Falling In Love With The Billionaire Twins


Damien rode the elevator back to the top floor. On one hand he hoped Sierra had gone to bed, giving both of them a chance to cool off, think first before they did something impulsive. On the other hand, he wanted her awake, standing by the front door while holding out a glass of wine and a seductive come-hither expression on her face.

Shelby hadn’t been happy about being dumped, not even a little. The first ten minutes of their date had consisted of him telling her why it wasn’t ever going to work. The next hour had been torture listening to her rant about what a jerk he was.

If he hadn’t been feeling so guilty about his ever-growing desire for Sierra he would’ve never allowed Shelby to vent that long. He would’ve coolly gotten to his feet and walked out the door. After an hour that’s exactly what he’d done.

She was too embarrassed over public displays to chase him down and slap him in the middle of the restaurant, but he had a feeling she wasn’t through. The look of utter disbelief in her eyes as he stood up had convinced him of that.

He opened the suite door, noting the place was dark except for a dim lamp glowing in the corner of the room. He decided not to flick the switch.

He headed over to the wet-bar and poured himself a glass of wine, the smooth taste of chardonnay easing down his throat.

When he turned around, his heartbeat skipped before starting again, only to go immediately into overdrive.

Sierra was walking from her room, looking toward the floor, wearing only a small silk nightie with a matching robe loosely tied around her slender waist. Her hair was damp, telling him she’d just gotten out of the bath. Her scent was drifting toward him, a combination of vanilla and spice, the same smell that had been haunting him all week.

The soft looking satin was caressing her thighs about halfway between her knees and her core, perfectly modest, and yet unbelievably sexy at the same time. He had an instant need to slide his hands up her smooth legs, see if she wore anything beneath the shimmering satin.

Damien slowly set his drink down. He could only be pushed so much in one night before he broke. He’d reached that breaking point.

The sound of his drink clinking on the glass table alerted Sierra to his presence in the room. She looked up; her expression fearful for a moment until she noticed it was him, then she relaxed before once again tensing.

“I wasn’t expecting you back for hours,” she said as she stood by silently.

“You and I had unfinished business I needed to get back for,” he said, immediately going into hunting mode. He had her in his sites and this time he wasn’t letting her escape.

“Uh… I’m actually really tired, now. I…uh, think it would be better if we finished our talk in the morning. There’s really no hurry,” she slowly said as her eyes shifted to his steadily moving feet.

“No. You told me earlier how important it was to have this discussion, so let’s…talk,” he uttered, his voice calm, quiet, and predatory.

His eyes roved her sleek curves. Her breasts were obviously braless, softly swaying underneath the delicate satin of her gown, her legs defined, toned and incredibly appealing as the gown slid against them.

She was a walking vision, freshly bathed with nothing altering her appearance. No make-up covered her natural beauty; no bands pulled her thick mane of dark hair back in a severe bun. She looked innocent, appealing and ready for him to take her.

“Look, I understand your hesitancy in letting me leave. You hired me for a job. I agreed to do it. I just don’t get the job, as I’ve done nothing so far. I think we can work this out like reasonable, mature adults. I can go to the States for a few days, and then begin work. No harm done,” she said hopefully as she continued to retreat.

She was speaking quickly, obviously becoming more nervous with each calculated move he made in her direction.

His excitement grew. He’d never force a woman to have sex with him there was no need for that. If she was fearful or disgusted by his advances, he’d easily walk away but no, that wasn’t what she was expressing at all.

Each step he took closer to her, caused her breath to hitch, her eyes to widen. Her body was just as on fire as his, her gown hiding nothing from his view. He saw the way her nipples beaded underneath the revealing fabric. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

He lifted his hands as he slowly and carefully began undoing his tie, his eyes never leaving hers. He deliberately ran the expensive silk through his fingers as he undid the knot, then left the ends hanging down the front of his shirt.

Her eyes moved from his to the base of his throat where his fingers were starting to undo the buttons of his shirt, deliberately, one by one. He watched as she swallowed, her lips then parting as her breaths began coming out in shallow pants.

