Enslaved By The Ruthless Vampire Lord: Her Second Chance Mate


Chapter 52

Zara quickly ran to the training center as she was late already. She was late and that was all because of her. She wanted to look good as she was having lessons with Vlad.

Zara burst through the doors of the training center, panting heavily as she tried to catch her breath. She was late for her lesson with Vlad, and she knew that he wouldn’t be pleased.

As she hurried towards the training room, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of frustration at herself of course, if she wanted in his good books, she could start by not being late.

As she entered the training room, she saw Vlad waiting for her, his arms crossed over his chest.

“You’re late,” he said, his voice stern.

“I know, I’m sorry,” Zara apologized, bowing her head in respect. “It won’t happen again.”

Vlad nodded, his expression still stern. “See that it doesn’t,” he said. “Now, let’s get started. We have a lot of work to do.”

“Here..” He threw a sword at Zara who caught it just in time. He seemed to be totally uninterested as everything he did was train her and the others who were on her team.

That was what led to her kissing Genevieve in the first place, they were just talking about her feelings towards Vlad, and then boom…Genevieve kissed her, All thanks to Naya who came to interrupt them.

Zara couldn’t shake the memory of the kiss she had shared with Genevieve. It had been unexpected, but not entirely unwelcome. And as she continued to train with Vlad, she found herself thinking more and more about the other woman.

Genevieve was kind and understanding, and Zara felt like she could talk to her about anything. She had listened attentively as Zara had poured out her feelings for Vlad and had offered a sympathetic ear when Zara had expressed her frustration with his lack of interest.

And then, just when Zara had thought that their conversation was over, Genevieve leaned in and kissed her. It had been soft and gentle, and Zara had found herself responding instinctively, her body reacting to the touch of Genevieve’s lips against her own.

But just as quickly as the kiss had begun, it had ended, as Naya had burst into the room, interrupting them.

As she sparred with Vlad, she couldn’t help but wonder what might have happened if Naya hadn’t interrupted them. Would the kiss have gone further? And more importantly, what did it mean for her feelings towards Vlad?

“You’re doing great!!” Vlad commented as he blocked an attack from her.

“And we’ll stop here today..”

“That’s great!” She exclaimed breathing heavily as she collected the sword that Vlad was holding and she went back to put it in its place.

“Well I had a favor to ask of you..” she began after keeping the swords as she turned back to face Vlad who was holding two bottles of water.

“What kind of favor?” He asked handing over one of the bottles to her.

“Thanks..” she muttered, feeling her cheeks warm up.

“You know I’m new in Shadowvale, so I wanted to ask for a tour..” she said the last words softly as Vlad turned to look at her swiftly to look at her, his gaze hard.

“You what?” He asked as Zara quickly moved backward away from him.

“I nothing…” she shook her hands dismissively in the air.

“I just thought that it’d be cool to have a look around, but no worries…” she flashed a smile at him.

Zara looked downwards as she hit her lips bitterly, she really wanted him to agree to her request. But it seemed like he was not in for any of it.

“When do you want to go..” he suddenly asked as Zara’s face lit up.

“Anytime you’re ready, but tomorrow would be great!” She replied. She couldn’t be more thankful to her sister for getting her a new set of clothes, she would definitely look stunning.

She had a goal and that was to get one of the lord’s. Sadly Rhys was already taken, she could as well try Vlad.

“Okay then. I’ll take you out tomorrow…” Vlad said to her utmost surprise.

Really?” Zara asked, her eyes widening in surprise. She hadn’t actually expected Vlad to agree so readily to her request. “You’ll take me out tomorrow?”

Vlad nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. “Of course,” he said. “I’m always happy to show a beautiful lady a good time.”

Zara blushed at the compliment, feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of spending more time with Vlad, and did he just compliment her?? That was definitely the start of something marvelous.

She knew he wasn’t as highly ranked as Rhys, but he was still a lord, and he had a certain roguish charm that she found irresistible.

“I’m looking forward to it,” she said, smiling up at him. “I’m sure we’ll have a great time together.”

Vlad returned her smile, his eyes glittering with amusement.

“Oh, I’m sure we will,” he stated.


“Have a good day then. I have to run along now..” he informed before leaving, Zara couldn’t help but stare into outer space as he made his way out.




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