Fates Hands

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Chapter 49


Adria woke up to early morning sunlight on her face and to something that sounded weird, at first she

thought that it was snoring. When she looked around she found at the side of her bed on the floor,

Marnie and another male, he had himself wrapped around her.

He was the source of the loud noise, she couldn’t help herself she giggled a little at the sight. Looks like

Marnie has taken in a stray kitty. She looked at Marnies face, she looked so happy and content, Adira

wished she had a camera.

She wondered if they would be compatible as mates, she gave a shrug. If they were not compatible

then they wouldn’t be mates. When fate has decided what tune she wants to play, all we can do is

dance to the music.

Odd as it was to hear, the purring was comforting. Adria found herself sinking back under the covers

and going back to sleep. Ashton opened his eyes while still purring, he smiled when he saw that the

Luna went back to


She needed it, when they’d checked on her earlier she still had dark circles under her eyes. He knew

the effects of his purring, especially on females. Always calms them right down, he put his arm back

around his mate, kissing the top of her head, taking in the scent of her hair, smiling he went back to


Dr. Taylor stood horrified at the creature, that just bent the iron bars on his cage like they were wet

noodles. Clearly it was pissed. Dr. Taylor looked for the tranquilizer gun, it was across the room. He

would have to go by the creature to get to it.

The only other thing he had to protect himself, was the gun in his desk drawer. The beast let out a loud

roar it shocked Dr. Taylor to his knee’s in fear. He crawled to his desk and reached inside his bottom


He grabbed the gun and stood up to face the beast before him, with shaking hands he aimed the gun

and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened, he tried again still only an empty click. Before he could even

think or react the beast was on him, he felt a terrible sharp pain down the middle of his body along with


terrible wet ripping noise.

in shock he watched in the reflection of the glass partition as he was ripped in half. The pain was

unbearable but no scream came out of his mouth, just blood. Then he was no more, a much too easy

death for the monster but fitting.

Still pissed off the beast picked up both halves of the Doctor and violently shook them before whipping

them in different directions.

Duncan, Jack and Archer decided they should see what was going on, though none of them were too

eager to do so. Still curiosity is a bitch. All three of them went through the doors slowly, cautiously.

What they saw on the other side was beyond their imaginations. Blood was everywhere, it looked like

half of a man lay about three feet infront of them, where the other half was no one could tell.

What they saw looking back at them made them all stop in fear

Duncan knew what he was seeing, he had an encounter once with one. Nothing like this though He’d

never saw a pissed off one. It had

though. He’d never saw a pissed off one. It had blood dripping from it’s fur and the look on it’s face was Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

one of pure rage.

Jack mind linked Duncan and Archer.. “Is that what I think it is?” Archer was a little bit more worked up

about it, he almost seemed happy…”Holy shit flea bat man is that a Big Foot.?”

Duncan mind linked back as they all just stood still… “Yeah, that is what we call the Wild Man.”

It just stared at them, breathing heavily. You could tell that it was still under the influence of what ever

they injected him with. With another ear shattering roar it turned and ran to the other side of the room,

there were two more doors there.

It broke through them with two hits of it’s body and then it was gone down the hall into the darkness.

Archer mind linked his brother August, telling him what was on it’s way to them and to give it a wide


They could hear banging at the end of the other hallway and then a crash as the doors gave in and

they could see the creature silhouetted in the light from the outside. Then it was gone.

August mind linked his brother…”Holy shit is

11:26 AM 21.1KES


that what I thought it was?” Archer simply answered… “yes

As they all looked around the lab, they found the other half of the scientist. They also found a whole

computer full of nothing but logs and experiment results. It was a terrible account of what went on in

this place and for how long. It made them a little sick to know that this was going on for soo long right

under their noses.

Collecting all the data and pictures they could, they left the room and went to join the others.

“Soon various teams will converge here to investigate and check out all these beings, to see if any of

them can be saved.” Duncan gave out a big sigh.

