Fall For My Ex's Mafia Dad

Chapter 0361

Chapter 0361

lvan's in a particularly good mood that night when he comes by tonight, but I don’t find out why until just before he leaves

“Oh, by the way,” he says, glancing over at Daniel and Jerome with a friendly smile as he flattens out the empty boxes of the pizza that he brought all the way from the city. “I think I let a little something slip this morning when I probably shouldn't have. Sorry about that. I thought he knew.”

Daniel sits up straight in his chair, staring at Ivan. “What are you talking about?

Ivan can’t keep the smile from his face as he runs a hand through his hair, and I shake my head at him, seeing through his apology act. He's loving this. “I may have let something slip,” he says, giving a little shrug as he points a finger between Daniel and Jerome, “to Kent. About you two.”

“WHAT!?” Daniel shouts, jumping to his feet.

“Whoa,” lvan says. pretending to be surprised and stepping back with his hands up, though I just sigh because I know he's faking it. “I said I was sorry — could have happened to anyone —"

“Bullshit,” Jerome snaps, glaring. “You knew precisely what you were doing.” “I promise —*

“Welp,” my dad says, getting to his feet and slapping his hands loudly against his thighs, interrupting everything. “I guess it's about time to get to bed.” And then he gives lvan a hard look, letting him know without any further words that it’s time for him to make himself scarce.

Ivan gets the message and cheerfully says his goodbyes. I walk him down to the driveway in silence. “Did you have to do that, Ivan?" I ask quietly as he turns to me at the driver’s-side door.

‘I didn’t do anything.” he protests, but then he just laughs a little ruefully when he sees the knowing look on my face. Because he didn’t fool me — or frankly any of us. Not at all.

“I actually didn't mean to do it.” he says, slipping his hands into his pockets and leaning back against his car. “This morning, when I said something to Kent? It really was innocent. I thought he knew — it’s so obvious.”

“Not to Kent,” I murmur, glancing up at the house where I know Daniel is probably flipping out. “But you didn’t have to do that to Daniel. It was mean.”

“Yeah well,” lvan says, looking down at his feet a little guiltily now. “You shouldn't lean on them as much as you do anyway, Fay. They’re going to leave you at some point, after all.”

“What?” I ask, confused.

“They're together,” he says, looking up at me. “I mean, I get why you married Daniel — for the baby — but eventually? Those two,” he says, pointing up at the house, “are going to leave you.

“So, what’s your advice,” I ask dryly, crossing my arms and staring at him. “Put all my eggs in your basket? Hang out with you?”

“Well, obviously, yes,” Ivan says, giving me that smile, the one I can’t resist returning. But then his face gets serious again. “But really, Fay, why do you trust this Jerome guy?”

“What?” I ask,sonfused. Jerome...I trust Jeromeécompletely, He’s never given meareason notto- has => always been there. He’s my best friendand husband's boyfriend = my literatpartner in crime now. Why

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wouldn't I trust him? Content belongs to <>

“That guy, Fay?” lvan asks, standing up now and moving close to me so he can talk quietly. “He's shady as hell. He’s always looking to get — higher ~ always clinging on to ther” most powerful person he can and telling them whatever they want’ to hearsl've done my homework’on

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Jerome Rosello, Fay — he-was born with nothing, and now hé’s shacked up ina million-dollar shore house, living for free, sleeping with the heir to the Lippert and Bianci fortunes? I mean, come on.”

I frown at Ivan, shaking my head, completely unwilling to believe it.

“I mean,” lvan says, truly asking now as he glances up at the house, “is he even actually gay?”

And my mouth.drops open as I remember, quite suddenly that...that Jerome hitn me - like alot- before I found out he was with < Daniel~Part of my shock at them beingtogether was becausewas thagoughly convinced that derome liked me.


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