Daddy’s Little Pet

Tom’s Call


I buttoned my collar, straightened the lapel of my suit coat, and faked a grin as I glanced at myself in the mirror. But the image staring back at me was different.

Despite wearing a dark blue fitted pinstripe suit and matching shirt, the man I saw was not the same as the joyous soul who’d been in Aspen days before. The same man who’d been fantasizing day and night about a beautiful future with the love of his life. No. This man resembled someone from another era, another world. His countenance was blank, a hint of worry in his eyes. But more than anything, the darkness surrounding him made me feel uneasy. It was so…dark. And cold. Like an empty cavern.

I hated myself for putting him through all of this suffering. He shouldn’t feel this way. I shouldn’t. But I couldn’t help it.

The last week had altered me in ways I hadn’t thought possible. The murder case was taking its toll on me. It felt like a massive weight on my shoulders, threatening to drag me down and crush me from all sides. It made me vulnerable and suffocated me from the inside out. Even the happy facade I put up around Renee yesterday was slipping. I could see it.

“Fuck!” I whispered under my breath, stroking my hands over the muscles in my face. I tried to relieve the strain in my hands that I hadn’t realized was there until they began to shake.

“This needs to end. I need to find this motherfucker, and once I do, I’ll-”


I froze. My head snapped toward the bed, and I blinked, seeing Renee across the room.

She was propped against the headboard, one hand grasping a pillow and the other lazily hung over the edge. Her hair was tangled, and her face was stained with sleep, yet she still looked stunning. The sunshine through the suite’s window caught her perfectly, giving her skin a golden sheen and emphasizing every contour and feature I wanted to remember forever.

“Hi, baby,” I croaked, “Good morning.”

“Morning.” She yawned, blinking rapidly. “You’re already dressed. Where are you headed?”

“Remember what we talked about last night?”

“Uh, yeah?”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“I have an hour-long video conference with my investors at the office. I’ll meet Cade, his investigation team, and my lawyer there. The city’s police forensics team arrived this morning to pick up the box from last night. The results will be sent in later.”


“Yeah. Today is going to be very stressful for me, love.”

“My goodness.” She frowned. “How long did I sleep? What’s the time?”

“It’s late,” I said, staring at my Rolex. “Almost 10 a. m.”

I watched her face immediately crumple, and I moved toward the bed.

“Shit! I must’ve slept deep. That’s so unlike me. I’m usually a light sleeper.”

I scoffed at that comment but kept my mouth shut and bit my tongue to avoid laughing.

“Baby girl,” I reached out and brushed my fingers through her hair. She leaned toward my touch. “You don’t sleep light.”

Instantly, she pulled back from me, scowling. “Yes, I do.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Yes, I do,” she insisted, glaring at me. She crossed her arms, appearing defensive and furious. “Don’t make a big deal of this.”

I raised my hands in mock salute and nodded. “Alright, I won’t.”

“I feel terrible. I should’ve gotten up earlier and helped you get dressed.” A sigh escaped her lips. “Do you still need anything else? I can get it for you quickly. Have you had breakfast?”

I chuckled softly at her concern and, at the same time, felt a pang in my chest. Listening to her voice gave me a sense of tranquility only she could provide. That happy facade that was slipping away earlier sprang back up.

“I have eaten.” I stood up and straightened my coat. “In fact, Harry and I became rather adept in the kitchen this morning. We made breakfast.”


“Yes.” I took a tray from the table by the door and placed it on the dresser beside the bed.

“Breakfast. Your favorite. Eggs sunny side up, crispy bacon, and a fruit bowl with berries, orange slices, bananas, pecans, walnuts, and raisins.”


“Yeah. You love them, right?”

“Yes, but not in my condition.” Her face turned pale as if in distaste.

“What condition?” I asked, frowning. My hand hovered over her forehead as I tried to figure out why she sounded so upset. “Renee, are you alright?”

