Dance With Me (Silent Whisper’s)


‘When you adopt the viewpoint that there is nothing that exists that is not part of you, that there is no one who exists who is not part of you, that any judgment you make is self-judgment, l that any criticism you level is self-criticism, you will wisely extend to yourself an unconditional love that will be the light of the world.’

“And that was your biggest mistake Daisy, you trust too much.” Dementia said with a smirk and clapped her hands twice, she became visible to them all. Everyone except Nora, Daisy and Craig were all shocked and were speechless when they saw the tiny shinny fairy on Craig’s shoulders. “You are not the only one who read that evil book dear sister.” Dementia added ignoring the looks around her.

“Fool, you think I don’t know? I know everything, I was just hoping that you had changed for the better when you lead me here” Daisy said and clapped her hands once, to everyone except Philly and Nora, their eyes widened when they saw another little fairy standing on Nora’s shoulders.

“Oh, is this the other fairy you told me about.” Craig muse as he touched his jaw in thought staring at a glaring Daisy.

“Yes Craig, the very one.” Dementia responded.

“She’s pretty and look powerful.” Craig spoke after a while and faces the two brothers. “Since you couldn’t kill yourselves, I will do that.” He added and quickly pointed a finger towards Daisy and said a magic word. Daisy suddenly grab her head in pain and she fell off from Nora’s shoulders.

Before she could hit the ground, Philly hand caught her quickly. Ignoring Nora and Philip stare, he sat on the ground, use his other free hand and started stroking Daisy forehead gently, trying in his own way to lessen the pain she was going through.

“What did you do to her!?” Nora shouted as she rushed to Philly side and bend down to look at Daisy.

“I thought you said you will not use the controller spell on anyone, yet.” Dementia said to the hearings of the rest. “You used it on the wrong person.”

“Shhh, you can’t tell me what to do dementia, I need that fairy.” Craig reply her and said out in a commanding voice. “Come to me my fairy, I now own you.”

Nothing happened. The pain she felt stopped immediately as it had come, Daisy stood up to her feet and glare dangerously at her twin as she flew and landed on the shoulder of Philly.

“She won’t come to you idiot.” Philly told Craig getting up to his feet.

“Oh I had forgotten about you three.” Craig said pointing at Philly, Paul and Nora. “Kill them!”

The Ninja’s pointing their swords at them attacked them. Philly whistle and the Nine Fingers including Leo came out of their hiding place and bounced on the Ninja’s.

“Brothers, its time!” Paul shouted and the nine Immortals Samurai’s became visible and attacked the Ninja’s.



“You showed a mortal the ancient book? How dare you?” Daisy spoke as little smoke was seen coming out from her nose, she left Philly shoulder and stayed midair. Dementia eyes were filled with fear as she stared at her twin. “That’s it, you are dead. The universe will bear me witness, that I gave you plenty of chances to change from your old ways, which you refuse to give up and to top it all, you gave a mortal to read the forbidden book of the whole fairy kingdom.”

“You have to help me out Craig, I know what that look she’s giving me.” Dementia said in sudden fear

“I am but a mere mortal, how do you want me to help you fight against something that has powers like you. Fight her, defeat her but bring her alive to me.” Craig said to Dementia. The words he spoke, gave Dementia the courage she needs, it was as if the chains holding her were released immediately Craig said those words.

The sudden fear in Dementia eyes were replaced by anger as she left Craig shoulders to meet Daisy.

As she flew to meet Daisy, a ball of white fire appeared in her hand, Daisy who has a deadly look in her eyes, didn’t move or show any form of attacking, she waited until Dementia was close to her and was ready to throw the ball of white fire to her. A white bow with an arrow on fire in it, suddenly appeared in front of Daisy and the bow release the arrow by itself. Dementia didn’t see that coming and was late, she stopped, the fire ball in her hand vanished, white blood started coming out from her mouth. The arrow had struck in her heart, she was dying.

Daisy closed the distance between them and made a portal opened behind Dementia’s back, which were filled with the souls of the dead Fairy Kingdom. She pushed Dementia inside it.

Dementia started laughing as the portal started closing, “The book which you had destroyed back in Casala, isn’t the real one Daisy, watch your back because you might know what hit you.” Dementia said and closed her eyes in death as the portal closed finally.

