Emily’s Dilemma: Seduced by Billionaire Brothers

Chapter 87

When Ethan finally arrived at the towering gates of his father’s modern city mansion, he wasn’t surprised to find Frank waiting for him, eyes bloodshot and lingering around unsettling. Ethan smirked, walking towards him confidently, his shoulders squared and his head held high.

“What do you want Weatherbee?” Ethan countered first and Frank followed suit.

“Leave Amanda alone” he said and Ethan chuckled.


“Why? Why are you going after her? Why now? A few weeks to Junior prom” Frank argued

“Oh yea Prom, I totally forgot about that but now that you mention it, I should get something going” Ethan said and turned to leave but Frank held him back.

“Ok I’m sorry man, I didn’t mean to hit you earlier, I was just so furious okay you can hit me back and we can call it even then you leave her alone”

Ethan chuckled again “It’s not that simple Frank, I wish it was but it’s not. You took something of mine and I have to do the same”

“What?” Frank looked confused now, his brain racking different possibilities but ultimately coming up with nothing, he looked back at Ethan hoping for some clues “What did I ever do to you?”

“Jackson” Ethan said simply “You and a pea brained brother pushed Jackson down the hill and broke his bike, I’m not seeking remedy or apologies, I’m all out for revenge”


Jackson Hatton had promised not to say anything about Ethan Hatton’s involvement with Uncle James although the media was blaring with different stories about Jackson’s kidnapped, the true story stayed hidden within the family but yet in the grand scheme of things the Hatton family had to keep up appearances and the only way to do that in the elite world was to throw a party a fundraising party for arts and museum.

It’s been three weeks, three weeks since Jackson left the hospital but still had a bandage wrapped around his left knee and a walking cane on his right hand to keep his balance.

“This is absolutely ridiculous” Jackson complained as he limped into the empty boutique he had booked for a private shopping session with Emily. Jackson was doing most of the shopping for the fundraising party he was to attend as a bachelor once again since Blair had skipped her and no one had heard from her since then, not even her father.

“You need it to walk Jackson, I guess in a few weeks your knee would be good as new” Emily said to him and Jackson shook his head.

“It’s not magic Emily” he said “I can’t walk into the fund raising party looking like I have no chances of walking correctly”

“It’s not your fault, Jackson and everyone knows so don’t sweat it too much”

Jackson nodded, looking round the empty store for anything that would catch his eyes. He hardly did his own shopping not when he could afford a personal stylist, but this time he needed an excuse to be with Emily alone even though she claimed a million times that she knew nothing about male fashion.

“So what look are you going for? Timothee Chalamet or Jacob Elordi” she said with her back turned away from him but instead Jackson took hold of her hand, spinning her around and she fell unto his lap.

“Jackson! Your knees!” she whispered yelled in protest, suddenly conscious of her surrounding but Jackson drew her attention back to him, the soft golden light of the store reflecting on her skin and her eyes radiating.

“I’m fine” he said to her “And relax, no one’s here. I booked the whole store”

“I know that, but the staff ” she tried to wiggle shyly out of his lap but Jackson was unwilling to let go, he held firmly unto her waist.

“I don’t care about them or anything else”

“Well you should, especially when we still have a scandal hovering above our heads”

“We’re old news, Emily” Jackson whispered now drawing closer to her till her breath was fanning his face and her lips were just a few inches away, her lavender scent now drifting into his nose and he wanted to take in all of it she enticed him in ways she didn’t even know. He didn’t waste any time, he kissed her slowly, his senses suddenly coming alive the moment his lips touched hers, awakening sensitive parts of him. Emily followed his lead, sucking on his bottom lip then slightly grazing with her teeth Jackson groaned into her mouth and it caused a deliciousness to stir in her belly.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Why can’t you just be my date for the party, I want you all to myself” he said, his eyes piercing into hers with so much intensity but Emily stood up, walking to the racks and she unconsciously fished out a suit resting on a hanger.

“You know why” she said back “Ethan and I are still married, and the press don’t know I’m pregnant yet and we’re trying to avoid more scandals. But I’ll see you there and we could sneak out for a second or two”

“Not enough” Jackson groaned as he tried to get up and walk towards her “I want you all to myself, the way it should’ve been”

“Jackson ” Emily tried to protest but Jackson only pulled her close

“You’re the only woman I’ve ever wanted and I’ll go to ends of the earth and back, if that’s what it takes for me to have you”

Later on, while they left the boutique with their hands full with shopping bag Jackson locked eyes with a particular staff, and he stopped while she looked away, unwilling to meet his gaze. Why did she seem so familiar?

“Do I know you?” he looked at her, his question visibly directed at her even though she tried to act unaware.

“I don’t think so” she said back, a slight tremor to her voice which Jackson seemed not to notice. When he checked her name tag, it had the name


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