“I’m fine.” She swallowed hard and closed her eyes. When she opened them, her entire demeanor changed, and a sweet grin appeared on her lips. “Thank you, Robert. This was quite thoughtful of you.”

While I was dissatisfied with her response, I let it go. A voice in my head told me there was more than she was letting on, but I ignored it for now.

“Of course, baby girl. Anything for you.” I kissed her on the forehead. “I gotta go now, Renee.”

“Wait.” She grabbed my wrist as I stood to exit the room. Her grip was tight and firm, drawing me back to the bed. She raised a hand and placed it softly on my cheek. “I know it’s selfish of me, but could you perhaps stay for a moment longer?” She licked her bottom nervously. “Please?”

I smiled and leaned into her palm. “Okay.”

Her fingertips stroked my jawline before softly drifting south till her palm gripped my neck. She raised her hand to cup my cheek with a surprising tenderness, drawing my gaze to hers.

She said, “Hey, babe…”


“I knew you couldn’t sleep last night.”

My eyes widened slightly, and my heartbeat increased.

“Why would you say that?”

“I was awake for a while and noticed you tossing and turning. Then you left the bedroom and went to the living room. You studied some paperwork for a few seconds or minutes before heading to the wine bar. I saw you grab a bottle and then head to the balcony. You stayed there for a long time.”

My lips tightened involuntarily.

“Or at least that’s what I thought because I fell asleep shortly after.” She let out a melancholy giggle. “Deeply, till this morning. Ughhh. I am such a lousy girlfriend, I know.”

“You aren’t.” I shot back, and she simply sighed, tracing a thumb along my lower lip.

“I know you’re concerned about this case, and I am, too. The odds aren’t looking good, but I want you to know that I believe in you. You’ll come out unscathed. I know you will.”

A sob rose unbidden, and she brushed her lips gently against mine before pulling away.

“There. I hope you feel better now,” she teased, caressing my cheek with both hands.

The corner of my mouth twitched upward. “Thank you, Renee. I needed that.”

“I can tell.” She snickered. “Now get out of here. Go kick ass and catch that bastard.”

I stood from the bed and let out a quiet laugh. “Do I look like someone who just got out of jail?”

“What? No! Are you seriously asking me that?”

“Well, do I look good?”

“Of course you do, my love. Why bother with my opinion?”

“Because it’s the only thing that matters to me.”

A flush rose on her cheeks.

I began walking away. “Goodbye, baby girl, love you.”

“I love you too, Robert. See you tonight.”

“Absolutely.” I smiled. “If you ever feel lonely, just contact Nicole. And if you need anything, Harry is in the living room. He’ll get it for you.”

“Okay,” she said, smiling and waving as I exited the room. As I shut the door behind me, I heard her shout from inside. “Stay safe, Robert. I mean it!”


The day flew past with a whirlwind of activities, appointments, and other details I couldn’t keep track of.

Cade’s team worked tirelessly all day, collecting notes and looking for every possible lead in the case. They were extremely thorough in their investigations. They were extensively trained in law enforcement and interrogation techniques and exceptionally intelligent, making them an ideal fit for the task at hand.

At some point, they’d left the office with Cade to return to the crime scene in search of clues that must have gone unnoticed during the initial investigation, while I stayed in the office with my assistant, Mark, Mr Patrick, and a few officers.

Renee called several times to make sure I was okay. It was soothing to hear her voice. It was the only thing keeping me sane in this chaos.

It was late noon, however, when I received an unexpected, strange phone call-a call that would change my life forever.

“Hello?” My words were welcomed with silence. There was no response. No sound other than the steady breathing coming over the line.

“Hello?” I repeated with a slight edge in my tone. Again, silence. Only the faint sounds of traffic and people walking could be heard in the background. It felt like the person on the other end was moving, trying to find a quieter location.

“Who is this?” I asked again.

Another pause. More movement and rustling. Then silence. Finally, a quiet, gravelly voice muttered. “Hello. Am I… Mr. Clarke?”

