Fates Hands

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Chapter 7–Book 3

Selena sat in her reception room for the next shifter family of Lions. This

bunch was easy to manipulate and control. All one needed was a little flash of magic to impress and pr

omises of power.

She was excited about this last family the Winchesters. She never met a more self–

important bunch of power hungry wannabees.

Their daughter was her favorite though, not only was

she self important and spoiled rotten she was as stupid as she was beautiful.

She had her believing

that after she drank the pink potion that she gave her, she would be able to seduce Archer the head of

the Bennet family, and King of the pride. Once seduced he would fall madly in love with her.

The pink potion was nothing more than colored lemon juice with a drop of Selena‘s blood, the

blood will bind the drinker to Selena.

When little Miss Jessica Winchester drinks the potion she will become Selena‘s slave. Selena smiled at

the thought, she had just the thing she will order her to do.

She now had two more werelions to add to her collection of beasts, they were second and third sons of

another power–hungry family as payment

for her help, soon they will turn and have no choice but to obey her every desire.

It was not the army she had once desired but for now, it was a start. Besides they are young and will be

full of male desire.

Still, the image of the woman that beast showed her in his mind, she

had the same features as another witch she once knew. It couldn‘t be possible unless this woman

was a descendant.

If she is, then she is a lot more than

just the human she is running around as. Selena calmed down, she could be useful as well but she wo

uld have to be careful.

She could also be a threat to everything that

Selena had planned. She should just have the beast kill her and be done with it. Still, if she plays her c

ards right she could have the ultimate revenge. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

She will know as soon as the beast brings back a sample of her blood.

Archer texted August that they needed to find a safe house for Rachel and

her sister Anna. He wasn‘t sure

how Rachel‘s sister was going to take being hidden away in a safe house.

He hoped that Rachel could convince her, that was if he could convince Rachel it was the best thing for

her to do.

Things were kind of delicate at the moment between them, he sensed her willingness but at the same ti

me, he also could feel her fear and uncertainty.

There were sitting on the couch in silence while he played with her hair as she rested her head on his l

ap. He was just enjoying her presence it was very calming and it was strengthing their bond.

He wondered how she was going to take it when he told her that he had marked her as his mate. 2)

It was then that Solis perked up.

“What is it, Solis?”

“I can smell fear! I can hear running and heavy breathing.”

It was at that moment that Anna came crashing through the front door, slamming the door behind her.

He could tell that she was terrified and had been running for her life.

Rachel ran over to her and got her to sit down at the kitchen table.

Archer and Solis were on alert, they went looking out the windows, then opened the

front door and started sniffing the air.

He shut the door and started texting on his phone frantically.

Rachel tried to get Anna to calm down.

“Anna! what‘s wrong? What happened?”

Anna was still out of breath and scared out of her mind but she tried to answer Rachel.

“Big thing...attacked us at the school...David hit it with a stick and it got...Mad. It ran...after David and w

e all took...off. It was...making terrible noises... I could hear... David...screaming...Oh, God, it got David!


I ran all the way..home. I don‘t know where it is now... but it was staring at me through the chain–

link fence and sniffing the air.

It was then that Archer spoke up.

“I want both of you to pack a bag don‘t leave anything with your

identity here, you have five minutes so hurry. We don‘t have

much time to get you out of here before that thing

sniffs out Anna‘s trail.”

Both women stared at him as if he had grown two heads.

“There is no time to explain, please go now get your stuff!”

Both of them ran off down the hall to their rooms grabbing whatever they could put into a bag or two. R

achel made sure to grab their little safe that had all their needed papers.

Archer grabbed a box and started

to put in any magazines, mail, or anything that might give an address or any kind of identification.

He found another box and put some of their groceries in it he grabbed what he could, he did it mostly s

o the girls wouldn‘t get too upset about leaving it behind.

He had everything in the back of his truck and was on their way out of the

trailer park area. He could sense Solis on high alert. He had a feeling they cut that way too close. Unfor

tunately, he realized too late that the beast could track the faintest of scents which means he can‘t take

his truck to their final destination.

He had texted August to meet them at the airport. He was going to leave his truck there, purchase two t

ickets for the girls to go to Chicago but instead, they were going via August‘s SUV on the other side of t

he airport.

Hopefully, all the scents of people there will confuse that asshole long enough so that they can success

fully lose him.

He looked over at his mate and her sister they were holding each other in confusion and fear. Rachel w

as keeping it

together for her sister but he could feel her anxiety. He was pissed, nothing was going to scare his mat

e. Whatever that thing is he is going to find out why it is after Rachel and her sister. He is then going to

rip it to shreds and piss on the remains.

As soon as August got the text message he was on the move, he

grabbed both his and Archer‘s go bags and was out the door. Nothing was left at the apartment that wa

s of any importance.

He texted his parents to let them know what was going on and that they would be in touch once things

are settled down.

He also asked them if they would keep their ears open to any unusual activity within the community so

mething wasn‘t adding up and he had a feeling someone was up to

something again.

With that, he was pulling up to the airport just as Archer was coming out the doors loaded down with bo

xes and two ladies with bags.

The older of the two ladies he recognized from Archer‘s description but the younger one he couldn‘t sto

p staring at her. She was a goddess. He could also tell that she was still a little underage.

He looked away not knowing why he felt so disappointed. He shook it off and helped Archer put the box

es and bags in the back as everyone got into the SUV.

When he got behind the wheel Archer gave him a curious look but didn‘t say anything.

They stopped at a gas station for gas and some snacks. It wasn‘t exactly

the romantic dinner that he wanted to give Rachel for their first date, but circumstances are what they a


He made a mental note to get all the stuff he needed so he could show Rachel his mad skills in the kitc


They had a long way to drive yet and when they arrived there they needed to come up with a plan on h

ow to keep everyone safe. He was thinking about giving Jack a call and seeing what he has for some a


He was certain that their diversion to the airport gave them the cover they needed. If that thing is truly a

scent tracker then he was going to have a devil of a time trying to find their scent amongst so many.

Still, he needed to find out why this beast was so focused on the

girls.True he had a feeling that the beast would try to find Rachel to kill her because

. of what she witnessed.

This was something different though, there was more than just loose ends being tied up. To put that mu

ch effort into tracking her down it had to of wanted more than just a cut and run.

Perhaps the beast was leashed

and it was the master he needed to find. Perhaps there were more to the rumors that were

floating around than he gave thought to. He had a feeling that this

whole thing is tied together somehow and it was going to get really ugly before it got better again.

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