Falling In Love With The Billionaire Twins


“Look, Damien, you’ve proven that I want you. You’ve shown me a world of emotions and sensations I never even imagined existed before meeting you,” Sierra started.

“Why do I get the feeling there’s a but coming up?” he asked, his tone wary.

” But…” Sierra paused, “This isn’t a good idea. Yes, the sex is great, but I’m in no way capable of having a cheap affair followed by you discarding me like yesterday’s trash.”

“You think pretty little of me, obviously,” he stated, his tone turning cold.

“It’s not that I think little of you, it’s that I know how men like you work.”

The truth of what she said his original intentions stung as if she’d slapped him across the face. Had he not let his heart become involved, he certainly would’ve discarded her without a second thought. The reality was that he had let his heart complicate the matter. He enjoyed her company…her laughter…her femininity. Her words stung, causing him to disguise the pain with the coldest chagrin. Damien Whitfield was never denied.

They were silent for the rest of the drive to his house. Sierra looked weary as she followed him inside his home.

He walked to his study with her slowly trailing behind. His first stop was his liquor cabinet. He needed to soothe his wounded ego. After a shot of whiskey, which he hated, he could feel the effects numbing the ache in his chest.

“What would you like to drink?” He said, turning to her.

“I’m fine,” she answered as she nervously licked her lips.

He poured her a glass of red wine and walked over, handing her the glass. She lifted it to her lips and automatically took a sip.

“This is ridiculous, Damien. The silent treatment isn’t helping. You said you wanted to talk about the work issue, then let’s talk about it. I don’t want to talk about the sex thing anymore.”

“You work for me. What else is there to understand,” he said as he crowded her personal space. She backed up and sat down in one of his chairs.

“I don’t know what my job is. It’s still unclear as to why you even hired me,” she said as she stepped back. “You’re my assistant. Your job is to do whatever I need you to do,” he reminded her.

“Well, if the job is to just sit around day in and out, I’d rather resign,” she said, her gaze meeting his for the first time since the park.

“I have plenty of ‘hands on’ things you can do, Sierra,” he said with a growl in his voice. He slowly started approaching her again.

He watched as she finished her glass and nervously swallowed. He reached her chair and leaned down, his hands gripping the wood arms on either side of her.

“I’m not used to this kind of life, Damien. To tell you the truth, you frighten me,” she whispered, her breath hitching as he leaned closer to her.

“You’re a smart woman, Sierra. You should be afraid. I want a lot from you, a lot more than I originally planned,” he said with a wicked smile. Panic washed through Sierra in waves. What if he tried taking more than she was capable of giving? What did she have to give, anyway? She had nothing nothing that would appeal to a man like Damien. He may be amused by her for a short time, but then what? What happened when she was half in love with him, and he was done playing? She wasn’t afraid of him physically abusing her like her father did, but she had a feeling that Damien could do far more damage to her heart in a short amount of time, with nothing more than his words, than anything her father had ever done to her body, with his fists.

She couldn’t think when he was so close to her, his hot breath softly caressing her face, his scent filling her nostrils, his body so temptingly near. She fought the desire to reach out and touch him, run her fingers along his solid chest, trail her hand down his stomach, feel the bulge she knew was present in his pants.

“Is this only a game?” she finally asked.

He tensed as he shot up straight and began removing his jacket. The muscles in his shoulders rippled beneath the thin linen shirt he was wearing. The man exuded agitation, causing a pang to tear through her chest. It seemed he was playing a game. Until that moment, she didn’t realize how badly she’d wanted him to tell her she meant something anything other than a cheap lay. She quickly stood from the chair, needing to pace to help sort out the annoying stir within her.

“What game are you playing, Damien? Is it a power struggle with my father? Did he wrong you in some way? Is the whole point to humiliate me? If that’s the case and you’re seeking revenge on my dad by hurting me, it won’t work. He could care less if you hurt me. You would’ve been much better off going for my sister,” she said with bitterness.

Damien stilled and turned to look at her, as if assessing if her words were true or not. She held her head high while she looked back. Let him think what he wanted. She was too tired of men using her to care much at that point.

“I want revenge!”

