Fated To The Alpha

Chapter 266

Chapter 266

Chapter 266

Weightlessness consumed me, the oblivion fading when I was suddenly somewhere else. A place I had All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

never seen before, in a time that no longer existed. A woman stood next to a huge square stone, a man

on the other side, his resemblance to Kyan and all Octavian men was uncanny Witches circled around

chanting, their hands in the air as storm clouds swirled above. Their clothes and dresses told me this

was a period of time that existed centuries ago.

“Once this done, it cannot be undone, Kaif,” The woman says. He peers over his shoulder at the young

woman who stood off to the side but within arms reach of Kaif, she had the same regal air to her as the

woman who held out her hand to Kaif, a dagger was in her hand, the same blade I saw upstairs yet no

gemstone was in its hilt.

“It’s the only way Celeste; I will not lose her,” Kaif tells the woman, her dark flowing curls picked up in

the wind, blowing behind her like a dark veil.

“Very well. Luna, come forward, dear,” Celeste called to her daughter. Kaif smiled tenderly at her,

though I could see the dangerous glint in his eyes, A glint that told me he was no longer human. Kaif

was Lycan, a beast. Looking around the vast village, I noticed the Lycans chained down, caged, yet

here Kaif stood in control, and by the look on his face as he stared down at his future mate, she was

the one that helped him keep that control. This was the seance to bind them. Celeste cut both their

palms before drawing the blood into the stone.

She murmurs a few words, their blood mingling together before catching fire and turning to tar before

she raises her hand, drawing the tar-like substance off the rock and into the air. The torches stabbed

into the ground flared high into the sky while the tar-like blood drops dropped back into a goblet Celeste

held in her hands. I watched as Kaif and Luna drank from the goblet; it appeared to be some ceremony.

“Correct,” Dominic’s voice says, answering my thoughts before he materialized beside me.

“This was the first pairing; she tied their souls. Now watch,” Dominic says, and I turn my gaze back to

the memory playing out in front of me. Kaif drinks from the goblet and heaves in a breath, his eyes

flickering black before he roars, suddenly shifting, and out came the beast.

Celeste jumps back away from him and tries to tug her daughter away, who just stared, Kaifs breathing

ragged, and he truly was the monster they portrayed him to be. Luna, however, held no fear despite her

mother trying to pull her back. Instead, she reached her hand up and cupped his giant furry face, her

hand running down his neck to stop as it fell over his heart.

“Right here, this where you are,” Luna murmurs to him. His trembling stops, his breathing slows, and

finally, he begins to shift back; it was so weird seeing a Kyan’s look-alike in a time period that ended

eons ago. Back to himself, he grabbed luna around the waist and sank his teeth into her neck. She

clutched his arms, her back arched as he marked her before she passed out. “Mine, forever mine,” Kaif

murmured as he scooped her up.

“That was our first mistake, taking a god’s daughter for a mate,” Dominic said as my surroundings

swirled and faded before it was sometime later.


Luna held a baby boy in her arms. She sat in a rocking chair, her son suckling at her breast o n the

porch of their home. It was a clear day as I stared at the vast homestead. Kaif, I could see, was in the

fields sowing seeds by hand, working the land while Luna watched.

I watched Kaif, and it wasn’t until I heard Luna’s scream for him did I turn back to the house. A man

appeared out of nowhere. He stood on the step. I found him imposing, he commanded attention, and

the vibe he gave off sent a chill up my spine.

“Father,” Luna gasped. Clutching her boy in her arms.

“Your mother was a fool for thinking she could hide you from me,” Hades said, walking up the steps

slowly, his steps calculated and his eyes falling on the child in her arms. Hades sneered.

“You disrespect me so, to breed with the mutts your mother created,” Hades said. Luna backed up, and

I heard Kaif’s roar behind me, but he was too far away. Hades tried to grab his daughter, but she was

helpless with her arms full with her son. She could only run, which is what she did.

“Kaif!” Luna screamed, the sound so petrified it hurt my heart and made it clench as she ran from the

man who she called father only for him to materialize in front of her. Her feet faltered as she stood on

her dress and tripped, pivoting just in time before she landed on her baby. Her screams for her mother,

for Kaif, were pointless as Hades advanced. Her cries for him to let her go fell on deaf ears.

