Fated Mate

Forty Two

The finals were finally over. They weren’t that bad but she wished she had more time to prepare, and then maybe she would have done better on them. She was sure she’d done well in history because Ash turned out to be a better teacher than Mr. Scott. Ash kept telling her not to fret, that he was sure she’d done well. Easy for him to say, he wasn’t in the hot room, but she never contradicted him.

His moods seemed to be connected to hers, whenever she was sad or worried or depressed, he made it his job to cheer her up and if she were still in that rotten mood, he would get depressed too. She found it silly, but at the same time, it showed her how much he loved her. So she made it a point to try and stay positive and happy when she was around him.

Ann and Maria were moving back into the apartment now that exams were over and so were Lee’s nightmares. She was happy to have her sisters back, but she knew she would miss the alone moments Ash and she had. Having the house full would change everything. But she was mostly scared that the nightmares would be back if Ash had to move back to his house. Having him around had made her nights more restful and she was awake and energetic during the day.

Each morning she woke up feeling strange, the nights before were nightmare free, and instead a weird recurring dream had replaced it. It started as usual, with her dad and a lot of red, but before she drowned in the red, it changed. All the memories she had with Ash came flooding in, the first night they spent together, the lovey-dovey moments they had, laughter, them dancing, his embrace, his touch, his kisses. The images, the voices replayed in her mind like a romantic movie. She’s never had a nightmare turn into something so… beautiful.

She told him about the dreams, expecting him to find it as strange as she did, but all he did was smile, kiss her then say, “I’m glad your dreams are peaceful. I’ll make sure they remain as they are.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“You will be happy and safe for the rest of my existence, that’s what I mean.”

His answers cryptic and weird as usual, but they always reminded her of his promise. It seemed to be weighing heavy on him, and it worried her how his promise would have him in a bad mood. Now that all the obstructions were clear, he knew it was time to tell her the truth, but she didn’t want to know anymore, she was regretting forcing him into it. His fear of losing her was starting to affect her too, scaring her even more.

They lay on the couch; she was tucked into his side, between him and the couch, part of her body on top of him. They had spent the night talking, about everything and anything, but never about him and the promise. They watched the sunrise before she nodded off to sleep, embraced by the new dreams that had taken over her sleep.

* * * *

Hey, Ash, long time no see!

Lee looks really peaceful, I’ll tell the girls to keep it down.

Why don’t you guys just move to the bedroom, Joe and I want to set up the new TV.

Which flat screen did you get?

The forty-two inch, Billy wanted to get a bigger one but Maria wouldn’t let him! They got into it at the TV store, so Ann and I just went to the counter and paid for this one!

Well, we now know who wears the pants in your relationship! Ash come on we want to watch the game, it’s about to start.

She’ll wake up if I move her. Go home and watch it there!

Oh come on, Ash!


I’m setting it up anyway!


Ash, let him; Maria will have his head if it wakes Lee up!

Go help Ann unpack.

If Ann and I end up in a room alone, we won’t be unpacking we’d be undressing, and anyway, I want to watch the game!

“Ewww, Billy! I really didn’t need to hear that!” Lee shook her head, trying to get rid of the image of Billy and her sister naked. “Ash, let them set up the TV, I’m awake anyway, so much for keeping it down, Joe.” She lifted herself up on the couch reluctantly, kissing Ash on the nose before she got off completely. Then she noticed the bewildered faces staring at her, their eyes were about to pop out of their socket!

“Is everything okay?”

“Sure… everything is…fine.” Ash managed to answer as he sat up, but he still looked surprised.

“Then why are you all looking at me like I sprouted wings or something?” Their eyes darted to the ground except for Ash. His eyes had softened.

“Nothing, go say hi to your sisters, it’s been awhile.”

She walked away slowly, still a bit confused by their reaction, but that was washed away when she heard Maria’s chirpy laugh come from Ann’s room.

“Hi guys! I’d missed you so much!” She hugged Ann then Maria, sitting next to her on Ann’s bed.

“I bet. What you meant to say is ‘I wish you guys hadn’t come back’.” Lee laughed, Ann was a little close to the truth.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“As much as I loved being alone here with Ash, I really did miss you.”

“You’re back together, for good this time?” Maria asked, worry dominating her voice.

“For the rest of our existence,” she said repeating Ash’s words.

“What?” Ann stopped unpacking and looked at her. “What do you mean by that?”

“When he tells me, I’ll let you know.” Ash had been saying a lot of cryptic things to her, some that implied marriage, but he never came out and said it straight. She was glad; as much as she loved him she wasn’t ready for such a commitment, not after Steve, not until she completely knew Ash-not even after that.

She shivered remembering the agony in Ash’s voice. He was so sure she would leave him after he told her the truth. The conviction in his voice scared her, she wasn’t sure how she would react, but she hoped that when the time came, she would keep an open mind.

“So, how about a ladies’ night out? We’re done with finals, we’ve been tied up with our boyfriends, and we haven’t had time for us.” Lee needed a distraction, and a girl’s night out was always crazy enough to do the job.

“Yeah, I’m down for that!” Ann was always willing to go out clubbing.

“What about Ash’s psycho friend? I don’t think he’ll let you go out without him.” Maria had resurrected a ghost Lee had forgotten about.

“I don’t think she’s dangerous, she does need to make a reservation at a loony bin, but she’s harmless, otherwise, she would have done something when she came.”

“Lee’s right, and just in case she’s wrong, I brought our toys from the shooting range.” Ann pulled out her nine-millimeter pistol out of her bag.

“Are you crazy? What am I saying? You are crazy!” Maria was on her feet. Her voice was raised.

“What, they are just for insurance!”

“What if it goes off?”

“It won’t!”

Lee moved from the bed and stepping away from the nose of the barrel that was now pointed at her. “Ann, is that thing loaded, because I don’t like the direction it’s pointing.”

“Sorry.” She pointed the gun down. “And it’s not, I’m not that crazy!”

“Ann, take those things back, now!” Maria’s voice had climbed higher, her face red and annoyed.

“Okay, okay, I’ll take them back tomorrow.” Ann put them in her top drawer before she turned to Maria with a smile. Lee laughed; they all knew she didn’t mean a word she said.

Maria exhaled, not out of relief but defeat. “What time do we leave? I need a drink.” They laughed; Maria sounded as defeated as she looked.

“Right after dinner.” Lee gave Maria a hug. She knew how hard it was for her to let Ann get away with her crazy stunts.

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