Fall For Me

Chapter 52

Carson’s pov

I heard a light knock at the door and she walked in. I had been waiting to have her to myself again, definitely that would be easy after I let her meet her sisters. She would probably jump into my arms in shear excitement again, those moments were ones I could relive over and over again.

She stood at the door after Benson shut it, her eyes ran over my body, I could tell she admired my perfectly toned abs, who wouldn’t? That was the expected result, afterall I was very prepared to seduce her .

“Come sit in my laps”, I said with a smirk on my lips.

A gasp escaped her lips and her brows curved in disbelief. What? Did I ask too much? Seeing that she was too stomped to move, I drew closer to her and teased her for a while until I got her in my arms again. I wanted to wrap myself around her small tender body and never let go . I kissed her lightly on her cheek and decided to play the gentleman so I slowly released her from my firm hug. Now was the time to advance the seduction plot.

“You slept off in my arms while watching Nickelodeon yesterday, but you said you loved Nickelodeon, ” my lips curved into a wry smile.

” I was tired” she defended quickly.

That sounded like a very dry excuse,” tired , or my body was comforting?” I flared my shirt a bit revealing a well chiseled chest in an intentional seductive manner then she bit her lower lips wistfully. She couldn’t resist, the expected reaction. “I could show you some more if you want”

” No please” she replied timidly and looked away.

That was totally bogus. “It sounds like you don’t mean it” I said and began to take of my shirt. I expected her to probably stop me in any way but she kept her gaze away until I had taken it off.

“What are you doing?” She muttered.

My innocent little rabbit, what did it look like I was doing? I held her chin and slowly turned her head to face me. First she met my smug playful smile then I saw her eyes travel down to my body. She trailed it down and seemed lost, there was this impressed longing look in her eyes then she lifted her hands slowly, she was clearly intoxicated by what she saw such that she lost control of her nerves.

Suddenly she seemed to return to her senses and dropped her hands, clearing her throat noisily to break the silence between us.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I .. should probably leave now, thank you for letting my sister’s come over” she stuttered quietly and turned quickly to leave but I took a grasp at her arm and pulled her back to fall on my chest. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she tried to free herself but I slipped my arm around her waist and pressed her body against mine, looking deep into her alluring green eyes. “I want to keep you in my arms forever” I muttered and leaned closer to kiss her lips but she turned her face and the kiss landed on her cheek instead.

Was she resisting me? For how long? What else did I have to do to make her release herself to me?

There was a slight knock on the door and she immediately freed herself from my grip, standing afar from me and looking everywhere but my face. She tried looking down but I saw her face flush. That was a good sign I thought and the knock came again. I wanted to snarl at whomever that was to get lost but it was too late.

“I’m coming in” Benson’s voice echoed from the other end and the door opened then he walked in. He stopped at the door on seeing Valerie in the room and I in my seductive position. He looked down innocently and apologized for interrupting.

“I should probably leave” he said and made to walk out again but Valerie stopped him.

“No it’s okay, I was just leaving” she said and hurried towards the door “Have a good night” she muttered and disappeared from the room. I felt like going after her, then Benson jogged me back to reality with a click in the door as he shut it again.

Why the hell would he walk in here when he knew so well I was with Valerie?

“You should know better than to interrupt my most precious moment” I said with a displeased sigh as I picked up my shirt to put it back on.

“It’s not exactly my pleasure to walk in on a half naked young man trying to seduce a woman” Benson replied with a straight face as he opened the laptop in his hands and drew closer ” I see red cheeks everywhere these days, it can be really oppressing” he muttered to himself, still working innocently on the laptop.

“You sound a lot like you did this on purpose” I said as I buttoned up the last of my shirt and turned to face him. He was sitting on the bed already.

“Definitely not” he replied and turned the laptop towards me. ” Take a look at this”

I looked into the laptop and scrolled through the news headline. “Famous pharmaceutical company Stan labs accused of producing amphetamines with a high risk cancer side effect”

Stan labs were one of our most important clients in Chicago.

“This can be very deadly to Stan and us sir … I think it would be better if you visit this yourself”

” It seems to have escalated… That manager really is incompetent “I replied curtly.

” All accusations were vehemently denied but, we can’t be sure”

” We’ll need the complete truth if we’re going to quieten this” I said with an indifferent sigh

” Book my flight to Chicago for tomorrow, we have no time to loose”…

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