Falling In Love With The Billionaire Twins


The morning sun slipped through a gap in the curtains, its golden rays streaming across the room and gently coaxing me awake. As I blinked my eyes open, the events of the night before came rushing back-an unsettling dream, the touch of the old woman, and the presence of Ace and Alex by my side. I sat up, the sense of unease from the dream still lingering like a ghostly whisper.

Despite the sunlight spilling into the room, the chill of the dream clung to me, and I found myself unable to shake off the feeling of dread. I glanced at the clock, realizing that I had barely managed a few hours of sleep since the nightmare had jolted me awake. The image of the old woman’s eyes bore into my memory, and the sensation of her touch felt disturbingly real.

Ace and Alex, ever the supportive partners, had stayed with me until I eventually fell asleep again. Their presence had been a lifeline, grounding me in reality and helping me fight the shadows that threatened to consume me. But even with their comforting presence, the tendrils of the dream had left their mark, leaving me feeling vulnerable and unsettled.

With a deep breath, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. The cool metal of the device was a comforting contrast to the lingering unease. A glance at the time confirmed that it was early, but I knew that sleep was unlikely to find me again anytime soon.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

As I got up and moved towards the bathroom, a shiver ran down my spine, as if the memory of the dream was still clinging to my skin. I decided a cold shower might help shake off the residual fear. The water hit my skin like a shock, causing me to gasp involuntarily. The coldness was a stark contrast to the heat of the dream that had left me feeling trapped and suffocated.

After the bracing shower, I stood in front of the mirror, my reflection staring back at me with a mixture of fatigue and uncertainty. As I brushed my teeth, a sudden, sharp jab in my stomach made me groan in pain. I clutched my stomach, the sensation passing as quickly as it had come. It was strange and unsettling, but I chalked it up to stress and lack of sleep.

Just as I was splashing water on my face, my phone buzzed with a new message. I reached for it, my heart skipping a beat when I saw that the sender was Cher. Opening the message, my eyes widened in shock as I read the contents. It was a link to a news article. I clicked on it, my heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and dread.

The headline sent a shiver down my spine: “Mysterious Death of Woman Found in Park.” As I read through the article, my breath caught in my throat. The woman in question was the same old woman from the park-the one who had appeared in my dreams, the one who had touched me. The words seemed to blur on the screen as my mind struggled to process the information.

According to the article, the woman’s body had been discovered early that morning in the very park where I had encountered her. The circumstances of her death were shrouded in mystery, with no obvious cause or explanation. The police were investigating, but the sense of unease settled in my chest like a heavy weight.

It felt unreal, as if the boundary between dreams and reality had been blurred. I stared at the screen, my mind racing with questions and a growing sense of dread. Had my dream been some kind of premonition? Was it mere coincidence that the woman from my dream had met such a tragic end?

I leaned against the bathroom sink, my heart still racing, my mind reeling. The dream had felt so vivid, so hauntingly real, and now, faced with this news, it was as if the boundaries of my understanding were being stretched to their limits. The old woman’s words echoed in my mind, a chilling reminder of the encounter that had left me shaken.

As I turned off the phone and set it aside, I realized that the shadows of the night were still clinging to me, refusing to let go.

The bathroom was filled with the soft, steady hum of running water as I stood before the shower, ready to step in. The soothing sound offered a momentary distraction from the unease that had settled within me since the unsettling dream and the shocking news about the old woman. But before I could even take that first step, a sudden, searing pain sliced through my stomach, sharp and intense.

It was as if the pain erupted out of nowhere, a fierce sensation that left me gasping for breath. My hands instinctively clutched at my abdomen, fingers digging into the fabric of my clothes as if trying to quell the torment from within. But the pain refused to subside; instead, it intensified, spreading like wildfire through every fiber of my being.

My knees buckled, and I stumbled back, the edge of the counter digging into my lower back. The pain was relentless, an agony that seemed to radiate outwards, stealing away my ability to think or speak. A strangled groan escaped my lips, a primal sound of suffering that echoed off the bathroom walls.

Tears streamed down my face as the pain reached a crescendo, the intensity leaving me trembling and overwhelmed. I was helpless against its grip, my body contorting as if trying to escape the onslaught of agony. My breath came in ragged gasps, the world around me seeming to blur as I was consumed by the all-encompassing pain.

In that moment, I wanted nothing more than for the pain to stop, for the torment to relent. My mind raced, desperate to find a way to ease the suffering that had taken hold of me. Clinging to the edge of the counter, I fought against the waves of pain, every moment feeling like an eternity.

As the pain continued to tear through me, a sensation of wetness between my thighs caught my attention. My breath hitched as I glanced down, my hand instinctively moving to my thighs. When I pulled my hand away, my fingers were coated with a dark, viscous substance. Blood.

The sight was both horrifying and surreal, as if my worst fears were being realized before my eyes. The realization that something was deeply wrong sent a fresh surge of panic coursing through me, compounding the pain and distress I was already experiencing.

I cried out, a mixture of pain, fear, and confusion in my voice. I was teetering on the edge of consciousness, each moment an agonizing struggle against the darkness that threatened to consume me. My vision swayed, the bathroom tiles becoming a dizzying mosaic of shapes and colors.

And then, as if surrendering to the torment, I felt my legs give way. The world spun, and the cold, unforgiving tiles met my back with a jolt. I could still feel the pain, but it was as if it was moving further and further away, as if I was retreating into a realm beyond the agony.

The darkness pressed in, a shroud that covered me in its embrace. The sensations of pain, panic, and confusion gradually faded into a distant echo. And then, finally, there was silence.

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