Enough For Him

Chapter 53

I decided to sit down with my back against the wall. My dress was spread out around me and my corset was squeezing the air out of my lungs.

I don’t want to force you Liz, if this is too soon and you still have doubts I will call off this wedding right now” he spoke through the door. I think he was also in the same position as me leant against the door.

It was just us two now, all alone. Well that was what I originally through util I heart the little steps of my son. ” come here buddy, speak to your mama” Leon said. I heard the adorable sound of his voice and the pats on the door separating us.

” Mama why are you taking so long, grandma said you were crying” oh for the love of god.

“I’m not crying baby, I’m just scared” I admitted out loud for the first time. Unlike what my family actually thinks I am not scared about marrying the man on the opposite side of the door.

What I’m scared for is so much bigger than that.

I moved my hand to my lower belly.

“scared of what” Leon’s alarming voice interrupted us. I almost laughed at the reaction from him.

Slowly I made the decision to tell him. To let him into my mind because its what he deserves. All night I have been tossing and turning literally because of one little test. A test that Im scared of because I wanted to wait.

I was scared that Leon might fall out of love when I go through with it.

I slowly opened the door, but Leon grabbed the handle pulling it close. ” I don’t want to see you in the dress, not yet” he spoke quietly.

I laughed as I pulled the door open completely. Leon went as far as covering his eyes so that he wouldn’t see me.

“Enough with this Leon, I don’t care about this tradition look at me baby” I said peeling his fingers away but no surprise there when he had his eyes shut closed.

I stepped forward pushing my body towards his.

Slowly but surely he opened his eyes.

“oh god you’re beautiful, jesus Christ I knew it was a bad decision to look” he shook his head his eyes moving down my dress. His eyes were dark and intense.

” I wasn’t nervous because of marrying you Leon my nerves were influenced by something else, or rather someone” as I said this I brought his hand down to rest on my belly.

It took him a few seconds but when he realised what I was referring too, he stepped back.

Nearly tripped over Jayson who was confused.

“you’re pregnant?” he asked me, his mouth gaped in shock. All I could do was nod confirming his question. I just had this weird gut feeling that I was pregnant, don’t ask me how I knew but after the 5 tests I took in lobbys bathroom I was more than sure.

“that’s why you were nervous” I nodded again, I couldn’t really find my words.

“so you’re not ditching me at the altar then” Leon said as he pulled me against his chest.

I smacked him on the chest ” no of course not, my mother just got ahead of herself im pretty sure the whole world thinks im second guessing but I’m not, truly” I combed my fingers through his hair.

“shall we do this then, get married” he said deeply looking into my eyes. Like he had to even ask.

Leon walked ahead and got back into position with Jayson following behind him to get ready to go down the aisle for the second time.

” gave us all a scar there princess” my dad said walking upto me. no doubt he just got earful from my mother who ive personally asked to go sit down.

” it was her fault for jumping to conclusions” I said. He couldn’t even defend her because he knows that I am right.

All of this could be avoided if she just shut her mouth.

Dad linked his arm with mine. ” ready to marry this boy for real this time” he said when the music begun.

I stared at the double doors in front of me. “hell yeah” I said quietly signalling for then to open the doors.

When they opened them up all the heads in the room turned to look at me. I knew they, were all analysing my dress, hair, makeup and the look on my face but all I could see was Leon at the end of the Aisle standing in that jet black suit.

He looked handsome just like he always does but he looked different in my eyes because he looked like a man. My husband to be. The father to my son and another baby coming soon.

Me and dad slowly walked up passing by all our friends and family. As we reached Leon at the front he reached out and took my hand. His hand slid down my back. A clicked my tongue when he went lower.

“sorry” he mumbled even though he had this massive grin on his face. People around us laughed at Leon’s slip up. but I was confident that it wasn’t a slip up.

The priest started the programme leaving us to wait anxiously for our vows. My mind couldn’t stop thinking about the day I fell in love with Leon and how much to this day I still love him.


He actually did it. Like he said he would, he moved on.

I told him I wouldn’t mind, he was a free man to do whatever he pleases but now as I see him around the sweet and beautiful girl from his science class I don’t know whats come over me.

” balls of steel this guy” Hailey said sliding in next to me, handing me a drink. I want normally a fan of alcohol but right now it seemed like a good idea.

” I’m in trouble Hailey” I whispered staring at Leon as he made the girl laugh, her head tilted back her perfect blonde waves swaying.

My fingers were pressing on the glass.

“He’s just provoking you, you can easily go and get your man you know” she told me her eyes watching Leon as well.

“see look he’s not even touching her… oh shit!” Hailey blurted her eyes watching the slick move she just pulled. This girl literally just grabbed his shirt and Leon was forced to kiss her.

It was like I went crazy, I slammed the glass on the table and stood up. I was barely halfway there when the girl saw my furious face.

The girls expression was beyond scared but Leon well he didn’t even break a sweat.

Not even sparing him a glance I grabbed his arm and started walking in the complete different direction. This was the first time I didn’t give a shit about who saw this. I was hiding with Leon for too long.

Once we finally got into a private room I was breathing in and out so deeply.

“enjoyed the show” he whispered his lips s dangerously close to my ears.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

I spun around my eyes glaring at his own.

“shut the fuck up” I said sharply before pulling him towards me. I kissed him with every emotion that I had.

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