Emily’s Dilemma: Seduced by Billionaire Brothers

Chapter 15

As the grand sliding doors of the Hatton mansion swung open, revealing the magnificent interior, Ethan stood tall and proud. He took a deep breath, his heart pounding with anticipation. Today was the day he would introduce Emily to his family, unknown to his family it was not a love story but rather a business arrangement, and they didn’t they need to know that, but yet he wanted to paint a love at first sight image to them.

Leading the way, Ethan walked into the lavish room where his mother and father sat waiting eagerly. Jackson Hatton, lounged in a chair, seemingly uninterested but his eyes perked up when he saw Emily walk in quietly with Ethan.

“Family, I would like you to meet Emily, my fiancee” Ethan announced, his voice filled with both excitement and nervousness. Emily stepped forward, her eyes sparkling with humility, a hint of fear but there was determination hidden underneath them. Her heart pounded fiercely beneath her chest as she scanned the house. She had never been a part of so much wealth in her life, how did her life change so much, in the blink of an eye?

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Hatton” Emily greeted politely, her voice soft but confident as her hands trembled slightly but she managed to maintain her composure. “It’s a pleasure to meet you”

Mrs. Hatton’s curious eyes scanned Emily from head to toe but not in a judgmental manner, but yet it made Emily uneasy. Women were particularly hard to please and she knew that. It was an utter surprise when the woman pulled her in for a hug, kissing both her cheeks, her perfume drifting into Emily’s nose. Emily studied her closer, she had the same piercing blue eyes as Ethan, and her silver hair was perfectly coiffed, but yet she had a soothing presence and Emily relished in it.

“Pleasure to meet you dear, Emily is it?” Mrs. Hatton asked and she nodded.

“Emily Walker” she said. Jackson, who had been silently observing suddenly perked up when she mentioned her name.

Emily Walker

The voice sounded the same even without the loud music and the chatter of the masked party. The words rolled the same off her tongue. It had to be her.

He walked up to her, where she stood beside Ethan and taking her hand in his “I’m Jackson Hatton, I don’t believe we’ve met”

Emily shook his hands, a strange sense of familiarity overcoming her as she looked into his eyes, and the touch of his skin against hers. He looked strangely familiar and she racked her brain trying to figure out where she had met him.

“Have we met before?” she asked him and Jackson bore his familiar smirk, his eyes searching her face as she equally studied him.

“I don’t know, have we?” Jackson said back and those dark eyes were utterly familiar.

“There’s only one way to find out” he said dipping his hands into his pocket and bringing out a crimson colored bracelet and showing it to her.

“Is this yours?” he asked holding it front of her face and Emily eyes widened as she stared at it in stunned silence, looking from the bracelet to Jackson’s face, her mind suddenly spiraling of the rails.

It was him, the handsome stranger she had kissed at the masked party. It was Jackson Hatton and now her fiancee’s younger brother. What were the freaking odds? Why was the universe playing this messy game with her.

She took the bracelet from him with shaky hands and feeling some sort of electricity buzz through her when she came in contact with his skin. She studied the bracelet and it was truly hers, the one Orion gave to her. She looked back, feeling the tension in the room thicken with suspense as they all stared at her, Ethan inclusive. The silence was loud and nearly deafening.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

“So it’s you?” Jackson said breaking the silence “You’re the Emily Walker from that night?”

“I guess I am, but I had no idea who you were” Emily replied, then she pressed the bracelet back into his hands “You can keep it”

Ethan who had stayed quiet the whole time, looked between Jackson and Emily sensing a connection between them. They stared at each other with such an intense gaze it was hard to miss, he could feel it, some sort of chemistry between them, it emanated off them, in the way Jackson looked at her. Why did he feel a certain way when he didn’t love her?

“You two know each other?” he asked coming in between them

“We met at a party sometime back” Emily replied still looking at Jackson “It was nothing”

“It was not nothing” Jackson retorted “It was not nothing and you know it Emily”

Emily’s eyes narrowed, her chest pounding.

“What happened?” Ethan asked

“It was nothing, it was just a drunken kiss. I was drunk and I didn’t know what I was doing. In my defense, I hadn’t met you properly then” she said to Ethan

“I didn’t even know who either of you were or what your names were” she said again suddenly feeling overwhelmed as all their eyes were on her, and her heart had pounding nervously again.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need some air” she said out loudly and walking away from the complicated spectacle she had mysteriously found herself in.

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