Falling For The Playboy

Chapter 10


Ivacy High was, well, high, and nothing like what I’d expected.

Nothing turned out to be what I expected these days. I might as well stop assuming.

I’d expected plain colours, large, impersonal buildings, snobby students -I was yet to meet them, and classy teachers. I mean, it was a private school, also one of the most expensive and if Abi and Zoe’s characters were things to go by, I’d say they went to a school that reflected them. I could hardly be blamed for coming to that conclusion. Really.

Lord knew the beautifully colored, albeit overly large buildings with inspirational and motivational quotes from different prodigies, hanging on the walls on various sides, took me completely by surprise.

” The school assembly starts in exactly ten minutes from now, ” Abi glanced at the watch on her left wrist, “And I like to be there at least three minutes before. ”

She looked smart and put together in her school uniform; white long-sleeved button down shirt and a black colored skirt that ended just an inch above her knee. I loved the length. It always irked me how the students back at my old school took advantage of the  nonchalantness of the people in authority. They took lawlessness to a new degree, chopping off several inches off their skirts and flaunting around with their new lengths. Mid-thigh.

“I’m an arts students and my class is over there. ” Abi continued, pointing to a two storey building located on the right of the school building.

The whole secondary school block was divided into four buildings, excluding the gate man’s post. There were three main buildings in the form of a Y. Just picture a Y with a straight line drawn through the middle. That was exactly what it looked like. The building on the right hand side, where Abi’s class was located, was apparently, for Arts students. And if I had to guess, then the one on the left was for science because they were similar in style. The middle building was a one storey.

“Zoe’s science too, so you guys’ class is over there.” My guess was right. She pointed at the opposite building. “It would be so much easier if you went with Zoe, but… ” we both glanced at her, who, in return, gave us a blank look, “Yeah. Let’s go then. ”

Zoe rolled her to eyes. Yes, actually rolled her eyes and sighed, “Go do your good girl duties. I’ll take her. ”

Abi frowned, her eyes darting between us unsurely.

Same, girl. Same.

“You mean….. I should leave her with you? ” she asked, choosing to ignore the good girl comment.

“Did I stutter? ” Zoe cocked a perfectly shaved brow.

Abi’s eyes roamed my face as if silently asking me if I was okay with it. Wait. Were we even considering this? Zoe hated my guts to pieces. If she was volunteering to show me around, then she definitely had a plan. And it wasn’t a good one.

“Are you sure?” she pressed, “Cause it’s not that big of a deal. I could easily just -”

Zoe fingered the strap of her water bottle, “For someone who’s so adamant on getting to the assembly earlier, you’re pretty hell bent on wasting a lot of time. Go. I said I’ll take her. ”

Abi shrugged apologetically before giving me a bright smile, “Okay then. See you guys later. ”

Please don’t go.

She left.

As we walked, Zoe talked, “There’s a class A, B and C. I don’t know which one the school would put you in, although I’m guessing a C. So you’ll stay at B until they decide what to do with you. ”

How rude.

Usually, Class C was reserved for the students that weren’t as bright as the others and I had to admit that it stung, even if a little, that she classified me amongst one of them. Sure, my previous school had been a public one and we were generally looked down on, but that didn’t mean I didn’t do well with my studies.

Suddenly, a series of loud, impatient honking sounds rang out behind us, the unprecedented sound, making my ears ring. Several cars drove in just as I turned. Pretty, expensive-looking cars that had me pausing to stare. They were about five in total. And I didn’t know if they had come together or if they just happened to come in at the same time but it looked like it. When they alighted the cars, I saw that they were students!

I’d never seen a student who owned a car, not to talk of one who drove it into the school compound. But apparently, it was a normality here.

“Don’t stare. ” Zoe scolded harshly, her soft voice becoming an octave deeper, causing me to jerk around and face her, “Why would you even? ”

I opened my mouth but no sound came out. I had nothing to say. The only thing that stood out in my head right now was the fact that this was the longest conversation Zoe and I had ever had, even if it wasn’t really one since she was doing all the talking -which made it even weirder because she wasn’t a talker- and it just happened to be when my brain was running 0. 00 mile an hour.

“When you do, it makes them want to put up more of a show. ” she leveled those intense orbs on mine, “It’s not worth it. Believe me. ”

I nodded, figuring my brain wasn’t ready to come on board yet, before we resumed our walk.

Err, in case you were wondering, she did dump me in class B. Stupid old me had thought we’d somehow bonded or something.

Assembly passed by in a blur, and then came a general class meeting with the principal.

I thought I was going to die when a girl, I assumed she was a prefect because she wasn’t standing in line with us, eyed me then hissed as she turned to her friends saying, “Wahala for who nor wear contact lens oh. ” and they all burst out laughing, which made everyone turn to us in curiosity. I had never wanted the ground to open up and swallow me more than I did in that moment.

[Wahala for who nor wear contact lens oh: So contacts are the new trend. ]

“That’s not nice. ” a familiar voice said and it turned out to be Abi.

“If it isn’t Mrs Do Good. ” another girl said, throwing them into a fit of giggles again.

I looked up when they abruptly stopped laughing, wondering if perhaps, a teacher, had caught them, but there were no teachers in sight. It was then I noticed how they were studiously averting their gazes to the left, so naturally, I looked to the right to see who could evoke such a reaction in them and saw Zoe giving them the full force of her glare.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Oh. She was the one they were scared of.

I chuckled lightly, shaking my head. Of course I wasn’t the only one that found her terrifying.

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