“She has brainwashed you against me,’ Hades’ roared, gripping her arm, trying to rip the baby from her

arms. “You’re not keeping that mutt,” he snarled at her, his hands yanking at the baby’s blanket. Kaif

raced toward them, screaming for his mate and son while Luna struggled to protect her son from her

father. Kaif’s feet creaked on the wooden floors of the porch when Luna screamed. My heart lurched in

my chest when magic fizzled in Hades’ hands aimed straight for the baby in her arms.

Luna screamed, and Kaif roared as Hades went to deliver a lethal blow to their son. Luna did the only

thing she could. She threw him. Kaif’s feet faltered as his eyes followed his son, wrapped in his white

crocheted blanket, tossed in the air.

“I’ll come back for you both,” Luna screamed just as Kaif caught the bundle in his arms only t o look up

to see Luna slam her hands into her father’s chest, her own magic slamming into him, and Hades

gripped her arms and snarled before they vanished into thin air. Kaif wailed, shifting back into his

human form. His son tucked in his arms as he unraveled him, checking on him.

His shoulders dropped with relief as his son let out a scream. Moments later, Celeste appeared frantic

looking for her daughter as she ran across the field. She stopped on the steps, and her eyes went to

Kaif, who was on his knees. “I’m too late,” she sobs, stumbling over to him. Her hands are on his

shoulders as she peers over him to look at her grandson.

“I’ll fucking kill him. I FUCKING KILL HIM!” Kaif roared.

“Vengence does nobody any good,” Dominic says, appearing beside me. The memory speeds along,

and suddenly it is night. The magic in the air was electrifying, and the sky was now dark. I gasped

when I realized we were at the ruins. This property was Kyan’s, the thick forest surrounding it was dark.

Giant flaming torches sent clouds of black smoke into the night sky.

“We call on our ancestors, to Kill a god I must make you one,” Celeste tells him.

“It’s the ruins,” I tell Dominic, who had been wandering with me through the memories, remaining silent

but here.

“Yes, our second mistake, thinking we could kill a god and get away with it,” Dominic murmured.

Celeste produces two identical daggers, two huge rubies. The cauldron that sat in the middle bubbled

as she tossed them in. Celeste cuts her palm, bleeding into the pot before cutting Kaifs.

“To give life, we must take it,” Celeste says.

“We are only taking life,” Kaif says to her, looking confused. Celeste shakes her head.

“He will kill her if she disobeys him, Kaif. He would do it out of spite,”

“What are you saying?” Kaif says, tilting his head.

“There are two daggers, one to kill a god, one to give life to one, balance,”

“But I only possess dark magic; I can’t use the light,” Kaif tells her.

“No, but I can. I am bestowing a gift on you. I am making you a god. Only a god or goddess can wield

these daggers; only a god kill another god, are you understanding?” Kaif watches as

she slices her wrists.

Holding them out wide while turning her face to the dark sky. She murmurs words in a foreign tongue,

and storm clouds brewed violently. Kaif takes a step back from her as veins of darkness sliver across

her milky skin, her eyes turning black as coal, and she cracks her neck. Her voice echoed the louder

she chanted, her blood spilling onto the ground when a lightning bolt broke across the sky, hitting the

ruins and before striking the next. I gasped, looking at the pattern above, as the lightning struck.

A pentagram of light and electricity hung overhead before I shrieked. Dominic grabs my arms, and I

watch the lightning smash into Kaif’s chest. He screams as the lightning speared him to the ground,

and he collapses.My heart pounded at what I just witnessed as he lay limp, his breathing stopped, and

Celeste looked toward the trees, darkness tainted her, and black veins streaked her skin, moving as

she walked into the trees before coming back out.

Only when she did she didn’t come alone. No, she came with a girl; her hands and feet chained, a gag

in her mouth. Celeste dragged her thrashing body toward the cauldron before bending her over it. My

heart pounded in my chest as the young girl thrashed.

Celeste murmured a word, and I watched as the girl’s eyes flickered black. She was a Lycan. Celeste

then plunged a knife into the artery in the girl’s neck, her blood spurted and poured out, and I felt sick.

She was only a teenage girl. She fell limply at Celeste’s feet, and Celeste turned, cutting the girl’s heart

out. She stood above the cauldron and squeezed the heart in her hand. Murmuring some spell that

made lightning hit the cauldron and smoke before she dropped the heart in.

