Fates Hands

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Chapter 27–Book 2

##WARNING Graphic violence and language. Bear carnage##

James and his bear ran through the forest recklessly, their only thoughts were…KILL, KILL, KILL them

all. Gonna drag that bitch home too, first though we will make her watch while we kill her lover.

KILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILL over and over it was all they knew. No other thoughts existed.

He didn’t realize that he was already on Mountain Bear territory, He didn’t see the sentries move to

hide in the shadows to let him pass. Nor the inner guard that let him pass as they watched him head

straight for the Main House of the Clan.

Nor did he see the two really big grizzlies following behind him at a


distance. He just kept on running, till he burst from the tree line right onto the front grounds of the clan.

He ran straight into their trap, he didn’t seem to understand the situation at all he just ran straight at the

circle of warriors. Crashing into them as the grizzlies easily tossed him back into the middle of the


It was at that moment their last bit of sanity came to the surface. I was enough for him to stop what he

was doing and look around. Realizing that they had him in a circle he let out a roar of rage.

It was at that moment that what appeared to be the leader stepped into the circle in his human form.

“You don’t know me but I am the Mate of November Jane and you are never going to lay your filthy

eyes on

her ever again. Prepare yourself, Justice has come for you.”

It was then that Jack shifted into Brutus. Brutus let out a roar of challenge, as he began to circle the

black bear. The black bear lunged at Brutus but Brutus was too fast, he dodged the black bear and

landed a deep swipe with his claws down its


This back and forth went on for a long time till finally, Brutus had had enough play and chomped down

hard on the black bear’s head making a cracking sound. In one strong whip with his body, the black

bear’s neck broke and his skull was crushed in.

Brutus then started clawing and biting James’s body, letting out all the rage he felt over what James

had done, not only to Nova but to all the ones he tortured and killed. While his warriors watched

wanting to do the


When it was all over, James’s mutilated body lay in the clearing with a bloody Brutus standing over him.

He then bellowed out a roar of victory.

With that James Springer was no more. They took his body deep into the forest of their territory and

hung it from a huge tree to let the scavengers find it. One of the guards made a last remark to the


“I hope you don’t make the vultures sick.” 2

Sheriff Avery pulled up to the cabin with some supplies for James. He noticed that the motel manager

was no longer tied to the tree.

When he got closer to the cabin he noticed that there was a rotting body

on the porch. A closer inspection, he realized that it was Kathy Fosters.



No answer, nothing but silence and the wind in the trees. Avery realized that the place was empty, he

didn’t need to go inside. It was just a feeling he had but he ran back to his truck and got the hell out of


Something was going wrong, James could have been out hunting in the forest. Seeing Kathy’s rotting

body on the porch though, James has lost it and wasn’t coming back.

It was time to do damage control and get the hell out of the county. James was his insurance policy on

getting caught. Now there isn’t a safety net. He was just about to pull into his

driveway when he noticed all the cars and people surrounding his home.


He slowly came to a stop and hit reverse silently making his way back the way he came.

He was in full panic mode now. He had to go back to the cabin, for now, it is the only place they don’t

know about. He could hide there for a day or two till he could come up with another plan. His skin was

already crawling from the thought of the cabin.

He laughed nervously, well it’s that old saying. Any port in a storm.

Agent David, the state police, and his fellow FBI agents were going through Sheriff Avery Whitmore’s

house. The things they found were damning. He

not only kept records and video recordings of all the dealings and victims.

They also found a nasty playroom in the basement, complete with cages and three females in pretty

bad shape but the EMTs were pretty certain that they would recover. They also found a room dedicated

to his drug trade. They also found a bonus, it was a little blue address book with all his contacts in it.

The Sheriff didn’t think he would ever be caught. If he would have stuck to just selling the drugs he may

have gotten away with it. He had to get greedy and perverted, thus drawing unwanted attention.

Agent David already knew that they wouldn’t find the Sheriff here. His forrest informers had already told

him that he was running. They would let him know later where the Sheriff

has decided to lay low. Once that happens, Agent David was going to pay him a little visit.

Adira had just come out of the shower when she heard Nova frantically knocking on her door.

When she opened the door Nova was standing there with the strangest look on her face. Adira couldn’t

decide if Nova was scared or happy.

As soon as the door was open Nova came rushing inside.


“Calm down sweetie and have a seat. Tell me what has you so upset?”

“Either I am missing some fries from my happy meal or I just talked to my Bear!”


Adira giggled, as she pulled Nova in for a hug.

Oh, Sweetie that is wonderful, why don’t you try talking to her again to see what she has to say?”|

HAdira, I don’t know how.”

“It is easy silly, just talk to her in your mind. She will answer you.”

Nova paused for a moment and concentrated on using her mind.

“Are you there Ursa? Are you real? Or am I just finally going nuts?”

There was laughter, and not her own going on in Nova’s head.

“I am here little one and I am real. I woke up with your last mating with our mates. When Brutus joined

in it woke me up. I will be here now till we both pass beyond the veil. As I said before my name is


“Adira her name is Ursa and she said she was awakened at our last mating.”

