Forbidden Desire

The ugly truth

I listened to our breaths calming down little by little, and when he regained some composure, he crawled over to where I was and gave me a kiss on the mouth while caressing my belly.

“Are you okay?”

I just nodded because I still couldn’t speak, and he laughed. He kissed my face, and his gaze now seemed to have changed; he was no longer the Jason who dominated me wildly when we were in bed. The smile on his face, the sparkle in his eyes, and his caresses on my belly made me understand that we were okay. He kissed my face and trailed his kisses until he reached my belly.

“I’m so happy because we’re going to have a baby…”

I lowered my gaze, staring at his silly smile that melted me.

“Me too, love… I already imagine every little detail of him.”

“Or her…”

He corrected me, and I laughed because ever since I found out, I had a feeling it would be a boy.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“I don’t think so… Every time I close my eyes and imagine, I see a little boy just like you… With those lips of the most beautiful pink shade I’ve ever seen… With your slanted eyes and…”

Before I could finish, he interjected.

“With honey-colored eyes like yours…”

I laughed and shook my head.

“No… I don’t want him to have anything of mine… I want him to be perfect like you, my love!”

I was smiling like a fool, and without even realizing it, tears welled up in my eyes from the emotion of imagining our child. He leaned in closer to my face again, caressing it as he kissed me.

“I want a mixture of both of us… Because if he inherits your honey-colored eyes, your tan skin, or your plump lips, I’m sure he’ll be the most beautiful little boy in the world.”

He pulled me to lie on his chest but continued to caress my belly.

“I already want to set up his nursery, buy lots of clothes, strollers…”

He said excitedly, and I smiled, seeing the sparkle in his eyes that could light up an entire city.

“Easy, we have to make sure of the gender first.”

“For me, that doesn’t matter… What matters is that the woman of my life is expecting my child, and I’m the happiest man in the world.”

We kissed, and I lost myself in the caresses he gave me, closing my eyes to enjoy every second.

“Please don’t hide anything from me anymore… I know things are difficult with Jinhee’s pregnancy, but I still think this child is not mine, and as soon as we can do the test, I’ll get rid of him forever.”

“But what if it’s yours, love? You can’t abandon this child…”

“Of course not… If it’s mine, I’ll give Jinhee a good sum of money to let me have custody of him.”

“And do you think she’ll accept?”

He nodded as he stroked my back.

“I think so… She has no inclination to be a mother.”

“Maybe this child can change her… I believe that the child should always stay with the mother.”

“I don’t know… I think it’s a bit difficult for Jinhee to change; she’s very spoiled.”

“Maybe everything will change when she sees her child’s face… Just imagining ours makes me so silly.”

I said with a smile that didn’t seem to want to leave my face.

“Me too… And even though it’s not under the most ideal circumstances, I can hardly believe that I’m going to have two babies.”

I smiled, imagining the two of them running and playing around the house.

“I hope they get along so they can play together.”

“Imagine if it’s a boy and a girl?”

I laughed, imagining a mini Jinhee, and I almost blessed myself with the possibility that the child would come with the same personality as his mother.

“God help us so that she’s nice.”

He laughed and kissed me again. We lay there, imagining and planning the future, which, although uncertain, seemed to be starting to take shape. We made a promise to try not to fight, and I wanted more than anything for that to become a reality. After some time, we took a shower and went downstairs for lunch since we had missed breakfast due to the time we spent in the room. I thanked God for not seeing any sign of Jinhee or Jason’s mother. When my aunt appeared, her face was red, and I couldn’t even look at her knowing that she probably heard our moans. As soon as we finished lunch, Jason rushed to the company, and I went to the studio because I received a message from Jihoon saying he would stop by here quickly just to see how I’m doing because then he had a commitment. I went to the library to pick up a book from college that I had left there, and on the way back, I heard Jason’s mother’s voice coming from the room where Jinhee was.

“I’ll never accept this… Did you see what that slut is doing to my son? Did you see how vulgar she is? If Jason doesn’t watch out, she’ll destroy him.”

“But he doesn’t seem to care about that… He’s totally dominated by her.”

“Not as much as he always was by you…”

“I don’t know…”

“I’m telling you… If you blink, he’ll come back to you! I saw the way he looked at you that day in my house… He abandoned her at the mall that day, Jinhee, and instead of leaving me at home and going after her, what did he do? He went to the bedroom with you!”

My world simply stopped spinning for a few seconds, and then it started moving so fast that I felt dizzy. I heard Jinhee sigh, and I could hear her voice becoming more animated.

“Oh, don’t even talk about it… It was so good to kiss him… To feel him hugging me and desiring me… There I realized that he still loves me…”

“Of course, he loves you, I have no doubt about that… I know my son, he’s stubborn as a mule, and he’s just using that maid to relieve himself, but when his anger passes, he’ll come running back to you.”

“Yeah, but with her pregnant, everything gets more complicated.”

“If that child is even his…”

I heard Jinhee laugh, and I wished I had left before hearing her next sentence because it completely destroyed me.

“It’s true… Deep down, Jason doesn’t even believe that child is his… We talked earlier, and I’m starting to think it’s Venom’s!”

My head started spinning, and I had to hold onto a nearby piece of furniture to keep from falling. My chest hurt, and I felt an immense desire to run away; I just wanted to run so fast and so far that I wouldn’t have to put up with any of this anymore. I left that hallway feeling my legs wobbly, and I looked at the front door heading towards it; I just wanted to get away from all of it. The man I loved had betrayed me; he was with Jinhee the day he abandoned me at that mall; I gave myself to him body and soul, and he thinks my child isn’t his. I started to feel tears rolling down my face as I walked faster and faster towards the door, and when I opened it, I saw Jihoon there ready to ring the doorbell, and before he could react, I threw myself into his arms. He was my safest refuge from any pain, and without even questioning, I felt his arms envelop me with a warmth and such tenderness that if I could, I would live forever in that embrace.

“Shhh, it’s okay… I’m here!”

I breathed in the soft perfume he exuded, and soon I felt my labored breathing calming down. I listened to his heartbeat and focused on that to calm my breathing. When I was calmer, he gently moved my face away from his chest just enough to look at me and used his fingers to wipe away my tears.

“Feeling calmer now?”

I nodded, and he gave me a slight smile that seemed to warm my heart. He caressed my face, and it was amazing how he could calm every troubled part of my soul with just a simple smile.

“Take me away from here, Ji…”

He seemed surprised by my request and looked around, seeming unsure of what to do.


“Yeah… I just need to get away from here for a while… Please!”

“Of course! Come on!”

He took my hand and led me to the car; unlike other days, there was no driver, and when he opened the passenger door for me to get in, I noticed that the car was filled with stuffed animals, dolls, toy cars, and other children’s toys. When he got into the car, I looked at him confused, and he glanced at the toys as if he had forgotten they were there.

“Wow, for a moment, I completely forgot.”

“What? Are you Santa Claus?”

I joked, and he gave a shy smile that made him even more handsome.

“Almost like that… I said I was going to stop by quickly because I have to go somewhere.”

He tapped his fingers lightly against the steering wheel as if thinking and then seemed excited.

“Do you want to go to a special place with me?”

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