“Yes. Who is this?”

“Holy shit!” He gasped, and the sudden outburst hit me like a punch to the gut.

That accent. The southward tilt. The familiar drawl. It was unmistakably familiar to me, and yet it couldn’t be…

No, it wasn’t him. It’d been years since I heard that voice. Since I’d made a quiet pledge never to see him again. Not after the night in June when I discovered him fucking my pregnant wife. That night… that damned night when the friendship we’d built crumbled, shattering as easily as glass in the wind.

I swallowed heavily and closed my eyes. The memories flooded back immediately – the anger and betrayal I’d felt. How I hated him. Hated her. Hated both of them.

“Rob? You still there?”

When he spoke, my eyes shot open. I hadn’t realized my fingers were clenched into a fist, gripping the cell phone so tightly that my knuckles became white.

“What the fuck do you want?” I spat harshly, alerting the others in the room.

They looked at me concerned, but I waived them off, quietly instructing them to keep put.

A deep breath entered the receiver, followed by a hefty sigh. “I know you’re losing your marbles, Rob,” he said calmly. “And I know you still hold a grudge against me, but you need to listen to what I have to say, old friend.”

“Friend?” I scoffed. “We’re not friends, Tom. Do not use that word on me. Get to the point? How…” My voice broke, but I continued. “How did you even get this number?”

“I’ll tell you what…” A raspy chuckle followed the statement. “I have me ways.”

Another pause. Another sigh. I said nothing. He continued. “Rob, I want to start by saying that I saw the news about your arrest. I’m sorry you had to go through that, even though it could have been avoided.”

My arrest could have been avoided. What did that mean?

“What the fuck are you on about, Tom?” My eyes narrowed as I stood up from my seat. Mr. Patrick and Mark shot me worried looks.

“Dadgummit!” He cursed in his southern accent, and I imagined him rubbing his head with one of his large, broad palms. “About the arrest and the crime, they said you did. It’ll all come out in the wash ’cause I got insider information.”

A shiver went down my spine-an unpleasant feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.

“Shocking, right?” He let out a dry laugh. “And no, I’m not an accomplice, but I woulda been cause that hussy contacted me.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked with a sharpness in my tone that astonished even me. At the same time, I put the phone on speaker, slowly dropped it on the desk, and turned up the volume so everyone in the office could hear every word.

More shuffling. Some whispering. Then he dropped the bombshell!

“It was a surprise to me when she called. Because ever since that night, she…” He hesitated and cleared his throat. “We went our jolly ways. You might not believe me, but it’s true. So, she called. Said she wanted my help with something leery, I tell you. I asked for the details, and she told me everything. When she got done talking, I told her a hasty no. What she was asking me to do… nah. I couldn’t do that to you. Then she tore up. Got madder than a wet hen, gave me the jitters, and hung up the phone. To me, that was good riddance because she spelled trouble. Amanda was and is trouble.”

Gasps filled the room. Even the cops looked taken aback. Mr. Patrick tried approaching me, but I raised a hand, stopping him mid-stride.

My blood was boiling, and every nerve ending in my body was alive with wrath and frustration from what I’d just heard.

While he talked, I held onto a sliver of doubt that this was all a twisted joke. That this was a dumb attempt to try and get back at me. Maybe even secretly mocking me. Because why was he calling after so many years? It didn’t make any sense! Why now?

But as he started talking about a woman who was my ex-wife, I lost any remaining doubt. He wasn’t joking. This happened. He spoke the truth and I believed him.

“Anyhoo, Rob… I ain’t gotta beat around the bush when I say she’s your culprit. Amanda done did everything. I won’t go into details of all she said to me, but…”

“Go into it,” I demanded harshly. “Tell. Me. Everything!”

“All of it?”

“Everything!” I snapped. “The entire story. Every bit of detail that you can recall.”

His hesitation was brief. Too brief.

“Okay, okay… You want the whole sordid tale? I’m gonna tell you, but you won’t like it.”