Sierra was stunned by the passion in his tone as the words barreled out of him. She couldn’t imagine what her father had done to cause him so much anguish and hatred, though she wasn’t surprised. Douglas Monroe took what he wanted, when he wanted it, and anyone who happened to be in his way got run over.

“I want what was robbed from me, from my mother. I want revenge and I won’t stop until I have it.”

Sierra looked at the myriad of emotions flashing in Damien’s eyes, the rest of his face like stone. She didn’t understand what he was saying. What was taken from him? What did she have to do with it? What had her father done now?

The silence was suffocating in its intensity. She had to make him see that he’d get nothing by going through her.

“My father hates me, Damien. You won’t get anything out of him by using me. I don’t know how to make you understand that,” Sierra said, the admission puncturing a hole straight through her. To utter the words aloud was humiliating. It wasn’t a secret that Douglas despised her. Sure, he put on airs when they were out, but he didn’t try very hard to mask his disdain for his eldest child.

“This has nothing to do with your father, Sierra,” he said as he took a determined step in her direction.

Confusion ran rampant through her mind. She’d never met Damien Whitfield before that moment in her father’s study, so she couldn’t see what she could’ve possibly done to wrong him or worse hurt him.

“I never even knew you in the past, Damien. I couldn’t have possibly done anything to cause you to seek revenge against me.”

Sierra took several retreating steps as he continued his deliberate approach. It didn’t matter how long it took him, because in the end he would pounce and come out victorious.

“It’s not you, either,” he said, his lips turning up in a sardonic smile.

“Then, who? I don’t want to play your games, Damien. I demand you stop this!”

At her words, he actually complied. Sierra was surprised enough she stopped her retreat and stared at him as he threw his head back and laughed. What the heck? Had he lost his mind? Was she going to end up on the front page of all the tabloids? She could see it now, Unwanted Heiress killed by crazy Tycoon. She was sure they’d find her body mutilated, and then manage to get a shot of her father presenting a tear.

The thought of her father crying for the camera angered her more than the thought of Damien going crazy and killing her.

Damien began his accent, pinning her to the back of the couch, her legs trapped against the high backed piece of furniture, his arms caging her in.

Desire flooded through her, causing her breath to deepen and her tongue to drift out and moisten her lips. His eyes narrowed in on the movement before slowly lifting upward and connecting with her gaze.

“I will get vengeance, Sierra, revenge against your best friend and all her relatives. You see, you were my ticket in because of who you knew. When your father called, I wanted nothing to do with him. I know the kind of man he is, but when I found out who you associated with, I figured it was my lucky day. I want them comfortable around me, thinking they’re safe and sound. They may have no trouble sleeping at night, but I know the truth about the Anderson’s. I know who they really are,” he said, his mouth only an inch from her own.

What?? Sierra’s mind raced trying to make quick sense of Damien’s words. She couldn’t understand why he’d want to hurt Bree or any of her family? They were some of the best people she knew.

“I…I don’t understand.”

“It’s really quite simple, Sierra. Joseph and George Anderson swooped in and stole everything from my father the corporation he helped his father build, the money he was left, everything! He was with my mother at the time, and she was pregnant with me. A few months after she had me, he died. She believes he took his own life, though that wasn’t proven. Every last dime was ripped away from her. To make matters worse, she found out she was pregnant again. She knew she couldn’t feed two children, so she left the hospital without my sister. To this day I haven’t been able to find her.

“My mother died in a filthy apartment after leading an impossibly hard life. I swore to her I’d seek revenge, and I will. You were just a convenient step at getting Joseph and George’s children to trust me. Once they do, I can get to their fathers, and they’ll pay they’ll pay for what they put my mother through, for the loss of my sister, for the hell I endured as a child.”NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Damien took a breath, not backing up even the slightest as he pushed his words out through his teeth.

No. He didn’t have the facts right. She knew Joseph and George. They would never be that cold-hearted.

“They would’ve helped your mom if she asked,” Sierra said, regretting her words instantly when she saw the fire flare in his eyes.

“She went to them. She begged for their help, and they shut the door in her face, saying they wanted nothing to do with her or her bastard son,” he seethed.

“That can’t be true. I won’t believe it,” Sierra said, her own anger rising at his ill will of this family she loved.

