Dangerously Yours Till Eternity

Chapter 92 – Rollercoaster Night

She could heard her mother chuckling, before a distant complain.

“Oh, so I’m late to the family secret? Does Ma have superpowers too?”

“Yes, it’s a secret.”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Well, not anymore, thankfully.” She cried dramatically. “Do I even have superpowers?”

He took some moments of silence to reply, breaking to her in the saddest voice he could muster.

“Sorry, Sweetheart. Take care and remember that…”

“If I need you, all I have to do is call.”

“And I’ll be there.”

They both bursted into laughter again, till it died and they tried to catch their breath how how long and loud they had laughed.

How lucky she was to have him, he always made her feel better.

“Goodnight Pa.”

“I love y–” he paused and she could hear her mother whisper something to him, before he continued, with a soft chuckle. “We love you.”

Her parents were so happy. She wished she could be there with them, but urge to do according to the contract to the end so that they could be alive and happy together like this was strong.

“Me too.”

Sayiny I love you to her parents was a little hard, unlike how easy it was with Chris.


That reminded.

She was fighting with him.

She tossed her phone to a side of the table, noticing the glimmering green thin on it.

Oh, the wedding ring.

Somehow, that even made her more angry.

It was time for her to have her bath. Maybe it would even help her to feel better.

Her phone buzz again and it was Chris. A call.

She rolled her eyes, filling more of that anger raising in her like bile.

He had been calling all throughrajbthroi her conversation with her parents too.

A message came in from Elsa and she checked it.

‘Ivy, what are you doing?’ followed by a quick, ‘Can you please just answer his call?”

She grabbed her phone l, quickly firing back a text.

It wasn’t her business if he was throwing tantrums wherever he was. He wasn’t going to play that emotional game on her.

No way.

She wasn’t a fool!

‘No. I’m mad. Goodnight.’

Then she moved into the bathroom to finally have that quick shower and that was the moment everything started going wrong.


A bath was wonderful.

Warm baths.


Cold bath.


She did sincerely think of it as good too, but cold things mostly reminded of Chris and she was really angry angry at him right now, it was like the anger had been piling up and it just finally decided to break like a dam.

She had used the warm water.

With the warm droplets beating down her skin, she couldn’t help but wonder, why.


Why did he have to make it so difficult?

He could have just answered her just this once and she wouldn’t have asked again but he had decided to stay to his words and keep the secret.

The warm water dripped down her skin, and she closed her eyes breathing in the heat, feeling it seep into her, into her hair, slip through it and wash over her sclap.

When she finally felt better, she reached out for the big white towel and wrapped it around herself.

Then she opened the door and stepped into the room.

If her room had been designed as the Master’s, it would be giving a really nice ambiance right now.

And she really needed that nice ambiance.


She was drying her hair with a small white hair towel from the bathroom, her gaze fixed on her reflection in the mirror which she couldn’t really see because of how occupied her mind was.

Although Chris had stopped calling, she knew she couldn’t avoid his calls forever, soon enough she would have to give him a response and that response was what she was thinking about.

Her hand froze suddenly on her hair, her eyes widening a little with fear. Behind her, in the mirror, was the reflection of the part of the room the mirror was facing, filled with emptiness, yet she could feel a presence in her room.

Then she saw it.

A hand slipping behind her, a tall figure she couldn’t make out in the dark.

The scream that was crawling through throat never made it out.

It was muffled.

She moved around in a vehement struggle, hitting the the person behind with her elbow but the person didn’t bulge.

She was carried like she weighed nothing and the figure was quickly carrying her to the window and then realization dawn on her.

The figure was trying to throw out her the window.

The wind crashed against her skin, her legs dangling in space, and for that moment, Ivy saw her life flashed before her eyes, but not all of it, because a voice interrupted it all.


A voice said and the figure stopped.

“Let her go.”

The figure pulled her back into the room, and toss her to the floor, she landed with a thud, thankfully now out of the figure’s grip.

Ivy’s eyes were quick to land on the person that had given the order. As much as her heart was racing, she was determined not to show fear. Focusing on that had always helped her, while she subtly searched for her phone.

“Looking for this?” The female said, with a crackle. There was a phone in her hand.

Ivy’s phone.

Now that she observed it, there were people in her room. More than just the commander and the figure. They were up to eight!

Goodness what was going on?!

What were these people doing in her new found prison and what did they want from her?

Girald had said this room was hard to get into, or escape from, so how did these people get in?!

Except if there was someone in this villa who had planned their harmless entrance and had also planned their harmless exit.

They seemed so relaxed. So sure.

Goodness, no.

These people must be powerful, maybe even supernatural creatures themselves.

Could they be part of the Master’s enemies that he was trying to protect her from?

Why was tonight been like this?

She really needed a break.

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