“I’m sorry I’ve neglected you this week, Sierra. I’ll make sure to not do that again. From this second on, I’ll give you plenty of…work… to do,” he crooned, his lips turning up in a satisfied grin. Oh yes, he could think of many, many ways Sierra could work on him.

He was starting to forget all about revenge as he began focusing solely on pleasure. Before he had a chance to worry about that thought, Sierra spoke again.

“That’s really great. We’ll definitely come up with a game plan tomorrow. Night, Damien,” she whispered as she reached her room. She pushed her hand against the door, trying to shut it in his face. He slid his foot out, stopping it from closing.

“We aren’t done speaking, Sierra, not by a long shot,” he said as he easily pushed the door back open, steadily hunting her as she looked around the room for an escape route.

“I’m really tired, Damien,” she said as she covered her mouth and imitated an impressively fake yawn.

“You don’t look tired, Sierra. You look hungry, in need, wanting…” he countered as he reached his last button. “I can help with all of that.”

She stopped at his words, her chest heaving as he seduced her with nothing more than a few sentences. He stepped up to her, his shirt falling to the ground before he reached out his arms and placed both hands on either side of the small indent of her waist.

She craned her neck back, her wide eyes meeting his desire filled depths. He was holding back by not immediately capturing her lips. He knew he could make her submit with nothing more than one kiss, but he wanted her to ask.

He needed her to quiver with desire for him, beg him to take her. He had to have her but he had to have her shaking with need.

“What do you want, Sierra? What do you need?”

He pulled against her body, bringing her soft curves into contact with his heated skin. A soft moan escaped his throat at the pleasure of feeling her pressed up against him for the first time.

She was about ten inches shorter than him, her breasts rubbing against the lower part of his chest, her hot core just out of reach.

He moved his hands lower, slid them over the slick satin of her gown, his fingers skimming the round curve of her butt, as he pulled her even more tightly against him.

Sierra’s breathing quickened while in his arms, but she didn’t say anything, her head falling forward so he could no longer see her eyes. She didn’t try to pull away, but she hadn’t reached for him yet.

It wasn’t good enough.

He slowly backed her up, his leg sliding between her sweet thighs with each small step they took, as if they were slowly dancing in the dim room.

“As soon as you admit you want this, want me, I’m going to take your mouth, slide my tongue inside your lush lips, then taste your sweetness. After I have you begging me for air, I’ll move down the column of your throat, find every sensitive point in your body, before I cup your soft breasts in my hands and devour them with my mouth,” he whispered, his tongue sliding out and caressing the edge of her earlobe.

His already throbbing arousal jumped when she groaned from deep within her throat.

He reached up and gripped her hair, slowly pulling her face back from his chest so he could look into her half-opened, desire-filled eyes.

“Tell me you want me, Sierra. Say you want me to make you scream,” he commanded, his lips lightly brushing hers as he spoke, getting just the barest of her taste on him, making him regret his power game.

She shook her head a very minuscule amount as her lips opened in invitation. She wanted him, she just didn’t want to say the words.

He needed her to admit it out loud. He wouldn’t allow her to come back with regrets or accusations later.

“I’m going to take you tonight, Sierra. I’m going to pleasure you over and over again, make your body burn for hours, make you come so long, you’ll beg for it to stop. When you think you can’t take any more, I’m going to start all over again, rekindle the burning embers inside you. You’ll cry my name all night long. All of this will start as soon as you say a few simple words,” he promised.

She again was silent. He smiled. He wouldn’t enjoy this so much if she submitted too easily. If he wanted a submissive woman, he could’ve taken his ex home, or any number of the women in the downstairs lounge.


He wanted Sierra, her fire, her spunk, the yearning desire dancing off of her. Just the feel of her in his arms was both a relief and a burning sensation. The touch of his sold arousal against the soft smoothness of her stomach was pleasurable in a way he couldn’t ever remember feeling before.

With the slightest touch of her small fingers wrapping around his stiff erection, he’d be done. She had no clue how much power she held at that moment. Heaven help him if she figured it out.

He took a step back, triumph racing through him at the look of lust-filled panic in her face. He didn’t retreat far, just enough to begin undoing his pants. He watched her body quiver as he quickly unhooked his belt, then slid his pants and underwear down in one smooth motion, his thick shaft standing up on his body.

