Emily’s Dilemma: Seduced by Billionaire Brothers

Chapter 64

“Act aloof, be nonchalant” the words kept ringing in Amelia’s head when Ethan lay limp atop of her breathless while she tried to catch her own breath. The room was quiet and they both stayed still, listening to each other’s heartbeat, but filling the quietness with their heavy breaths.

“You okay?” Ethan spoke first, glancing at her and swiping a loose strand of hair out of her face and she nodded at him

“Sure” she said but she couldn’t look him in the eye, much more hold his stare but Ethan didn’t say anything after, but the words hung loosely at the tip of her tongue and she couldn’t help it when the words flew out.

“So no strings attached yea?”

Ethan paused, holding her stare now while her heart pounded loudly beneath her chest.

“What?” Ethan asked, there was a certain hurt to his words and look that was unreadable to Amelia because she was new to the post-sex dynamic.

“I mean, nothing serious yea?” she said again and Ethan pulled away from her and jumping into his clothes, he looked at her again but she stared nonchalantly and he figured she must’ve been serious but he shook his head

“That’s what this means to you?” he asked her while she stood up too, stacking on the fragments she had on earlier and wrapping her robe around her body.

“I mean I thought we’ll go along the lines of us loving each other because I love you Amelia, but sure nothing serious”

Amelia stared dumbfounded, unsure of what to say now because the situation had done a complete 180 and she had no idea how to steer it around, but she was going to say something when Ethan raised his hand, interrupting whatever she had to say.

“I guess you should head back and I’ll see you in the morning” he told her, and she looked at him from the hood of her eyes “Sure” she replied and she exited the room without another word.

He loved her?

Ethan loved her?

She had the sex, she had the sex with Ethan Hatton, the man she was in love but why did she feel that way, a bit unfulfilled. Why did it feel like it ended badly, there was a void that felt half filled, and she had no idea how to completely fill it up. She glanced back at his door, that was closed behind her and she raised her hands in an attempt to knock but she held herself back, Anita’s words echoing once again in her head and she didn’t want to see so desperate and she decided, the next morning would be a much better option and with that in mind she walked somberly back to her room.

The next morning, Amelia Sinclair woke up with a hangover which was usual and an unfamiliar ache between her legs which acted as a subtle reminder of the choices she made the night before and the memories began flooding in her head. The drinking, knocking on Ethan’s door, their sweaty bodies moving in sync as he drilled into her in what was her first time ever and she groaned into her pillow as the memories of how it ended equally flooded her brain. The void was still, even emptier than before she slept and it felt like she had unspoken words to say to Ethan, things she should have told him the night before, how she felt about him and how in fact they were a lot of strings attached. She didn’t care if she had to act desperate, she wanted to give him her heart and she wanted his in return.

Quickly, she jumped out of her bed and tying up her hair in a messy ponytail, she made her way to Ethan’s room. She took a deep breath and raised her hands to knock when she began to hear voiced coming from within.

She paused.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

She pressed her ears to the door but not so hard and it was a female voice, it was hard to exactly figure out the conversation going on but she was determined to eavesdrop. Whose voice was that? she thought as she listened harder and that was when it dawned on her, that was Anita’s voice. What was Anita doing in Ethan’s room this early in the morning? She wasn’t morning a person except

She pressed her ears to the door now to listen properly

“This can’t happen again” she heard Ethan say.

“What can’t happen again?” Anita asked in that buttery voice Amelia knew she used when she wanted something especially from guys.

“This us”

“Why? Because of Amelia? She doesn’t even want you” Anita said and Amelia’s hands went instinctively to cover her mouth.

“You don’t know that” Anita said.

“As a matter of fact I do, she’s my friend.” Anita said “Look at me, wasn’t I better than that prude”

Ethan stayed quiet and Amelia could hear kissing noises coming from within and she gasped, pulling away from the door while her heart shattered into a million pieces. Her heart pounding widely, as she tried to make sense of this sudden situation. Anita slept with Ethan, just right after she had sex with him and Ethan allowed after he told her he loved her, was that a lie? Was that a bid to keep her coming back to him and within reach to treat her as he liked.

She felt the tears stream down her face, her eyes burned and her chest hurt in a way that it had never even when her parents confirmed they going along with the divorce, it hurt even more to discover Anita had a hand in everything, everything she told her was just in a bid to bring herself closer to Ethan and guess what? It worked. She slept with him, so of course her plan worked.

Amelia still stood dumbfounded at the door and she didn’t realize when the door suddenly flung open and she came face to face with Anita, who appeared shocked at first but when she realized it was her, the shocked expression slowly morphed into a devilish smirk and Amelia’s heart only broke further. At that moment, her eyes locked with Ethan’s and the guilt written all over his face was proof enough, even if she wanted to act dumb.

“Amelia wait” Ethan called immediately, brushing past Anita and reacing for her but she pulled back.

“Don’t touch me, you fucking liar!!”

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