Fates Hands

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Chapter 10–Book 2

###Warning Language and sexual topics.###

Night falls fast in the deep forest, Nova had a roaring fire going when he returned, he managed to

catch two nice size rabbits, he had them cleaned and ready to be put on the spit to roast.

The first thing that he noticed was the smell of COFFEE!!

“You, have coffee?”

She smiled and giggled at his excitement.

“Yes, and I also have some simple herbs and spices with me for those rabbits, I also took the liberty of

picking some wild turnips and some leeks. So we should have a decent meal anyway. Simple as it will

be, it should be good.”

She handed him a cup of coffee, he usually would use two sugars and two spoons full of cream, at this

moment though he looked at the black coffee almost drooling in anticipation.

When he took a drink he was surprised, it was sweet.

“I don‘t have any kind of cream to use for it, but if you are anything like me you like sugar.”

“Thank You!” He gave her a courtly bow. She started to blush again and he almost spit his coffee out.

He knew he had to take it slow and go over all of the information she gave him. Still, if she keeps that

up he is going to have to find a very cold stream and take a swim, a very long one.

There was an attraction there between them, he knew she could feel it too. He also suspected that she

was a virgin. Not that he minded at all, he liked that she would only ever be his. Only know his touch,

only know his love.

Dammit!! He has to stop thinking like this or he is going to do something that might make her run


The rabbits were on the spit and the turnips and leaks were roasting on the rocks near the fire. Things

were starting to smell good. He had only one other thought, this smell might bring in unwanted

attention. He didn‘t care he would take care of whatever decided to visit.

She needed food and so did he. He would fight anyone to the death for her, and the coffee.

As dinner was cooking Jack decided it was a good time to find out more about her.

“So Nova, what is your full name, where are you from, if you don‘t mind me asking?”

She was quiet for a little bit, he could see she was deciding if she could trust him yet. Then she


“My full name is November Jane Fosters I am 19 soon to be 20 and I live about 20 minutes from a little

town called Riverview. I work as a housekeeper for a small cabin–type motel. The woman who gave

birth to me is called Kathy and her piece of crap husband James lives there too.”

“Well November, I notice you don‘t like your parents much, any particular reason?” (1

“My mother is a drunk and does whatever James wants her to do, end sys ra James is a creepy

pervert and I think he is also a serial killer. He is not my real father, I don‘t know who he is.”

Jack sat there stunned for a bit, did she say, a serial killer? Brutus was just as stunned as Jack was.

Yes, I believe she did.

“I know it must not be too easy for you to talk about all this, but what makes you think your stepfather is

a serial killer?”

“It was small things at first, but I didn‘t put them all together till I saw what he had in his private shed.”

She started shaking and her feet wouldn‘t stay still, whatever was in that cabin could wait for another

day. He needed to know but she was traumatized. So he is going to have to just go slow with her and

let her tell him when she is ready, as long as it doesn‘t take too long. That is information that should be

out and about so he could investigate and take out the criminals making sure they are not shifters.

If they were shifters then they would have to be dealt with a little more quietly as to not let the world

know of their existence.

“I have one friend that I work with, well she is kinda a friend anyway. I clean the cabins with Maggi she

is a nice lady, she keeps to herself but she is always good to me. She also knows of my home

situation, she didn‘t know that I was planning on running. Nor does she know that James is a killer.”

“I think that the local Sheriff Avery Endstead is working with James or James works for him. something is going on between them. The Sheriff comes and picks up James and then James is gone

for a few days when he returns he has money. James isn‘t the working type if you know what I mean.”

“I also think my mother is in on it too in some way or the other, I think it‘s mostly that she knows what

he does and is ok with it. To be honest though if you offer my Mother a bottle of Jack Daniels she will

do whatever you like.”

Jack was a little more than pissed at hearing about her home life, no wonder she decided to run.

“So why did you stay so long if you knew your stepdad was a serial killer.?”

“I knew he was a pervert and was waiting to get to me, I am not sure what his reasons were. I didn‘t

know about the serial killer part though, till the day before I was to leave.”

“I waited for the Sheriff to pick up James again. The shed was always a curiosity to me so I decided

that since he was gone, I would go have a look.”

“I wish I never did.”

She started shaking again, he put his hand on her leg to calm her down.

“That‘s all you have to tell me for right now, the rabbit and veggies are almost done so let us call that

kinda talk quits for tonight.”

With that, they just sat and stared at the fire listening to the meat hiss and pop as it cooked.

James in his bear form had slept under a pine tree, He wasn‘t very

end sys ro happy this morning, he thought that he would find a viable trail to follow, instead, he had

found nothing. He thought it might be best if he went

back home.

It was then that he could smell food cooking, it was distant and he couldn‘t tell its direction. That meant

though that she was here somewhere. It could be another but he didn‘t think so. If it was some stray

hikers then he would have himself some fun at least.

He would walk for a little bit then sniff the air, change his course and walk some more. The damn scent

was impossible. It was taking him in circles.

He sat down, he was in his bear form and should have no trouble finding the source of the scent of

food in the air. It could mean only one thing, yes she is out here but she got a bigger head start than

he thought she did. Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

He started to cover ground now at a faster pace, unsure of his direction but he had to start


He was about five miles out when he stopped in his tracks, he sniffed a nearby tree and went into a fit

of rage. There was another bear here and he marked this as his territory. This was James‘s territory!!!!!

He would kill this other interloper when he finds him.

Then another thought hit him, what if this other bear had come across or met up with Nova.


With that, he went charging off into the woods. FBI Agent David Whitmore couldn‘t have been more

surprised if he woke up the next morning with three boobs and a unicorn horn.

There she was his one–night stand, David almost didn‘t recognize her, life and the bottle had not been

good to her. He tried to find her after she took off but he only had the name Kat to go by. So he let it go

and moved on.

He never did find another female that his bear liked or wanted after that. She was unconscious but

alive, probably all the booze she was consuming. How the hell did she end up here.

Well, what to do?

He went back to the kitchen and

grabbed a big bowl and filled it with cold water. He dumped the whole thing on her. She moaned and

sat up. “You asshole James, why did you do that?”

“I don‘t know who James is but I bet you are going to be surprised when you realize who I am. That is if

that booze–damaged brain of yours remembers.”

She sat there on the wet bathroom floor, soaked with the scent of puke in the air. Staring at him. Her

makeup was running all over the place, she was hideous.

“Who are you? How the fuck am I supposed to know that, what are you doing in my house?”

“You sure you don‘t remember me, Kat?

When he used that name on her she turned pale with a tint of green. Well, well so she does

remember. “I know we were never properly introduced so allow me to introduce myself. I am Special

Agent David Whitmore. I work for the FBI.”

She did something he wasn‘t expecting, she laid back down on the floor and started to cry.

That made David curious, why was she crying and looking so afraid. What was she hiding? David

intended to find out. He wasn‘t going to be all that nice about it either.

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