Fates Hands

Chapter 63

Chapter 63


Chapter 63

###Warning Language and Violence###

Adira was the first to arrive, as she tried to make sense of the scene before her. It was Felicia,

somehow she managed to get out of her room and it looked like she was trying to burn down the door

to the nursery.

Felicia didn‘t look like herself at all, she looked crazy. The kind of crazy you don‘t come back from.

Felicia noticed Adira watching and with a yell she came close to her, that was when Duncan stepped in

front closing Felicia‘s access to Adira.

She screamed in anger again and again. Banging her fists on the floor. She was truely gone.




She started to cough because of the smoke, then she started to yell again..





Felicia in a fit of crazed rage launched herself at the on lookers. Before she could make contact though,

Archer stood before her. He was pissed.

“You leave me no choice Felicia, for

... now this transgression, after the Luna tried to help you by pleading with her goddess. You know

Pride law. It doesn‘t matter if you don‘t succeed, if you try to kill an innocent, it is death.”

August and Ashton grabbed Felicia by her arms, they dragged her out of the pack house, all the while

she was kicking and screaming in rage. Archer followed behind till they reached the edge of the forest.

August and Ashton dragged her into the night of the forest, Archer shifted into a huge Lion. He leapt

into the forest after them. In a couple of minutes Ashton and August reappeared on the edge of the

forest, standing with heads bowed.

A mighty roar shook the night as a scream was heard, then all that could be heard was the silence in

the mwandisht.comwand mind


The King went out to meet with Archer about what had happened, he told Archer that he was a witness

to her crime and would testify if there was a need. Considering her parents and all.

Archer was touched, he didn‘t like killing as a rule. He has had to do it

from time to time to protect those that he loves and his Pride.

Still he wondered what had happened to her, was it something that happened suddenly or was it

something that happened over time.

They buried her burnt ashes right there in the forest. Which will remain Unmarked and Unknown. Her

parents will never see her again, nor will they have access to her remains. Let her be free of them at

least in death.

Duncan looked at Adira, he could tell that she was upset about Felicia. He went over to her and

wrapped her in his arms.

“Why Duncan, I gave her a chance of a lifetime.”

“Sometimes little wolf, not everyone can be saved or in this case wants to be saved.”

The fire didn‘t touch the children nor the smoke. The quick thinking of the helpers moved the pup‘s far

away from the door as possible. They opened window‘s closest to the door to draft out the smoke.

Though they were a bit scared they are all doing fine, no after effects as of yet. Adira wouldn‘t let little

Alex out of her sight. Even Artemis was acting possessive.


Duncan had to go and take care of all the pack business and talk to the King as well as Archer. To tell

them that this incident didn‘t hurt their relationship. He needed to touch base with Marco as well.

Adira placed little Alex on the bed, she then stripped and shifted into Artemis, Artemis jumped up on

the bed and wrapped herself around her pup. Duncan could feel Apollo‘s approval. He was a proud

wolf right now.

Duncan left and hunted down the first of a string of people he needed to talk to.

Lily knocked on Adira‘s door. She thought it was a little strange that she heard, “come in” inside her

mind instead of the normal way. She ananed the door and want inside

.. opened the door and went inside. Looking around the room she soon realized why it was a mind link.

There on the bed bigger than life was Artemis. She had wrapped herself around her pup. She watched

Lily with knowing eyes. Lily could tell that the wolf before her was all Artemis. Adira was not there,

where she didn‘t know.

Zinnia spoke up...

“Lily let me take this, it has to be all me though, so you will have to wait from me, in our place inside.”


Lily got undressed and shifted into Zinnia, she then left for the other world of Zinnia‘s.

Zinnia stood before Artemis......

“So it is a Queen Luna before me now, I see you are now white, where as


before you were dark. Tell me are you healed now? Does your soul still bleed?”

“We are healed now, goddess wolf. We have found our true mate and are happy again. Lily wishes to

be a true sister now and aunt. If that is possible after all that we had done.” 2

“Well Queen Luna, it is possible. Adira is a very forgiving and kind person, she will accept you again as

a half sister. So Queen Luna do you know that you carry your own pup within you?” +

“I do.”

“Good then remember what you have learned, do not let that abuse continue on into our family line. It

must end in the past.”

Would you like to see your nephew.”

Artemis unfurled her tail and there was the face of a little angel. Zinnia stepped closer and took a sniff

of the pup‘s scent then she licked him. She got up on the bed with Artemis and together they wrapped

their bodies around their pup.

Lily and Adira still had to bring things out into the open in order to heal again. Lily found herself not

within Zinnia‘s personal world but anothers instead.

It was so vast and beautiful she wasn‘t sure where to go exactly. That was when she noticed the

goddess sitting next to a pool. Sitting with her was Adira.

Lily walked up to the pool, she was greeted with smiles as the goddess patted the ground next to her.

Lily of course sat down. They stayed silent like that for a little while or a long

while. Lily couldn‘t tell, time felt different here.

The Goddess finally spoke to the both of them.

“Well my children it is time that you speak to each other, I will not stay here for this, it is between the

two of you. Stay here in my garden, your wolves protect the pup. When you have finished just think of

home and you will be inside your wolves again.”

With that she walked into the pool and was gone. Adira and Lily stared at each other for a little bit. Till

finally Lily spoke.

“I am sorry for how I treated you and for all the things I did to you. I was so angry and miserable that I

wanted everyone else to feel that way too.”

“Oh, Lily I don‘t hate you, I forgive you for what you had done. The truth

is we were both abused horribly. Neither one of us really had a choice in the course of our actions. How

could we, we couldn‘t see what they were doing, that was intentional on their part.”

“I know Adira but still some things I did do willfuly. It is for those that I seek forgivness.”

Adira smiled; “Then you are forgiven, so long as you promise to be my sister from now on and never

my enemy again.”

“That is an easy promise for me now. I want to be your sister, I want to know what a real family is like.”

The King and Duncan went in search of their mates, what they found surpised and pleased them. Not

only did things look like they were

patched up, it also appeared that Artemis and Zinnia were also on good terms and at this moment on a

united front.

Both of them backed out of the room slowly, Duncan motioned for the King to follow him downstairs for

some after Christmas left overs. They met up with Marnie and Ashton as well as Archer.

They entered the Kitchen on a mission, time to make a raid on all

the treats that were left over, Duncan had his eyes on more ham. They all just relaxed for the rest of

the day, the King, Duncan and Marco sat down for a football game.

Others were outside either training or just playing in the snow. It was a great day for the King. He was

just another pack member here.

Which he knew wouldn‘t last but he


Which he knew wouldn‘t last but he was going to ride this horse all the way to the stable. For the time is

coming for him to completely clean house. Change is coming, not everyone will embrace it.

They both laughed happily, then they hugged for a long time while crying for the past and happy tears

for the furture.

When they were done the willed themselves back into their wolves and stayed in their form while taking

a nice lazy nap.

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