What she said made Daisy eyes widened in surprise.

If truly she had destroyed the fake book, where then is the real one? And who has it? She thought to herself, ignoring the fight going on round her.


killing off the Ninja’s that came with Craig wasn’t as easy as they had thought. But Paul got the upper hand, his Samurai’s were Immortals that can never die. When Philly saw that Samurai’s can’t die and how fast they were, he instructed his Nine Fingers to Protect Nora and leave the fight for the Samurai’s.

Before long, all Craig’s Ninja’s lay dead, remaining Craig who brought out his sword and ran towards them.

“What a bunch of losers.” Craig said as he kicked some of the dead Ninja’s out of the way.

The nine Samurai’s attacked Craig at the same time.

But they didn’t stand a chance against Craig, as he used his magic powers to pin them all on the ground.

The Nine Fingers tried to attack him from behind, but he also pinned them like he did to the Samurai’s, thinking they were Immortals like the Samurai’s, he didn’t attack them.

His gaze was on Paul and Philly and suddenly drifted to Daisy as she landed on Nora’s shoulders.

“Why are you doing this? Haven’t you done enough already?” Philly demanded drawing out his sword.

“Revenge, until you both are dead, I won’t stop.” Craig replied and lunged himself at Philly, he was very fast, he aims his sword at Philly.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

Philly who has been expecting an attacked from Craig quickly diverted to the other side as Craig sword barely missed his body.

Craig strike again and this time Paul intervene. His sword intercepted Craig’s and he use his leg to kick Craig hard on the stomach. Craig fell to the ground, clutching his stomach.

Both brothers circled him.

“Fool Philly, instead of you to kill him and have Nora all to yourself, you choose not too.” Craig said as he stood up to his feet, spitting out blood.

“I don’t love Nora, I already explain to Philip why I did that.” Philly said as his mind was on Daisy.

“Then you will die first.” Craig said and lunged at Philly again.

Paul was faster and this time, his hand stopped the blade from reaching Philly. He forcefully knocked off Craig’s sword.

Paul sword, shinny, levitated itself from his hand and started circling Craig, going faster by the seconds, dancing round him as it Slash his body.

Craig tried to use magic on the sword which only backfired to him. The dancing sword circling him, and finally brought out a bright light which surrounded and shone on him, and when it was gone, so was Craig.

Craig face was seen on the blade as the sword entrapped Craig in it.

The spells he had used on the Ninjas and the Samurais disperse as they could feel their feet once more.

The sword went back to Paul hand. “Wow, that was easier than I thought.” Paul said and put the sword in its sheath.

“I didn’t even fought with him, if I knew your sword could do that, none of us would have even lift up a single sword to fight his Ninjas.” Philly joking said.

“Yeah, there are still some things I need to learn from the sword.”

Nora rushed to where they are and hug Paul.

Daisy flew and landed on Philly’s shoulders as they stare at the two love birds.

“Let’s be truthful, they both make a great couple.” Daisy spoke after a while.

“Yes, they are a match made by the universe.”

The night fight ended in their favour.

They returned home, Philly was persuaded to follow them.


When they got to Kate’s house, they saw some dead bodies of Ninja’s littering around the compound.

They had climbed the fence, making sure they didn’t touch the almost invisible security wire.

“What happened here?” Paul asked the Samurai whom he asked to watch over the house.

“They tried to get in and I killed them.” He replied.

“What about the gate man, was he harmed?”

“They did not harm him or anyone in the house.”

Paul shrugged his shoulders as he and Nora breathed a sigh of relief. Kate wasn’t harmed neither was the servants and the gateman.

“Take the bodies into the forest and burn them.” Paul said to the Samurai’s. And they started carrying off the dead body. Philly told his Ninja’s to also help.

Nora, Paul and Philly entered the house and saw Kate, awake and terrified.

“I heard some sword fight and couldn’t help but be scared.” Kate told Paul when she saw him, she quickly rushed to Nora’s side and hug the living daylights of her. “I am so happy and glad that you are saved from…” she couldn’t finish her talk when she saw Philly entered lastly. “What is he doing here? Isn’t he suppose to be dead? Where is Craig? He took Craig with him.” Kate said in anger.

“Grandma, calm down, Philly is not what you think he is, he is the good guy.” Nora told Kate.

“I don’t get you?”

