Fates Hands

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Chapter 17-Book 3

“Archer Bennet, I would introduce myself however I don’t have any idea who I am.”

“That is why I have come here, The Mistress no longer has a hold on me, I am no threat to you or any

others. I need to speak with the Sisters. I feel they are the key to me finding out my real identity.”

“Just how exactly am I supposed to trust you?”

“You, don’t. I can give you all the reassurance you could want but at the end of the day, you don’t

know me other than I tried to chase down those two females to take their blood.”

“All I can say is that I wasn’t acting on my own accord, I was being controlled by a witch. One that I

believe is trying to cause problems in your Clan.”

Archer looked over at his brother, with a sigh he looked Beast right in the eyes.

“Fine, we will take you to the house to meet the sisters but if you make one move no matter how small

towards them I will tear you to shreds where you stand.”

In agreement Archer, the beast, and August inside Khan walked him to the house.

Beast could almost feel himself getting lighter, this was it. This is what he was seeking. Freedom.

He also felt Selena in the very black depths of his mind, calling out to him to return. He felt her rage

and then nothing. He would like to be a fly on that wall, the look on her face as she realized that he was

not coming back.

Ava was excited it was time to awaken the warrior and his compainion.This novel will be daily updtaed

at www.noveljar.com

She pulled Rachel and Anna to the side to explain the whole situation, how the beast was under

another control and how he came here to be free of her once and for all.

Ava looked at Rachel, you are the one who will find his name and that of his other as well. When you

speak his name he will instantly remember everything. I won’t lie, the spell on him is strong even

without the blood tie.

It will be a fight and it will tire you quickly. You have to hold on. Stay on the path do not leave it no

matter what you face.

Ava then turned to Anna, you are going to be with her in spirit only. When the time comes and you have

reached the door, I will join you and together we will banish the dark entity guarding the other beast.

They are almost here, it is time ladies if you will join me in the living room. They cleared out all the

furniture. Ava drew a circle of white in the center of the room and then another white circle around that

one. Then three smaller individual circles around that.

She then explained to the sisters how things will start. “The beast without a name will stand here in

the center completely naked, we will be in the outer circle and our anchors Archer, August, and Harry

will stand in the three individual ones.”

Anna looking a little red in the face asked.

“Will we all be naked?”

Ava smiled.

“No only the beast will be and only because he has to be stripped of anything that was given to

him by the binder.”This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

With that Archer, The Beast, and August walked through the door. Ava began explaining what was

going to happen and what everyone’s role was to be.

At first, both brothers objected they didn’t want either of their mates in any kind of danger, let alone

fighting dark magick. Ava explained that it was the only way to defeat the witch Selena. She is immortal

and only another immortal can defeat her.

God and the Devil could but they don’t interfere unless there is no other recourse. That was a whole

different kind of war.

Finally, they got everyone into their places. Ava began to chant the opening spell, at first Rachel didn’t

see or feel anything. It wasn’t till the last word spoken by Ava that Rachel found herself walking down a Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

path into a wild and dark forest.This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

She could feel the darkness and terror washing over her. She did not want to go inside but she knew

she had to find the dark entity’s lair to find the beast.

When she entered the forest it became so dark she had trouble seeing the path. She didn’t know how

but she started to glow and before long she was running down the path as quickly as her feet would

take her.

Suddenly she stopped in her tracks in front of her was the path but it had split into three directions. She

sat down and studied all three. Only one is going to lead her where she needed to go.

Looking at them she quickly realized that they were exact in appearance. Then she grabbed up some

dirt from each path, again it was all the same.

Finally, she decided that the only thing left to do was just to choose a path and see where it goes. As

soon as her foot touched the path on the left she felt like she was on fire.

She pulled back and tried the right path next, this time she felt like she was about to be frozen solid. It

was so painful that she let out a scream.

So she tried the middle path and her whole body glowed as it did before in the darkness. She knew this

was the right one. She raced down it once again as before this time the path ended at a glade.

In the middle of the glade was a small little house. The closer she got to the house she noticed that all

the flowers and plants started to die. She reached for the door handle when she heard her sister inside

her mind telling her to stop.This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

Archer, August, and Harry watched as the beast was surrounded by a dark purple aura. He screamed

in pain be couldn’t move except his head. Archer was going inside the circle to help him but Ava

stopped him.

* You can’t, no matter what you see and hear you have to stay in the circles, you are our anchors

without you we could get lost inside the forest.”

That made Archer take notice, he nodded and stayed in his circle.

The whole room started to give off a glow it was as if time outside their circles was standing still,

holding its breath, waiting.

It was then that all three girls started to glow different colors, Rachel was golden, Anna was Silver and

Ava was pure white. Their Auras swirled together and then mixed with the beast’s darker aura.

Ava in an almost sing-song voice told the three males to think only about their love for them, think of

nothing else, your love is the anchor. Do not let go.

With that, the room went to pure white none of the three males could see anyone else it was just them

in endless white. 2

The three witches appear before the door to the house. The door flies open and standing before them

is a hideous creature, it was a solid black oily thing with flaming red eyes.

It spoke in a wet gravely voice That made the three witches tremble in fear, but they held on. Anna’s

voice could be heard over it drowning out the spell that it was trying to weave. It became furious and

swiped out at the witches. Ava tossed something in the air that sparkled when it hit the creature’s arm,

it disintegrated into ash.

While Anna and Ava were fighting the creature, Rachel ran past it and into the house. The house itself

was nothing but a dark oily hull. Rachel noticed a small latch on the other side of the house. It didn’t

look like a door but she pulled on the latch.This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

A door opened before her and there in the darkness lay a Lion, a gorgeous magnificent Lion. It was

sleeping and it had the dark oily stuff on all its paws. That was how that thing kept the Lion imprisoned.

She used her magic to release his paws, one by one they came loose. It was not an easy task and she

was slowly feeling her powers wane.

Just a little bit more she kept telling herself. Finally, the last paw was free. As soon as the paw was

clear a loud snap was heard and the Lion that was once asleep awakened. While Anna and Ava were

fighting the creature, Rachel ran past it and into the house. The house itself was nothing but a dark oily

hull. Rachel noticed a small latch on the other side of the house. It didn’t look like a door but she pulled

on the latch.

A door opened before her and there in the darkness lay a Lion, a gorgeous magnificent Lion. It was

sleeping and it had the dark oily stuff on all its paws. That was how that thing kept the Lion imprisoned.

She used her magic to release his paws, one by one they came loose. It was not an easy task and she

was slowly feeling her powers wane.

Just a little bit more she kept telling herself. Finally, the last paw was free. As soon as the paw was

clear a loud snap was heard and the Lion that was once asleep awakened.

The battle with the demon entity was over, with the last blast of their powers combined Ava and Anna

created a spirit fire that turn that dark demon to ash.

He shook his mane trying to come back to his senses, then he shook his whole body like a wet dog. He

walked around for a little bit. Testing his wobbly legs from being asleep for so long.

August, Archer, and Harry watched as the beast-man was screaming in pain but no one moved from

the circles, it wasn’t physical pain, It was deep emotional pain coming straight from his soul. It hurt their

hearts as they felt his pain.

The lion looked at Rachel with blank eyes. Then she touched his mane his eyes cleared showing so

much pain and with a roar, he only spoke out one word.

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