“So, go and get Jaxon so we can know what to do next.”

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to that.”

Pablo stared at him, “And why is that?”

“Until you tell me what you did to him, I won’t do anything you say.”Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

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