“Believe it. The world isn’t all fairy tales and pixie dust, Sierra. You need to grow up and face reality. You’ve signed on to help me, and if you go back on your word, I’ll return you to your father and you can face his wrath,” Damien threatened.

Sierra would face a thousand lashes from her father to save her friend. Even though she in no way wanted to return to the horrible man, being away from him for a few weeks had strengthened her in many ways. She still feared him, knew he’d come through on his threats and kill her if he so deemed, but for some reason, the longer she was away, the more she realized what a weak man her father truly was.

If he wanted her dead, she’d already be gone. No, death wasn’t what Douglas wanted for her, he wanted her miserable. Once she stopped giving him the power over her, the thrill would be gone and he’d stop. If not, she’d rather die than live with him again.

Her mind whirled as she tried to figure out why Damien felt so hostile toward the Anderson’s. If she rushed to Bree and told her everything, she wouldn’t learn the rest of Damien’s plan. She needed more information, what his next move would be. If he really knew these people who he thought had wronged him, he’d realized how mistaken he was. The Anderson’s were truly good.

“What’s the matter, Sierra? Will daddy cut you off of your colossal allowance if you displease him? He assured me you’d do whatever I want. Well, the cards are on the table how much is your integrity worth?” he mocked.

Sierra narrowed her instantly rage filled eyes. Let him think what he wanted. She’d rather he thought she was a greedy socialite than him knowing the reality of the years of abuse she’d suffered, of how long she’d been nothing more than a weak, pathetic, beaten-down child. She’d never get the image of her father’s hand rising high in the air, only to slam down on her innocent flesh, out of her head.

Maybe it was the years she’d taken care of her sister, or the countless times she’d needed rescuing and no one came, but she felt a desire to fix Damien. She had to mend the fences between him and his family. She was clueless on how she was going to do it and she had a feeling she’d despise Damien by the time it was all over, but maybe their family would be healed, and her best friend safe.

She couldn’t seem to get words past her throat to either confirm or deny his accusations, but by the smile on his lips, he already knew what she’d say.

“I knew the thought of losing all that precious money would make you more cooperative. You’re no better than those greedy bastards who couldn’t bother to help a widow and her infant child,” he snarled before his hand came up, causing her to visually flinch, though he only gripped the back of her head.

The heat of his breath brushed across her lips sending flames shooting to her core.

Sierra was repulsed at the renewed desire burning inside her. She hated him in that moment, but yet her body still yearned for his touch. She wished she could pull away, but her body wouldn’t obey her mind.

His thumb traced her cheek, softly wiping a single anger filled tear making its way down her face. He brushed over her lip just as her tongue rushed out to moisten it again, the taste of salt from her tear instantly filling her mouth. His eyes dilated as she brought her tongue back inside.

“I’m not going to be used, Damien. You just said I’m nothing but a convenient step to you, yet you want me to turn over and forget all of that,” Sierra said, trying to keep a clear head.

“I said that’s how it started, Sierra. It’s more, much more now. I can’t resist you. I need you need you more than anything else in this world right now. I…I can’t explain what you’re doing to me. You chase it all away.”

Sierra was falling fast. She knew they were most likely just words, but they were having a strong impact on her.

“You’re crowding me, Damien. I need air,” Sierra said, trying with every last reserve to gain back a semblance of her sanity.

“I could be a whole lot closer, darling.” Bitterness was radiating off of him in waves, and she was torn in half, trying to find the man she’d spent a week with in Australia inside this man who was so angry. She could see him masking the anger in sexual remarks and innuendos, and she didn’t know how to deal with it.

As if to prove his point, he leaned in, his hips pushing against hers, leaving her with no doubt that their argument hadn’t dimmed his desire. The feel of his solid erection pressing into her stomach created an instant response within Sierra.

“Point taken, you can ease back,” she said, but the breathless quality of her tone bellied her words. It was obvious to both of them that she wanted him needed him was hungry like a wild animal. Her pheromones were practically screaming out to take her.

Without another word, he closed the gap and took her mouth in a fit of rage, passion, frustration, and something more. It was the something more that had her moaning as her arms wrapped around his neck.

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