Dance With Me (Silent Whisper’s)


‘Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed. In the second, it is opposed. In the third, it is regarded as self evident. Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.’

“We shouldn’t judge him yet Craig. But if you’re really serious about what you just said, then you have to investigate.” Kate spoke after a while.

“I will ma’am.” Craig responded.

Philly tiptoe back to his room and started thinking of a plan to get Craig out of the picture, then later on Kate.

He was still cleverly thinking about his new plan when his phone started vibrating in his pocket. He had earlier put his phone on silence.

Bringing out his phone from his pocket, he picked the call.

“What!?” He shouted not too loudly at the caller.

“We couldn’t kill him master, Van is dead and he left me bleeding.”

“What do you mean that he left you bleeding? Explain more fool.” Philly ordered.

“The David you asked us to follow and kill didn’t came alone, he tricked us and made us followed him into a deserted compound where the other guy was waiting. It was a surprise attack.”

“So you mean that David has someone who fought with you and Van, two Ninja’s?”

“Yes master, they even left together.”

“You said you are in a deserted place?” Philly asked.

“Yes master.” He responded and went on to describe the place for him.

“Stay there, Leo will come there.” With that Philly end the call and put a call across Leo, his right-hand man.

“Yes master.” A deep baritone voice answered at the other end.

“Leo, Van is dead, and I want you to go to Valten right now to get some information about the guy they had encountered from Isaac, after which you kill him. When coming, come with the remaining Nine Fingers.” Philly said and ended the call.

Killing Craig will be so easy.



Paul drove into his compound and alight from it together with David after parking the Jeep in his car garage.

They went inside and saw Robert reading from a newspaper. He looked up when they walk in.

“Is that David?” Robert asked as he stood up from his chair and open his arms wide for David.

David smile and went to hug him, “Yes uncle. Its me.”

“Wow, it’s been long I last saw you, how is your father my brother?”

“He is fine uncle.”

“You didn’t even inform me that you were coming, I could have asked the servents to prepare something nice for you, but don’t worry Paul my son will cook his delicious delicacy for you. Once again David, you’re highly welcome.” Robert said and excused himself from them heading towards the second sitting room.

David turned to regard Paul slowly.

“What?” Paul asked when he saw the way David was looking at him.

“You now cook?” David asked unbelievable at him.

“Yes David, I now cook, but only for my dad and now you.” Paul answered with a smile as he gestured with his head for David to follow him.

“Are you really serious?” David asked not getting it.

“Yes, why are you acting as if you don’t know that I can cook?”

“You can’t cook Paul, in fact you hate cooking, you detest going inside the kitchen to cook, I would have known if you cook.”

“Well, I can’t remember that part David,” Paul said as they approach a room. “This is where you will be staying for the meantime, meanwhile call your dad and tell him the reason you won’t be coming back anytime soon.” Paul added as he opened the room for his nephew to enter.

“Thank you.” With that David entered the room.

Paul left him and walk towards another door, opened it and enter, he noticed that Eric was finally awake staring at him with shaking eyes.

He had woken up 2 hours earlier, slowly rising from the depths of oblivion, feeling returning to fingers and toes, he grunted, rolled over and curled up more tightly, hugging his knees between his arms. He couldn’t feel any pain. Something about the atmosphere surrounding him didn’t seem right, so cautiously opening one eye he quickly scanned the room.

Awareness came in a flash, this was not within his comfort zone, this was strange and in some ways frightening. What had happened – how had he got here – where was here – the last he remembered was thanking his savior before he died, how come he was still breathing… ? So many thoughts scrambled themselves to the surface in panic that a thin film of perspiration began to form on brow and upper lip. Fear was setting in and there was nothing he could do to stop it, no comforting words or thoughts, nothing reassuring came to mind. He quickly stood up from the bed and went to open the door so that he would ran away before the person comes, but alas, the door was locked, he was locked in this strange room.

His sword and all his Ninja’s weapons have been taken away from whosoever it was that had brought him here.

He went back and sat down on the bed waiting…

He didn’t have to wait for long when he heard the twist from the lock and the door was open, a guy entered the room and sent him a smile.

“I can see you are now awake Eric?” Paul said.

“How did you know my name? Who are you?” Eric demanded.

“Well.” He said drawing the well. “I was the one who saved your neck few nights ago from Ivan or whatever his name was, brought you here and healed you.” Paul explained, resting his back on the door.

Eric recognized him immediately. “Thank you sir for saving my life that night.” He finally said.

“It’s okay Eric and please don’t call me sir, I am Paul, call me Paul.”

“Alright Paul.” Eric said feeling relaxed now.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“So why was Ivan after you that night?”

“You know I am a Ninja, right?” Eric said as Paul nodded his head to let him know he knows that. “I and Leo, another Ninja, was sent by our master to kill someone who had given him some information he needed. Leo sent me to inform master that we have killed the target. I got to the hotel he stays and told him, and also asked him why he was doing that when he looked exactly like him, he told me about his past and I left, the next thing I know was seeing Ivan fighting me and you came to my rescue.” Eric explained.