I watched the officers bring out their tape recorders, hoping to catch whatever he said. Mr. Patrick did the same thing, nodding along with the others. This would be substantial evidence.

My hands shook, and my legs trembled as I sat back in my chair, waiting for him to start.

Taking in a deep breath, Tom began talking. He recounted everything, starting with the day she called months ago. So, she’d been planning this frame-up for a while? Bile rose in my throat.

He continued, narrating how Amanda had begged for his assistance. She’d tried to use him, giving him a large sum of money and sexual favors in exchange for doing her dirty work. He’d refused because his conscience wouldn’t let him do such a thing, and she’d resorted to blackmail, sending death threats and emails if he so much as ratted her out.

As I listened to his monologue, my thoughts drifted away, and all I could think about was the pent-up feelings surging inside me. One emotion in particular stood out. Hurt. So much hurt.

Every single part of me felt as if someone had thrust a blade deep into my heart and left it to bleed freely. Every part of me wanted to tear Amanda apart for making me feel this way. For breaking our family apart-for good this time. For destroying me.

And all because of what? Some petty jealousy she felt toward Renee. My God!

When Tom mentioned Dylan, talking about his involvement with his mother, something inside me snapped.

I slammed my fist on the desk, startling everyone. Mr. Patrick winced. Mark’s brows rose, his mouth gaping wide open in surprise. The others glanced at me in confusion.

“Enough!” My voice echoed throughout the office. My breathing became heavier. I turned off the speaker, shakily lifting the cell phone to my ears. “Just stop. I’ve gotten all I need.”

There was silence for a moment before Tom cleared his throat. “Rob-”

“I said, STOP!” I yelled. “I don’t want to hear anything else. Just…stop.”

But Tom didn’t stop. He kept talking.

“I was a fool, Rob, and I know nothing can undo what I did in the past. But I never intended to ruin things between Amanda and you.” A shaky breath slipped from the speaker. “You never knew this, but I’ll tell you now. Amanda seduced me that night. She said you both were going through the patches, and the marriage was not working out. She said she wasn’t cheating too, because you both dropped your rings.”

Oh, God.

“I was drunk as Cooter Brown that night and not myself, I assure you. I don’t expect you to believe me, but nothing’s been the same since that night. I loved you, Rob. You were like a brother to me. And I’m sorry for what I did.”

His last sentence was quiet, like a fleeting whisper.

I took a deep breath. Tears gathered in my eyes, but I fought them off by blinking.

“You’re a good man, Rob. You always were.” He chuckled lowly. “Always were and always will be.”

“Thank you, Tom,” I said quietly, finally saying something. “And thank you for telling me this. About the night with Amanda, I…I don’t know what to say to you. Whether you were completely aware or not, Tom, you betrayed my trust. And I’m not sure how to forgive that. It…”

Tom laughed again. A deep, hearty one this time. “Nah. That ain’t necessary. I never said all that because I wanted some good ol’ forgiveness, Rob. I just wanted to apologize. I wanted you to know the truth. That’s all.”


“You have every right to be furious at me. You did adore me. Always treated me well. We had something amazing, Rob. I will always treasure that friendship and continue to cheer you on from here. I’ve seen your exploits and successes. Working late nights back then and today, you have everything you want. I’m proud of you, old friend.”

A tear finally slipped down my cheek. And when he talked about my accomplishments, I couldn’t help but smile.

He knew. Only Tom knew of my travails and how I worked hard to give my family the best. Before I met Cade, there was Tom-the burly laborer, handyman, and my childhood best friend.

I sniffed and wiped my nose with the back of my palm. “Thank you, Tom. And for what it’s worth, I’m proud of you, too.”

“You flatter me, old friend.” There was a brief pause. “Well, don’t let me take up ya entire day. If you need my assistance with anything else, maybe regarding the case, just holler, will you?”

“I will, Tom.”

“Goodbye then.”


“Goodbye, Tom.”

Click. The line went dead.

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