Jack and Archer looked at Duncan.

“Duncan why don’t you head on back to your Luna, we know you have thought of nothing else. We will

take care of everything here. Once this place is empty we are going set it on fire and then blow it to


“The remaining scientists will be dealt with and delivered to our dungeons by afternoon. So go back to

your pack and Luna, reassure yourself that she is doing ok, get some sleep and time with her. You and

Apollo have expended a lot of

energy. Do you need us to set you up with a ride home?”

Duncan didn’t need to be told twice, he didn’t even answer them, he just shifted and ran off, though the

distance was pretty far, they knew he wouldn’t have too much trouble and if he gets tired he can always

contact Marco to send transportation

Adira woke once again, this time it was dark she looked at the clock it said 12:35 am. That was when

she realized that she could hear the shower running, she sat up for a minute she was unsure. She went

up to the closed door and felt the presence that she had been needing for a long time.

She opened the door and there standing in the steam in all his naked glory, was the love of her life.

She ran into his arms and started to cry. He held her in his arms high against his chest. Kissing her

everywhere he could reach with his lips. With a sigh of content he rested his face into the silky softness

of her hair.

“I was going to sneak into bed with you and surprise you that way, looks like you beat me to it though.

God, I have missed you sooo much. All I wanted to do when you first ran past me

was take you in my arms and leave. Lock you away with me forever.”

“I know my big bad wolfie, you had things to do that needed doing. I was right here waiting for you,

always and forever. Don’t worry I have been guarded night and day while I was resting, oh, I have

something to tell you later.”


“Why yes darling, after we get reaquainted again, it was so long after all. I need to feel all of you, got to

make sure you’re not just a dream.”

“That is good cause I have all kinds of stuff to share with you. Later.”

He put her down on her feet, taking off all her comfy clothes. Her breasts were the first thing he

noticed, they were getting even fuller than before, because of her body making ready for their pup. He

was going to be a little jealous perhaps, that he will have to share them soon.

She started to lick the droplets of water off of his chest, making swirling motions with her tongue as she

made her way downward. She swallowed his member whole, then started to suck her way back and

forth, it drove him over

the edge, with a roar he came to his climax. She greedily sucked every drop from him.

He picked her up again, this time straight to their bed. He very gently lay her down on the sheets, he

was in heaven, her scent enveloped him and the rest of the world was gone, it was only her and him.

He lay behind her while she lay on her side, he pulled her closer to him, relishing in the feel of her

warmth, the softness of her skin and her scent. There was nothing else on earth like it and it was all


Adira was in heaven or a dream she didn’t care which, everything that had happened was now

completly gone with his touch.

When Duncan laid his hand over her swollen womb he felt a surprise, his son gave him a kick. He

pulled his hand back with a grin on his face he looked lovingly at his Mate. He just stared at her in

wonder and Love,

He kissed her passionately, with all the longing and worry and now the joy he felt for the last couple of

days. Being in her arms was epic, his kisses moved down her body as she started to moan, the most

beautiful music, he will never tire of hearing.

Once he drove her over the edge twice with his tongue, he moved her up against him spooning her, he

gently put her leg up over his hips and in one thrust from behind her he was all the way in, finally he

was home. He reached around her and held onto her swaying breasts, fucking heaven. His movements

became wild and both of them screamed as they were overcome with ecstasy.

As the whole pack could hear them, they are smiling because that meant that both their Luna and

Alpha were where they belonged and were happy.

Just two doors down, August was talking to Marnie about pack rules and hierarchy of werewolves lives.

When all of a sudden he heard screaming and roaring coming from down the hall.

“Marnie what was that?”

“Don’t play dumb, Mr.Kitty. Her new name for him, you know what those sounds were as she turned a

bright shade of red. Those sounds mean that my brother is now home safe and sound.”

He wondered what she would sound like when he brings her to her climax. Baby steps Ash, Baby


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