“That’s wonderful Nova!! Wait till you tell Jack and Brutus. Though Brutus might already know or has an

idea anyway.” Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Adira and Nova were awake most of the night, discussing what it was like to have their others, what

shifting will be like the first time. How wonderful it is to run with them in their forms. Anything and

everything that Adira and Artemis could think of they relayed it to Nova.

Adira also explained going into heat, though she wasn’t sure if that happened in the Bear shifters or

not. Ursa spoke up and said that it was called estrus in their world. It was similar but not the same.

Nova couldn’t wait to tell Jack, she hoped he would be happy about it.

finding it harder to breathe.

That was when he heard a whisper…

“Don’t make a sound, that creep is asleep right now. I am here to get you out of here. We have to be as

quiet as possible, so when I untie you I will carry you out of here over my back. Like a fireman. Do you

understand? If you do nod your head.” D

* Todd frantically nodded his head.”

“Good, let us get out of here then.”

With that, the ropes fell away and the handcuffs snapped in half. Todd sat there for a little bit as the

feeling came back into his arms, it was very painful but he kept his mouth shut. His rescuer picked up

the rope and handcuffs.

He reached down as gently as he could and put Todd over his shoulder. Todd passed out again from

the head

wound, it was a good thing because if he saw what had rescued him, he may have screamed and tried

to escape.

With one giant graceful leap, they were into the forest and on their way to freedom.

Sheriff Avery was sitting in the kitchen in his underwear, smoking a cigar. Upstairs was another

girlfriend of a drug addict that had to pay for their boyfriend’s debts with their body.

She was upstairs right now taking a shower, he let her think that she was done. He giggled like a

schoolgirl, she has a long night ahead of her. He hasn’t even gotten started.

When she is done with her shower, he is going to drag her down to his basement, and then the real fun


HATAM D begin.

He looked at himself in the reflection of the glass in the kitchen door. He was never anything special,

now he is fat, bald, and still had acne. He laughed, no wonder she looked at him in horror, as her

boyfriend told her what she had to do.

He was gentle at first, she shouldn’t have too many bruises when he takes her back. That is after he

has had his fun in the basement, then she will clean and do his laundry naked.

After that, he might let her go home, depending on how good she is.

Nova had a blast, shopping was something she liked doing. She had also gotten a bunch of things for

the clan house and the nursery. She had those things shipped directly to the clan

Adira even talked Nova into getting some slinky lingerie, it was pretty much no more than a piece of red

lace. Another was black leather with some thigh-high black leather boots. She wasn’t sure she could

pull off the high heels though.

Adira showed her how to walk in them, although she got the hang of it she was still unsure. Adira told

her that once Jack sees her in that little number he isn’t going to notice if you wobble a little.

She was afraid at first that Adira would think she was stupid because she didn’t know much of anything

about makeup or lotions and the myriad of everything else. Adira though didn’t think any such thing, it

was like she had a complete understanding of Nova’s situation.

Later during a huge pizza dinner, Adira told Nova her story. After that

Nova trusted Adira completely. Then she told her about Duncan’s sister Marnie and her mate Ashton.

Nova felt completely at home with Adira by the time dinner was over.

After dinner, they spent the rest of the evening with a very energetic little pup. He wasn’t very old but he

seemed to have a great understanding of things. When he gets old enough to walk steadily, he is going

to be a handful.

After she was shown to her room she called Jack, he insisted that she have a phone and made sure

she knew how to use it. Just hearing his voice was a comfort to her. He talked about anything and

nothing as she fell asleep listening to his voice. I

Duncan called for a meeting, something that is unusual for another

Alpha to do. Jack didn’t give a crap about all that protocol. If Duncan wanted a meeting then he can

have a meeting

Jack knew though that it had to do with what his trackers had sniffed out.

Everyone was in Jack’s office waiting for him, Jack came in and took his seat behind the desk.

“Ok Duncan, what did you all find?”

We found everything, we were hoping that the FBI guy was here still. He is going to want to see what

we found. Probably gonna want to bring in a team and all that stuff that they do.

We found that, first of all, there is a very well hidden cabin about 15 miles from James’s property. About

ten miles north of the cabin in a very deep ravine, we found an extensive

pile of human remains. It was beyond imagination. I almost tossed my dinner.

Some were just skeletal, others were in various states of decomp. All of them were missing their ears

and eyes. It also looked like a lot of them were partially eaten.

There were fresh ones as well and one that was intact, a woman we think was the mother of your mate

from the description we were given of the parties involved. Her head was half blown off but she wasn’t

mutilated like the others.

We think two killers are using that dumpsite because three of the victims were shot, they still had their

hands handcuffed behind them. Nor were they mutilated.

Two of us came back, our third stayed behind to rescue the latest victim.

dumpsite because three of the victims were shot, they still had their hands handcuffed behind them.

Nor were they mutilated. D

Two of us came back, our third stayed behind to rescue the latest victim. Once Jessie gets him free he

is leaving a note for that asshole and bringing the victim back here. He should be coming in anytime


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