“Sit down ma’am so that I can explain what happened.” Paul said and Kate sat down together with Nora.

Paul explained everything that happened.

Kate couldn’t believe her ears when they told her what happened.

“Why would Craig do such a thing? Killing your parents should have been enough for him, may his soul rest in peace.”

She welcomed Philly into her family and Philly pleaded with her to forgive him for what he did.


Before the sun had set fully, Paul and Philly had gone to Valten to meet Robert Mirror.

Paul explained everything to them and all were surprised when they heard about Craig’s betrayed.

“Who could have thought, Craig would do such a thing?” Mark said in surprise.

“Till now, I still can’t believe it.” Paul said.

“It is well, I am happy that everyone is saved and everything is fine now.” Robert Mirror said and faces Philly. “So he was the one who had made me run away from my house?”

“Yes Dad, the very one. And he is also my twin brother, Philly.” Paul said with a smile.

“Wow, this is good, I now have two sons.” Robert smiled as he said that and pull Philly for a hug.


Mark and David soon left for Casala after thanking Paul.

Robert Mirror Mansion:

Paul, Robert, Philly and Eric drove home and were surprised when they saw the dead bodies of the servants.

Robert who had told his bodyguard to stay low when he went to Paul’s Penthouse, called them and asked them to come and clean up the mess.

“Hey Eric, I am sorry for sending Ivan to kill you.” Philly told Eric once they were alone.

“It’s okay, if you haven’t sent Ivan to kill me, I wouldn’t have met Paul, it is fate.” Eric said.

“So we are still good?”

“Of course.”

Few Days Later:


“You know I made Lora blind.” Daisy said.

“What? Are you serious?” Nora demanded surprised.

“Yes, she made you go through darkness so I want her to feel the same way you had felt, she should be glad I only made her blind.”

“You shouldn’t have done that Daisy, if Philly and Philip can reconcile and be brothers again, then I can also forgive my twin sister and my parents. My love and his twin brother has shown me, forgiveness is the key to Love. If you have the two, you will have eternal peace.”

“Wow, this is the first time I am hearing you speak like that.” Daisy said with a smile.

“You wouldn’t blame me, after that night, I learnt a lot.”

“I can see that.”

“So do you notice the kind of look Philly gives to you? It looks as if he is in love with you or something like that.”

“You’re right, I read his mind, he is in love with me.”

“Don’t you like him? I know you do.” Nora teased.

“It’s not that Nora, the problem is….”

Interrupting her. “Oh, I see the problem now, even if you do like him, it won’t work out because of your difference, right? He is human and you are a little fairy.”

“No, I can transform myself to be like your height, to be human, but doing that, I have to let go of my powers. Ever since that night, I now see Philly in a new light, you know I have never met Philly before, I only got to know that a guy called Philly is here and also through you. We are soulmates, he felt that pull that very night.”

“Wow, this is huge, does he know about this?”

“Not yet, I plan to tell him tomorrow. Then we can see how it goes from there.”

“Well, what will gladly my heart is if we get married to them.” Nora said and started laughing, which was soon followed by Daisy.


Lora who was now confined to a wheelchair, was elated when she heard David voice. She had felt remorseful for her past mistakes and wish she could change back the hands of time, she was deceived.


“David is that really you?” She asked.

“Yes, it is I.”

She could hear him but couldn’t see him. David went over to meet her, he took hold of Lora’s arms and gently made her stand up, he then hugged her which she returned and started crying..

“Am sorry I left you for Nora, but I am here now. I now realize my mistakes and have come to seek your forgiveness. Your parents told me about your blindness, but that won’t change the love I have for you.” Lora started crying out the more. “Shhh, don’t cry my love, everything will be alright.”

“I am also sorry David, I left my Diamond for a rock, I was selfish and evil, I have done a lot to you and my twin, especially my twin sister. I am sorry for everything. I truly love you and I am glad you are here.”

*It’s okay, what matters is that we have each other I love you too Lora, and I am not leaving you again.”

“Neither will I.” Nora’s voice broke the moment they were having. James, Mary, Paul and Nora had been there the whole time, David and Lora didn’t notice their presence until now. “You two will make a great couple together.” Nora added with a smile.

“Nora? Is that really you?” Lora asked, using her hand to find Nora.

