Fates Hands

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

The warriors surrounded the pack grounds, They gathered everyone they could find, from the very old

to the teenagers.

A warrior stood before them…”Do any of you know what has been happening in this pack, in the

buildings two miles away on your pack lands?”

To the warriors disgust, almost all of them raised their hands. Only the very old and some of the

younger teenagers. The warriors took the one’s who didn’t know to another house under guard. The

others looked around at each other.

“Tell us pack members, where is your leader?”

“Who is in charge right now?”

One of the females looked at another male in fear, but she spoke up anyway. “Alpha Micheal has been

gone for sometime now, no one know’s where he is or when he will return. The Beta is dead, killed by

the Alpha. We are unsure who or where the next one’s in charge are.”

“We all knew that really bad things were going on, the Alpha and Beta threatened us all, if we talked or

tried to leave they would hunt us down

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and kill our whole family and our nieghbors family.”

“At first we thought it was an empty threat, until the Davis’s left. They went after them, when they

brought them back they were all executed in front of us, then they did the same to their nieghbors


“We were too afraid after that, it was like he had eyes everywhere. If we complained our pups would

come up missing, especially if they were young or female.”

“We all had to keep ourselves from under the Alpha’s radar.”

“There are two more places you need to know about, the orphanage and the party house. They are on

the other side of the wooded area, there is a path easy enough to see and follow.”

The leader of the werebear group sent 25 warriors to go check these houses out. When the warriors

got to the first house, the music was so loud you could feel the beat of the music in your body.

They looked at each other with a smile, time to crash the party. All 25 of the warriors crashed in through

every entry point. In the main room were six male werewolves, they all looked to be

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around their early twenties. The surrounded them, tied them up and gagged them.

“Will someone find the source of that shitty music and shut it off.”

One of the warriors found the player and smashed it against the wall, silence. They started looking

around, upstairs had four bedrooms all of them were a mess. When they found the door to the

basement they found six female werewolves, they were all chained to the walls with silver chains.

All of them were in bad shape, two of them pleaded for them to kill them. The place was filthy and damp. One warrior for each victim, as they carried them out the females wanted to stop when they saw

the males.

Each one of the females no matter how weak they were, rejected the males as their mates. The males

started to roll around in pain. Each one of the males were tied to another rope as a warrior each started

to drag them down the path.

The remaining thirteen warriors went on to the next house, this one was a little bigger and quiet. It was

as if it was sleeping. They all rushed the house coming in from every entry point. The ground floor was

dark and empty it

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looked like the setting for a school.

This time they went to the basement first, they didn’t find anyone it was just full of supplies. The went

up to the first floor, it had two doors upon opening them the were in the sleeping area of the male pups,

bunk beds lined the walls. In the other room the same only it was for females.

They went to wake them up but discovered they were drugged. They decided to leave them where they

were for a minute and search the rest of the house. When they got to the third floor, it was one giant

room. There they were met with two males and three females. They managed to tie them up and gag

them fairly easy.

When they looked around the room it was lined with several cribs, there were fourteen of them, all of

which had a infant pup in them. All of the infants seem like they were drugged as well. One of the

warriors called the leader and told him what was going on and they needed more warriors to come to

remove all the pups.

Once everything was done and all the houses were empty. They loaded the innocent people onto a bus

to be taken to another pack, the rest such as the six young males would be taken to the Royal Gardens to meet with the king. Six

12:58 PM | 23.8KB/s . the Royal Gardens to meet with the king. Six other older males were also

singled out and taken with the first six.

The other pack members that knew but did nothing were to stay and watch them burn it all down. Once

that is done they will be spilt up and given to other packs as servants.

When they were done that night, nothing was left of Rising Moon Pack but embers and ash.


Twelve males total now stood before Jack and Duncan. The ordered the guards to place them in the

dungeon’s till the kind decides to deal with them.

Duncan let out a sigh…”So the Alpha is still missing, the Beta is dead by the hands of the Alpha. We

got six of the ones that were in charge or knew too much to be innocent. Plus those six males who

where torturing their mates. So they could sell them to the Alpha.”

“Yeah, that about sums up this shit show, what I really want to know Duncan, is were is Alpha asshole

shitface hidding.”

“We have better get to looking harder, I don’t want that piece of rotten shit popping out and

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causing more trouble.

“I will go inform the King that these twelve have arrived, Jack why don’t you go down and have a little

fun with the prisoners, I have sensed for a while now that you need to let loose some of that anger.”

“Yeah, your right. I think I will go down and welcome those twelve pieces of shit to the Royal Dungeons.

I mean it’s only fair to them that they learn the rules and what is expected of them. Don’t want them

complaining that they don’t know what to do.”

Duncan knocked on the Kings chamber door, the King was no longer who he once was. He was quiet

and somber. He was angry at his son for doing what he did and for what he had to do to stop him. He

would always smile though when Adira came to visit, she was getting bigger by the day and seeing her

helped him to forget that anger for a little while.

Duncan stopped before the King, “your highness we have twelve guests in the dungeon that are

awaiting your notice.”

“Duncan I think for these twelve we will hold a public trial and execution.” I will sit as King for this trial

and all the council will also be in attendence. I want everything that they have

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done made public.”

“I want pictures and video of it all shown at the trial. I want everyone to see why the Rising Moon pack

will no longer will exsist. Nor will the Name be allowed for another pack to use. I want them all to see

what happens when you break the laws of our world.”

“I will see it done, your highness.” Duncan bowed and left the room. The King turned to the window with

a sigh, things felt wrong with the world now, it felt empty and lifeless.

Oh, he was sure in time he will deal with it all easier. He also knew that a part of him died that day and

he would never be the same again. Time heals all wounds, who ever said that should be flogged and

shoved in closet to be forgotten.


A Small interlude set in the future****

In the spring, three mages and a group of witnesses gathered around a small place in the middle of a

clearning in the forest. It was a wonderful spring day, the sun shinned through the trees with their newly

formed leaves, a gentle breeze move around playfully as everything was comming back to life after a

harsh winter.

12:58 PM/2.6KB/O Before them were the bodies of the six females that had died, each was wrapped in

white silk. Each one lay on a bed of rose petals. Each one laid at the bottom of a grave that was dug

out carefully in the ground.

The three mages stood before them, as the earth filled in around them, as if it had a mind of its own to

do so. Then the mages magically erected a stone arch way in the center of the grave site. Flowers

began to grow and cover the graves in a perfect circle.

Hanging from the archway were moon flowers in an unusual shade of lavender that seemed to change

its color as the wind would pass by.

On the top of the archway was a golden plaque. It read… Here they lay, six beautiful females. We do

not know their names, their families or anything of the lives before they met a terrible fate. We named

them all beautiful.

On the plaque were six words all of them written in a different language that when translated would

read the word beautiful.

The mages announced that this place would remain sacred, the flowers will bloom every year from

spring to fall and sleep in the winter. If anyone needed to be reminded of the good of this world, they

need only come here and stand


this world, they need only come here and stand in the flowers.

No storms of nature nor hands of man can destroy this sacred site. Children may pick the flowers

without harm, no adult must pick them though to do so is an invitation to join the dead.

Standing in the middle of the group was a older werebear named Oliver, on his shoulders was a little

girl, she held on to his hands, as she watched the ceremony.

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