She then dips a ladle in the cauldron before taking it to Kaif, she prys his lips open and pours it down

his throat and leans down and kisses him. Kaif sucks in a breath and lurches upright, breathing heavily.

Shadows slivered across his skin, etched into it like tattoos, the same markings that shadowed Kyan’s

arms and Dominic’s.

His eyes go to the girl, and his eyes open in horror. “What did you do?” he gasps.

“What I had to,” Celeste says, walking back to the cauldron. She motions Kaif to follow, and h e growls,

moving the girl’s body away, before giving his hand to Celeste, she cut his palm. The flames flared

higher as they chanted, and eventually, the smoke cleared. Celeste moved, dipping her hand in the

cauldron. She hisses, pulling the stones out and dropping them in Kaif’s hand before pulling out the


“One to transfer life and power, one to trap and kill it,” Celeste murmurs. She cleans the daggers on her

dress and cleans the stones, popping them into the hilt on each dagger.

“Why do you need one for life?” Kaif murmured.

“Because when you kill Hades, he will kill Luna, and when he does, I will trade my life for hers,” Celeste


“So the other dagger was not meant for Seline, but her daughter?” I ask Dominic. He nods.

“Yes, but the Luna was killed,” Dominic explained.

The memory moved once again to Kaif’s son killing Luna with the dagger instead of Hades, trapping

her soul forever in the stone. Her rage that her son didn’t recognize her, didn’t know who she was was

heartbreaking as she begged and pleaded with her son.

He looked confused and torn before Luna turned on Kaif, who begged her to stay before she tried to kill

him, and in turn, her son chose his father and the man who raised him. Then I watched the curse

Hades bestowed on him. Before I watched Kaif kill each and everyone one of his mates. His curse

turned him darker with each one, and for a while, he gave up. He killed the last three before me when

they gave birth and didn’t even allow the mother to hold their children, just let them give birth before

killing them.

I could understand why all his mates lost their minds. With this, I could only see him killing

them, the monstrous side of him. The only difference was I knew the reason behind their deaths. Why

he did it, he wouldn’t allow the woman he loved to kill the child he helped create.

The last one was brutal horrible to witness, and I clenched my eyes shut as Kaif quite literally ripped

her apart. Her screams would forever haunt me; for years, I lived with their attempts to kill the children

but never saw the outcome of whether or not they succeeded.

“It’s nearly over, Marabella, but you have marked Kaif now, when you wake, you will obtain their



“You’re strong enough to endure it, you have before,”

I choked and sputtered, staring at the women’s dead body. I shake my head.

“You can endure it, you did for Rose, that hatred, that darkness you already contain it, but now it will be

unleashed. Remember who you are, Marabella, remember what you are,” Dominic urged

“I am darkness; I can’t be more than that. What sort of monster would it make me,” I asked, petrified

“The sort that can kill a god, you are the moon goddesses daughter, you are the key to breaking this

curse, you just have to remember what comes with darkness, is light,” Dominic says.

“I don’t understand, just tell me,” Why was everything in riddle. “I can’t; I would if I could. What. Comes.

With. Darkness. Is. Light. Think Marabella,” Dominic says. “Find the balance,”

“Eziah!” I gasp.

“For you are the Gemini twins,” Dominic says with a smile.

“Get the stones, break the curse, set me free, I will take care of the rest, I just need Celeste grimoires,

get me the grimoires,” Dominic says.

“From where? How do I give them to you?” I ask him.

“Break the curse, set me free,” Dominic says, vanishing, and I gasp at the sensation that rushes

through me. Like I was falling off a steep cliff, the air flowing so fast around I clutched air, and then my

head as pain rattled through my skull. I screamed before slamming back into my body. My scream was

deafening, and I lurched upright. Only to be met with the sounds of glass breaking and a dark room.

Glowing eyes peered back at me. The glowing eyes of my mates.

“You’re okay, Ella, you’re okay,” Kyan whispers, clutching my arms in his warm hands. I suck in a

breath looking around the room, and Jonah gets off the bed when the lights start flickering.

“Generators kicked in,” Jonah murmurs, looking out the window. “But she knocked the power out to the

entire city,” he says, and I gasp.

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