Understanding what she was doing, Nora went over to meet her and grab her hand. “It’s me Nora, your twin sister.”

“I am sorry I did that to you, please find it in your heart to forgive me. I don’t need the money again, I only need your forgiveness. Please, even if you don’t want to see me again, at least forgive me, so that I can be happy.” Lora said as the tears poured out the more.

“If I haven’t forgiven you, I wouldn’t be here in the first place.” Hugging her, Nora started crying with her. “I forgive you Lora.”

“Thank you.” Lora said gratefully, at that moment, she could see. “I can see again!” She screamed out as she looked around her to be sure.

Looking at Nora, she hugged her. “Thank you, thank you for forgiving me.”

“Mum, Dad.” Nora called out to her parents who look hopefully at her. “I have forgiven you also.”



Kate Mansion:


Paul and Nora were in Nora’s room sitting on the bed when Nora suddenly stood up to her feet and stretch out her hands to Paul.

“Come and dance with me.” Nora said. Paul laugh at that and stood up

Once again, like they did some years ago, they started dancing with no music.

This time, it felt right to Nora who smiled to herself and place her head on his chest. When she had danced with Philip, she was blind and couldn’t see him, but today was different, she could see him. She lifted up her head and saw Paul staring at her.


“Marry me Nora Dante, please, I promise to always be by your side and make you happy.”

Hugging him tightly. “Yes!” she squeals “I will marry you.”

Paul smile and lean in to press his lips on Nora. His tongue ran along her lower lip, making her part them so that he can invade her mouth.

After a minute, he lifted his head and smirk. “Do you know how I am going to treat you once we get married.” Nora couldn’t focus on anything except for his moist lips, so she shook her head, making his smirk widened, “I am going to deflower My Nora over and over again, every night, until Kate or Robert comes to wake us up for breakfast.”

Philly Mansion:


“Hey Daisy, how you doing?” Philly asked immediately he saw Daisy appearing next to him. He looked surprised when he saw her, he wasn’t expecting anyone, especially his little fairy he was suddenly developing strong feelings for.

He was alone in his weapon room. His compound looked clean when he came, his Ninja’s had come ealier on to clear the dead Bodies and clean away the bloods around the compound. Philly who was cleaning and arranging the weapons stopped Midway when he saw Daisy.

“Am fine, I know you’re surprised to see me, but I came here to talk to you.”

Leaving what he was doing, he gave Daisy all his attention. When it comes to the little fairy, he would do anything. “You have my attention.”

“I know you have feelings for me, don’t look shocked, am a fairy and reading minds is one of my powers. Like I said, I know you have feelings for me, but I can’t …”

Cutting her off. “You can’t return it, I completely understand. Like I told Philip, I wasn’t born to be loved at all. You don’t like me, I get it.” It pained him when he said that and tried his best to smile at Daisy.

“Philly, that wasn’t what I wanted to say, who wouldn’t like you. I love you okay? And don’t ever give me that smile, it looks horrible on you.” Daisy told him.

The sad look on Philly’s face was suddenly replaced by happiness. “So what were you trying to say to me then?”

“I was trying to say I can’t bear to see you in danger because of me.” Daisy said.

“I don’t understand, why will I be in danger?”

“My twin sister told me something which I haven’t told anyone except you, there is a book that holds all types of evil spells in it which I destroyed, so I thought. My twin told me before her death that, what I had destroyed, isn’t the real book.”

“Oh, I see your fears now. You think whoever that holds the book might come for me?” Daisy nodded her head sadly. “In case you have forgotten, I am also a ninja, who can fight and whoever that has magic and want to use it on me, I have a fairy who can protect me and see it. So don’t think that way, I have you and you will always have me Daisy. I am happy that even though I made a lot of terrible mistakes, you still love me.”

“Like I said before, who wouldn’t love you?” Daisy said with a smile. “I have something else, I want to tell you.”

“Am all ears.”

“I know of a spell who can transform me into a human, for me to do that, I will have to give up my powers.”

“You can’t give up your powers because of me. What if something bad happens and only magic can cure it and you have already given up your powers?”

“I have thought over it, Philly, so I came to a conclusion. I have decided to give up half of my powers for me to be able to transform into a human, as long as your love is strong, I will remain with you. Because when you finally find the one against all odds, you give him your best and let the magic of the world carry the rest.”

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