Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Chapter 545 It’s A Girl!

Chapter 545 It’s A Girl!

Anna fixed her gaze on Peace and said, “Don’t make a fuss, Peace. It’s not a big deal. I’m going to drive Mona to the hospital. We don’t have time to wait for the ambulance.”

While helping Mona walk out, Anna said to her softly, “Don’t be afraid,

Mona. Everything will be fine. Can you start timing now? Then tell me how many contractions a minute you’re having later. Please tell me how many times a minute you feel hurt, okay?”

“Um, okay,” Mona said, biting her lip and nodding

At the same time, a large show was also taking place in another luxury hotel in Birmingham. After reading the news, Beatrice became enraged. She growled, “These journalists are completely untrustworthy! They sold the gossip to others that | had bought from them!”

“The reporters didn’t dare to offend you, and Lemon isn’t powerful enough for them to do so.”

Hearing her assistant’s words, Beatrice frowned and asked, “Do you mean the Carousel Group did this? Does it have anything to do with Wayne Wright?”

“No, | don’t believe so. Look, here’s the call log. Mona, one of Lemon’s executive directors, called Matthew an hour ago,” The assistant said as she handed Beatrice her iPad

“Did that kid tell the press to do that?”

The assistant said with a nod, “Lemon has a strong connection to the Carousel Group, as its founder is the wife of Wayne Wright. And their son Matthew has a close relationship with Lemon’s executive directors, Andrew and his wife.”

Clenching her fists, Beatrice said, “They’re more united than | expected. Why does this brat have to get involved in our business?”

Beatrice’s assistant said cautiously, “We probably underestimated Matthew Wright. Although he is still a teenager, he behaves exactly like his father. He completed that difficult project in the south by himself.”

“He completed it? | don’t think so,” Beatrice sneered, “Prepare a gift for the president of Azul Group.”

“Yes,” said the assistant


Right after they arrived at the hospital, Anna sent Mona into the operating room. On the way, she kept comforting Mona, “Take a deep breath, Mona. The best doctor will deliver your baby. And, I’ll be right beside you.”

“Ah!!!” Mona continued to scream in agony

“Save your strength,” Anna said as she held out her hand, “The baby’s going to come. You’ll be alright.”

Mona nodded, her teeth clenched tightly. Meanwhile, her contractions became more and more frequent

After the doctors and nurses pushed Mona into the operating room

the light outside the operating room remained turned on. A while later, a baby’s cry broke the silence

“Look, it’s a girl,” Anna said as she walked over to Mona with the baby in her arms

With tears stained on her face, Mona raised her head and fixed her gaze on the baby. After a while, she burst into tears

“Why are you crying?” In a panic, Anna asked

“She must be very excited to see her baby,” the midwife said as she wiped the sweat from her forehead

Mona, however, kept crying. After a while, she calmed down and said, “Oh, no! She’s so ugly!”

Somewhat awkwardly, Anna asked, “Huh? All newborn children are ugly. They’ll look nicer later.”

Still, Mona kept crying, making herself weaker and weaker. “She’s so ugly! How could she look so ugly?!” This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Really? But | think she’s adorable.” Anna said

No matter what Anna said, Mona refused to hold her daughter. So, Anna had no choice but to let the nurse hold the baby girl instead

By that time, Andrew had arrived at the hospital and he was anxiously waiting outside the operating room door. He was thrilled to learn that his wife had given birth to a baby girl and was excited to see his daughter

As soon as she saw Andrew, Mona burst into tears. She said she had high hopes for this child, but she did not expect her to be so ugly

Andrew looked at the child, then at his wife, and said in confusion, “She’s not ugly, honey. | think she looks like you.”

Hearing that, Mona cried even louder. And after Anna walked out of the ward, Ryan called shortly

“Hello?” Anna answered the call

“How’s Mona?”

“She just had a baby girl,” Anna exclaimed joyfully

“Wow! Congratulations! Emily and | will visit Mona tomorrow.”

“Mona’s not very stable. | think you guys can visit her a few days later,” Anna said, looking behind her

“What’s the matter?” Puzzled, Ryan asked


At the same time, Alicia frowned at Matthew awkwardly

“Could you please stop staring at me?” Matthew asked

Hearing that, Alicia snapped back to her senses. When she locked eyes with Matthew’s deep blue eyes, she blushed

Someone was knocking on the door at the time. Alicia jumped up from the couch and exclaimed, “I’ll get it for you. It must be Amber!” She dashed for the door before Matthew could say anything. As she passed, the corner of her coat brushed up against Matthew’s face, causing him to frown again

On her way to the door, Alicia had already decided what she should do next. She wanted to tell Tammy about it before Matthew. “I’m sorry! | didn’t mean to do it!” She said as she opened the door

The next second, Alicia froze when she saw the woman in the doorway. Anna froze as well, thinking she was in the wrong place. Then Matthew’s voice came from the living room, “Mom! Is that you?”

Anna then realized she hadn’t gone to the wrong house. Still, Anna was shocked when she looked at the cute girl in front of her. “Why are you two here alone in the middle of the night?” she asked, looking back and forth at them both

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