Without pausing, he reached into the pocket of his discarded pants and pulled out a foil wrapper, setting it aside. He didn’t want to lose his mind later and forget to use protection once she was calling out his name.

Her eyes moved down his now completely naked torso and widened at the sight of his erection. Her look made him throb, need burning through him. He watched as her small fingers clenched at her sides, as if she was fighting the desire to reach out and touch him.

He wanted those fingers clenched around his most sensitive body part, wanted it more than he’d ever wanted anything. He needed the pleasure her grip would bring him.

“Do you like what you see? A few words and the hunger burning through you will be sated…repeatedly,” he promised as he moved up to her again, his body twisting so his arousal was touching her hip, close to where her hand was clenched.

She moaned again as his naked body came in contact with her, the satin robe not much of a barrier between them. The feel of the slick material against his naked body was exquisite. He shifted his body, gently rubbing against her, and it was his turn to moan.

“Yes,” she finally whispered the word barely audible over the pounding in his ears.

“More, Sierra, I need more,” he growled, his hunger making him grow impatient.

He moved his hands back around her, his fingers swiftly moving to the bottom of her nightgown, lifting it upward, sliding along her silky smooth thighs.

A shudder racked through her, the movement echoing in him, as well. Her highly aroused state was beginning to make him shake with longing. He was only seconds from devouring her, spreading her milky thighs apart so he could plunge deep inside, ride her luscious body hard, and make her shatter into a million pieces of pleasure.

She’d be his then his to pleasure until neither of them could walk. Each time she cried out in ecstasy, he’d fall with her, relieve the almost constant pain inside him since their long jet ride together.

“Take me, Damien, please,” she cried, anger and desire fighting for dominance in her voice. Her hand reached out and gripped him, her fingers tightening around his arousal, causing moisture to escape its head as her thumb rubbed across the sensitive tip.

“Oh, I’m too far gone for you to do that,” he groaned, trying to pull from her tight grasp. She gripped tighter, rubbing her thumb across his peak again, causing more moisture to spill, then using it to lubricate her hand, sliding it quickly up and down his erection.

“Enough,” he cried before gripping her butt in his hands. When he felt that she indeed wasn’t wearing panties, a guttural cry escaped his throat. He lifted her, thrilled when her legs automatically wrapped around his waist.

With her face lined up with his, he bent forward, his lips taking hers in an urgent kiss. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders, her fingers tangling in his hair, pulling him closer to her as she tilted her head to allow him better access. He tasted her lips, consumed her mouth as he pushed his hips forward, feeling the slick heat of her smooth core resting against his hard staff.

He moved back and forth, his erection easily sliding along the outside of her heat, her moisture coating him, heating him, sending him over the edge of sanity.

“You’re so wet, so hot,” he groaned as he pulled back from her mouth, taking in a breath of needed air.

“Take me, Damien. I’m wet for you. I need you. Please. I need you to end the ache,” she begged.

Her words stripped him of the last of his control. He lost all sanity as he felt her heat drip onto his shaft, naturally lubricating him.

He sheathed himself, then stepped toward the wall, pushing her back against it, anchoring her body in place. He held tightly to her hips as he brought his body back, poising the head of his thick shaft at her entrance. He leaned back, her hands still gripping his shoulders, her head thrown back against the wall with her mouth open and her eyes closed.

The sight of her smooth, wet opening nearly made him explode before he could slide inside her. With slow precision, he positioned himself at her entrance, circling the head of his erection against her lubricated opening and then finally started sliding inside.

“So unbelievably hot,” he groaned as her heat enveloped him.

“Yes, more,” she demanded, trying to buck her hips forward.

“Yes,” he cried as he moved his hand back to her hip and surged forward, his desire causing him to thrust hard.

Sierra’s eyes snapped open, her body immediately tensing as she cried out not in pleasure. He felt the tight resistance of her body as his iron hardness plunged through her innocence.

“You’re a virgin?” he gasped, his mind barely able to grasp the reality of what he’d just done.

“No,” she lied as her face grimaced and she moved her hips, trying to accommodate his girth.

He was too large to have taken her like that for the first time. He should’ve worked the area, eased into her, taken his time. He shouldn’t even be doing what he was doing. He’d only been with one virgin before and he’d been eighteen and stupid.

