Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

585 All About Him

585 All About Him

Gabe was very efficient. Two days later, he managed to place the information he had gathered about Dominic on Matthew’s desk

Then Matthew started reading it carefully

Dominic Deleon was Dominic’s full name. He was born and grew up in London, and he was 20 years old. His great grandfather was a politician who once held a high government position, and his grandfather was a successful businessman who owned a large corporation. As for his father, he was a businessman who made the company well

Dominic was the family’s only child, but he was uninterested in business. He fell in love with e-sports in college and soon signed up with an e-sports company. Later, he made it to one of the best teams in the country and was named captain due to his outstanding performance. He once led his team to a world championship victory

Before moving to Birmingham, Dominic attended a university in London. However, after he fell out with his parents he transferred to a college in Birmingham because several of his teammates were from this city

Dominic was actually in his junior year of college and would not graduate until the following year. When he was a junior, he stopped asking his parents for money because he was not only paid but also had ad contracts. He wouldn’t be short on cash if his friends weren’t constantly borrowing money from him

After reading Dominic’s profile, Matthew felt relieved because he knew he wasn’t a bad guy. He was just a carefree rich young man. Although

his family was not the wealthiest in the city, he was well-educated. On the

583 All About Him YQ other hand, Matthew knew Dominic would return to London after college

Matthew hoped Tammy hadn’t fallen in love with Dominic. That way, she wouldn’t run away with him out of love

Matthew was just as worried about Tammy as Wayne was. He thought, /f Dad knew Dominic liked Tammy, he might get on a plane and come back immediately to beat himup. As he imagined Wayne chasing Dominic with a long face Matthew couldn’t help but laugh


At 7 pm, when Matthew finally got off work and arrived at Tammy’s

apartment, Alicia was in the kitchen cooking. She didn’t get much better at her job, but her cooking skills had greatly improved recently. As a result, Tammy rarely ate out at restaurants after that. Whenever Tammy told Alicia what she wanted to eat, Alicia would learn to cook it for her

Tammy was in the study at the time, playing games. She was wearing earplugs and focused on the game, so she didn’t hear Matthew enter the room

Standing behind Tammy, Matthew watched her play the game, but he couldn’t understand what she was doing. Matthew hardly ever played video games and had no idea how to play them

While playing the game, Tammy was chatting with her teammates, but Matthew could only hear her voice because she was wearing headphones

“Don’t do that! Let me do it!” Tammy quickly tapped her keyboard while shouting, “No! | want to kill him!”

“I know. | had someone behind me to protect me. It’s fine. Just let me

do it. Wait!”

Ugh! | know you want to, but these guys can’t compete with you!

583 All About Him Ww Don’t move!”

“I can handle them on my own, but! can do better with your help. | understand. | see reinforcements on the way. It’s okay. I’m not panicking!”

“Why are you nagging as much as my brother?”

Hearing that, Matthew wanted to flick Tammy’s forehead as a punishment. However, he didn’t do it because he was afraid he would disturb her

A few moments later, Tammy killed her enemy’s entire team herself

Her character finally stood calmly on the hill, facing the wind. Tammy did this on purpose to make her character look cool

“That was far too simple. Should | go pro, Dominic? I’ll talk about it with my brother. Okay.”

“Time for dinner! I’ll see you at this time tomorrow. Bye!” This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Tammy then removed her headphones and switched off her computer. When she turned around, she noticed Matthew standing behind her. Startled, Tammy shouted, “When did you get here, Matthew? You scared the hell out of me!”

Without saying a word, Matthew pointed at her headphones

“Oh. | didn’t hear you. Sorry,” Tammy laughed a bit awkwardly as she said

“It’s okay,” Smiling, Matthew answered briefly

“You came back early than usual today. | thought you had tons of work to do today,” Tammy expressed her surprise

“Now that Gabe becomes my assistant, I’ll be working less overtime.”

“You mean you let him do your work? It must be torturing for him to

583 All About Him WZ do all the work for you,” Tammy said, smiling

Looking at her smiling face, Matthew suddenly thought of Dominic’s words: -Tammy is as sweet as honey.” Jammy, you and / are twins. And yet, our personalities are polar opposites. | guess that it’s because you’re more like Mom while I’m more like Dad. Matthew thought to himself

Then, having brought himself back to his senses, Matthew uttered, “I never said that.”


By the time they left the study, Alicia had already prepared dinner

The dining room was filled with the aroma because she had made a pot of seafood soup

I’m hungry!” Tammy yelled. She then took a spoon and prepared to drink the soup

The next second, Alicia gently patted Tammy’s hand, saying, “Have you washed your hands? You’ve just spent a whole afternoon touching the keyboard.”

Therefore, Tammy was forced to put down the spoon. And she went to the kitchen to wash her hands reluctantly. As she washed her hands in the sink, she muttered “This is so unfair. You two are just like my parents

You both like to boss me around.”

That’s because you always make me worry, sis. Thinking of that, Matthew also went to the sink to wash his hands. A while later, the three of them began to eat

“Who were you talking to when you were playing the game, Tammy?” Matthew asked. He knew the answer, but he still wanted to ask Tammy about it. Matthew reasoned that if Tammy kept it from him, it would prove

that she liked Dominic

“It’s Dominic. He’s awesome! He said he’ll help me join Team

583 All About Him YY Wolf.”

Hearing Tammy’s answer, Matthew exhaled a sigh of relief. The last thing he wanted to happen was for Tammy to fall in love with Dominic y

“I’ve heard of this team. Dominic used to be one of them, right?” Matthew asked on purpose

“Yeah. It’s a fantastic team. They even won the world championship twice.”

“So, is it easy for you to join the team?”

“Actually, it’s a little difficult because Dominic said | must pass their exam first. Even if | could join the team, I would only be a substitute in the beginning,” Tammy replied, forking the food on her plate

“Are you confident enough to join the team then?”

“I’m not sure. | haven’t competed against the pros after all.”

Well, you should find a way to compete against professionals.”


“Has Dominic retired?” Matthew asked Tammy. He wanted to know about it because the documents he read earlier didn t mention Dominic’s retirement

Probably. | asked him about it, and he didn’t deny it. What a bummer!” Tammy replied with a pout

“Do you want to be a part of that team?” Matthew asked. He was really curious about that

Can I?” Tammy asked. She set her fork down and gave Matthew a serious look

Are you not confident in yourself, or do you think | won’t support you?”

“In fact, | don’t know how competent | am,” Tammy said after some thought

“You should be more confident! Dominic is willing to be your teacher, and that’s a great opportunity. I believe that you’ll learn from him.”

“That’s exactly what | think.”

“And let me know when you make your decision, Tammy. I’ll handle the contract details for you.”

“Thank you very much, Matthew. Here is my gift to you!” Tammy spooned some steak onto Matthew’s plate

Matthew set his knife and fork down and said solemnly, “You really think this through, Tammy. You have to do your best once you’re a pro, and you can’t give up halfway because of the difficulties you face. When you are a live streamer, you can do whatever you want and quit whenever you want. But once you’ve joined that team, anything you do could impact everyone. So, you really need to think twice before making your decision.”

“Okay. | know,” Nodding, Tammy uttered

“Take your time. You can also ask Dominic about his experience and the difficulties he faced as a pro. I’ve heard they need to work out very hard and that training can be more difficult than studying.”

“All right, I’ll ask him about it tomorrow.”

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