“He sent Ivan to kill you because he told you somethings of his past?”

“Yes, but he would know I am not dead yet and will soon fish me out. How were you able to kill Ivan who was among the Nine Fingers?”

“I am something like you, back to your master, you need to tell me everything that you know because two Ninja’s with your logo wanted to kill my cousin, but they didn’t stand a chance.”

“He is doing all these for a lady whom he had fallen in love with.” Eric told him finally.

“Hmm, tell me more about it.”

“My master has a twin brother who died some years ago, he caused the accident that claimed the lives of more than 200 passengers including his twin brother. He did everything just to be close to the lady who was in love with his twin brother. My master and his twin brother looks alike, so he wants to use that to his advantage.” Eric explained.

“So what is your master name and who is the lady he is doing all these for?”

“He is Philly and his twin brother name was Philip, the lady…. I think her is Nora or Ora, but she is a ballet dancer.” Eric explained more.

Paul was surprised at that as he quickly remembered Ora, but did Eric just said Nora?

“Nora and Philip were so much in love that we know her love for him was unbreakable. So Philly planned it all.”

Why does that name sounds familiar to him? He knows that name from somewhere…. but where? Ora had made mention of Philip when she asked him if it was Philip who had taught him his cooking skills.

Suddenly an image flashed through his mind, it was not clear… it was blurry. He saw a lady dancing with guy. The image soon cleared and he saw Ora dancing with a guy whose back was facing him.

The image faded and he saw himself sitting on the ground holding his head with his hands, Eric was beside him with worries written all over him.

“Are you okay Paul?” Eric ask in concern.

Blinking his eyes, he nodded his head and stood up.

“Take your bath and get dressed, there are clothes your size in the wardrobe, wear it and come down stairs to eat.” Paul told him and left the room, he went to the kitchen to start preparing the food and to also think about the image he just saw.



Nora entered her room and saw Daisy. “Where have you been all through the day?” Nora asked quickly shutting her door.

“I have been busy looking to see if I would trace the dark magic that used David to lure you to Lora.”

“And did you find anything?”

“Yes I did, I think I now know who helped Lora, although I am still investigating on it. So your Philip is now back Nora, you are happy now.” Daisy said changing the topic.

“Yes I do, I am happy that he is back, though I don’t know why I feel something is not right with him. Seeing Philip after so many years should have gladden my heart but I don’t feel that joy yet Daisy, but I am glad he is back.” Nora said and went to sit on her bed. “I know there are things you’re not telling me, right?”

“Yes, I am not premitted to tell you anything, I will only guide you. Follow your heart Nora, the heart never lie.”

“I miss him.” Nora quitely said.

“You just left his room some minutes ago and you are now missing him? Go and meet him Nora.”

“I am not talking about Philip Daisy, I am talking about Paul. He promised me he will visit me but it has been days and I haven’t seen him. I don’t know why but I miss seeing his face.”



30 Minutes Later:

Everyone was sitting down on the dinning table. Paul had introduced David to Eric and both of them click immediately. Robert has gone out to see someone with a food flask containing the food. He couldn’t miss it for the world.

David took three spoons of the rice when he stopped eating and stare at Paul in bewilderment.

“Paul, have you ever meet a guy called Philip before? Maybe talk to him?”

Paul and Eric both shared a look.

“No, any problem?”

David took a spoon of rice again to confirm something, “Philip was a cook, a great cook, in fact he won a lot of award for his cooking before his death, do you somehow met with Philip? Because this food taste exactly like Philip’s.”

“Why do people keep saying that, first was her and now you.”

“You haven’t answered my question yet, have you met with Philip?”

“No, I don’t even know who this Philip is. I have never met him in my life before, are you satisfied now David?”

“No I am not, my nephew Paul which is you, don’t know how to cook, I know this because I have lived and stayed with you, when it comes to cooking, you are zero in that area. And then… there is Philip, I have also known him for a long time to know how his cooking tasted. Who taught you this, definitely, you must be friends with Philip.”

“David you know how I nearly died in that accident.” David nodded his head to continue. “I woke up and saw that I can cook.”

“Something is really fishy because I know my best friend cooking any where in the world.” David said.

“Seriously I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Paul told him and stretch out his body, then the polo he was wearing shifted a bit, David saw some burn scars on him.

“Where did you get that burn scars from?” David suddenly asked as Paul quickly covered there before Eric would see it.

“I got it when I had the accident….. why are you looking at me in that way?”

“I vividly remember when my father called me not to follow you that day, I didn’t enter the car you were in, so I boarded a taxi that was following you, I really wanted to go for that party. Then your car flipped and somersaulted a couple of times before it stopped. It didn’t catch fire, I was the one who had called Uncle and told him about your accident, he came and took you to the hospital. Paul, the car you were in didn’t burn that would make you have this burnt scars, you were only injured Paul.”

“This is strange.” Eric said after a while.

“There is only one person who has the answers to what we are looking for.” Paul told David.

“And who can that be?”

“The hospital that I woke up, doctor Fey will have all the answers to our questions, and if he refused to oblige, then I will use force on him and burn down his hospital.” Paul responded.

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