Enslaved By The Ruthless Vampire Lord: Her Second Chance Mate



Rhys paced back and forth, his mind whirling with conflicting emotions. On the one hand, he was angry at himself for losing control like that, for nearly giving in to his lustful desires. On the other hand, he couldn’t help but admire Naya’s defiance, the way she’d held her ground despite her humiliation.

“Get a grip, Rhys,” he muttered to himself, clenching his fists.

His eyes traveled towards the door, it had already been two minutes but she was not yet put, he was about to call out her name when she stepped out of the bathroom.

“I’m done..” Naya announced, her eyes fixed on the ground as she was too shy to look up at him, not after what just happened between the both of them.

“Great, come here..” he held out his hands for her to step forward.

Naya pushed her feet to move as she appeared in front of him.

“Good girl..” he muttered in a husky voice, feeling more content with her new look.

“Now some finishing touch..” he muttered and Naya was forced to look at him, what did he mean again by some finishing touch?

She wanted to ask, but all of a sudden, he did his trick again and a hairpacker appeared in his hand.

“What is this for?” Naya asked, her brows furrowed in confusion. She eyed the hair packer warily, unsure of what Rhys had planned.

Rhys smirked, seemingly amused by Naya’s reaction. “I’m going to do your hair,” he explained, stepping closer to her.

“I can’t have you looking like a wild child out there.”

Naya felt her face flush with embarrassment.

“And I prefer your hair tied up,” he added, as he began to gather her hair together.

Naya stood still, her heart pounding as Rhys’ fingers wove through her hair. His touch was gentle and firm at the same time, and she couldn’t help but shiver.

“Now, you’re ready to face the world,” Rhys announced, a hint of pride in his voice as he surveyed his handiwork. “You look gorgeous.”

Naya’s blush deepened. She wanted to protest, to snap back with one of her trademark quips, but the words wouldn’t come.

“Shall we?” Rhys asked, stretching out his hand for her.

Naya contemplated for a while before she finally accepted his hand, but she hoped she didn’t as she began to feel some emotions within her, remembering the last time he touched her.

Naya felt a strange tingling sensation run through her body as she took Rhys’ hand, trying to ignore the rush of emotions that came with the contact. He led her out of the room, his hand gently but firmly guiding her down the hall.

“You look stunning, by the way,” he said, his voice low and intimate. “I must admit, I’m impressed with myself.”

Naya rolled her eyes. “You’re just full of yourself,” she retorted.

“I think I should do something about your sharp tongue..” she uttered thoughtfully, rolling his tongue.

“You don’t know when to speak, you’re overstepping your boundaries, pumpkin” he added in a calm voice, but it actually sounded like a warning in Naya’s ears.

And why was he calling her pumpkin, he had left the word ‘minx’ and had jumped to pumpkin.

Naya internally admitted that she loved it when he called her that, the way he said it, his deep voice, and the calmness, sent butterflies down to her stomach.

“Boundaries? What boundaries?” Naya countered, her voice more confident than she felt. She could feel the electricity between them, the way his hand held hers just a bit too tightly.

“The ones that keep you from getting into trouble,” Rhys replied, a hint of danger in his voice.

“Remember who you’re dealing with, Naya. I’m not just some guy you can insult whenever you want.”

Naya bit her lip, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks.

She did not say anything else as they just continued walking, they walked past some maids and Naya wondered why they were appearing now she was with Rhys, when she was alive earlier, she saw no one.

The sight of the maids sent a chill down Naya’s spine. There was something about the way they all averted their eyes as she and Rhys walked past that made her feel uneasy. She knew that they were gossiping about her and she still hadn’t spoken to Kiera, to say sorry.

As they descended the grand staircase, Naya glanced up at Rhys’ profile. His face was stoic and unreadable, but he looked handsome as hell, his ginger hair making him stand out amongst other males, his gray eyes, he was good looking.

“Stop staring,” Rhys said without looking at her and Naya immediately snapped her gaze away from him.

Naya’s cheeks burned with embarrassment at being caught staring. She chastised herself for being so obvious, but she couldn’t help it; Rhys was undeniably attractive, and the way he carried himself only added to his allure.

As they reached the door, he asked.

“Since you came here, have you ever taken a tour around Shadowvale?” He asked as Naya shook her head.


“Probably one day, I’ll take you on a tour, but today is mainly for shopping..” he smiled and Naya rolled her eyes at his words.

What was the need to ask if he was not going to take her on the tour?

But she badly wanted to take the tour.

“You don’t have to get your hopes up about it,” Rhys continued with a smirk, clearly picking up on her disappointment.

“The last thing I want is to have you roaming around on your own, so if I’m going to show you around, it’s going to be under strict supervision, but not today”

Naya frowned slightly, giving him a disapproving look. “Strict supervision? And what does that entail? Am I not allowed to talk to anyone or touch anything, or am I going to be on a leash?”

“No” He blurted out, they were currently walking to the garage and Naya genuinely admired her surroundings, the castle ess beautiful, she had never stepped out of the castle before, but the outside was so beautiful.

“No to which part?” Naya asked though she was genuinely distracted by the beauty of the castle’s surroundings. The sun shone brightly, glinting off the castle’s grandeur, and the air was crisp and clear. It was a stunning contrast to the dark and gloomy interior of the castle, and for a moment, Naya forgot all about her problems.

Rhys seemed to notice her captivation and slowed his pace to match hers. “So you do have an appreciation for beauty,” he commented, glancing at her with a faint smile.

“We were talking about something else, no to what?” She asked.

“No to the fact that you’re not allowed to speak to anyone and that you belong sternly to me. What don’t you get Naya? And there might also be a probability that a leash would be placed on you to indicate that you’re mine?” He replied as Naya scoffed.

She wanted to know what was going on in that head of his, he claimed he didn’t like her, but did things that she just couldn’t understand, what the hell was he saying or could she say that he was obsessed?

“A leash?” She scoffed in disbelief, she never knew she was his slave or dog. Because that was what leashes were used for.

“Oh, so you’re my master now?” Naya quipped, narrowing her eyes at him.

“And me a slave you can just toss around with and do whatever you want with?” She asked though she knew there was a possibility for that to happen.

He chooses her as his submissive after all.

Rhys smirked, unfazed by her hostility. “I’m just teasing you, pumpkin. But don’t think for a second that I wouldn’t leash you if I had to.” The way he said it, so casually and confidently, made Naya’s heart skip a beat, and she shook her head in disbelief at her own reaction.

She remained quiet as he arrived at the garage, he brought out a car key from his pocket as he pressed a button.

Naya just looked at the car lot, waiting for whatever car he wanted to drive.

“Come on..” he tugged her, leading her to a black Bugatti Chiron.


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