This was different. She was twenty-five, far too old and experienced to have never had sex.

“Why? How?” he uttered, his body throbbing with the need for release, but his horror at the situation refusing to let him move.

“Finish. Please. I need…it hurts…” she cried, frustration, pain and confusion mingled in her voice.

“Of course it hurts. I’m too big. I shouldn’t ” he started to say as he began pulling out of her.

“No!” she cried in panic. “No. My body. It hurts. It’s burning. Please, please don’t leave me like this,” she finished, her voice breaking as her eyes started to fill with tears. “Please.”

She moved her hips again as she tried to find her release.

Still almost senseless with his burning desire, he couldn’t resist her pleas, though he knew he should. He knew the right thing would be to pull from her and stop. It’s too late, anyway. You’ve already taken her innocence, his body taunted.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

He pulled her tightly against him and moved away from the wall, taking gentle steps across the room, back to the bed. He wasn’t making love to her for the first time against a wall. He’d make sure her first time was perfect, and pleasurable.

He sat down on the bed, their bodies still flush, then he moved them both backward until he was on his back with her sitting on top of him. She looked down at him with confusion.

“You set the pace, Sierra. I don’t want to hurt you,” he uttered, the words passing through his clenched teeth. It was taking everything in him not to grip her tight, thrust hard inside her and relieve the pressure making him feel like he was going to explode.

“I…I don’t know what to do,” she uttered, her face flushing.

He reached his hand up and caressed her warm skin, his eyes gentling as he looked into her frightened eyes.

“Just do what feels good to you. Slide up and down me, listen to your body. When the pressure builds, move faster. Your desire will lead you.”

She looked deeply into his eyes, hers filled with trust as she tentatively began moving. She flexed her hips, adjusted her knees, then moved off his body a couple inches before dropping back down.

She did this a few more times, her tight heat gripping him as her expression turned from insecurity to wonder. She shifted, allowing her to move further up and down his shaft, her body almost releasing him before she pushed back down, taking him fully inside her again.

He wasn’t going to make it through her exploration. He felt like he’d pass out from the intensity of the pleasure. From the eroticism of watching her feel new sensations, and the tight grip of her body, he was doing everything in his power to keep from exploding.

Her face brightened with pleasure at the feelings surging inside her. He could practically read the emotions flickering through her eyes.

She began moving faster up and then quickly down over and over. As she became more confident, she started moving in a steady pace, pulling almost all the way out, and sometimes only a few inches.

He felt the pressure building, felt his orgasm reaching higher and higher, just barely able to hold it back as she searched for her release.

She leaned back, her hands resting on his thighs, unknowingly exposing her incredible breasts, flat stomach, and pink core to his view. The sight of her wet folds moving up and down his throbbing staff was too much.

She was stunning.

Sweat glistened on her body as she exerted herself, her breasts bounced with each thrust, and her pleasure center was wide-open for him to see.

Reaching his hand forward, his fingers quickly found her swollen womanhood. She cried out as he began circling the sensitive skin, coordinating his movements with each of her thrusts.

She moved faster, her body taking over, knowing what she needed.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she called with each rotation. He sped his fingers up, knowing her release was rising.

“Oh!” she screamed in pleasure, her head thrown back as she pushed down hard against his body, her tight core flexing, squeezing his staff in wave after wave of contractions. He continued circling her flesh with one hand while he gripped her hip with his other.

He moved his hips up, taking over the movements as he thrust deep inside of her a few more times, making her cry out as he prolonged her orgasm. Her cries of pleasure led him to his own. He rose up into her, buried himself as deep as he could, and then exploded.

His body released, monumental tremors overtaking him as his erection pumped over and over again, his shaft releasing inside her.

By the time he stopped pumping, the last of her tremors settled. With a sigh of pleasure, she collapsed against him, obviously drained of every last ounce of energy.

Damien knew they should discuss what had just happened, knew they had to talk, but he couldn’t even open his eyes, much less speak.

With the very last ounce of energy he possessed, he pulled out of her, then grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it over them. She was already asleep before he even covered their bodies. He soon followed her.

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