Daddy’s Little Pet

Champagne Wishes & Love Notes


The silk fabric covering my eyes was tight and uncomfortable, but the anticipation of where Robert was taking me made the discomfort bearable. The sensation kept me going, and my heart pounded as I followed him with a barely restrained thrill.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

He kept my body pressed against his, his arms possessively clutching my waist. Now and then, my lips would touch the back of his neck in a fleeting kiss – one that would have been more intimate if not for our current circumstances.

Nevertheless, the aroma of piney forests and lush grasses confirmed my guess – we were on the cabin grounds.

We’d left the art exhibit moments before, and in the limo, Robert pulled out a blindfold from his pocket and urged me to close my eyes.

My brows furrowed in astonishment, and I’d wanted to object, but he didn’t give me the chance. Instead, smiling, he’d kissed me sweetly on the forehead and said, “This is part of something special I’ve prepared for you tonight, baby girl. So obey me.” He finished. Before I could say anything, he deftly wrapped the fabric around my eyes.

While I adjusted to the sudden darkness, he mumbled a few words in my ear, hinting at this “great surprise,” and kissed my knuckles as the limousine returned to the cabin.

A little apprehension fluttered in my breast as he walked me over the winding route, the cool evening breeze brushing against my exposed skin. At the same time, I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on.

Was this a proposal? It would only make sense, and the thought made my heart race. A little smile formed on my lips as I envisioned Robert getting down on one knee, ring in hand, as he asked me to be his wife.

I would never have imagined this months before, and if someone had so much as suggested it, I would have dismissed them. But now? Now, as the thought settled in my head, I realized I wanted it. I wanted to be Mrs. Clarke. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this man whom I adored with all of my heart. I wanted to build a family with him. A home, with our kids and-

“Renee… are you here? Are you okay?” His voice jolted me out of my reverie, startling me. My feet stilled, and I took a minute to gather myself.

“I’m… I’m here.” I mumbled, my throat constricting.

“Good. We’re here.” He announced, and with a slight tug, he removed the blindfold.

I blinked in the face of the blinding light, and goddamn! The scene in front of me took my breath away.

Hundreds of romantic candlelit lamps lined the road leading to a table set for two, creating an almost ideal trail. Rose petals of various hues and shapes lay strewn around, creating a thick carpet of brilliant color, and the soft, flowery perfume filled the air with a lovely fragrance that tickled my nose.

Soft strains of classical music floated through the air, played by a hidden stereo inside the trees that framed the clearing, adding to the ambient setting.

This was stunning. Breathtaking.

“Robert.” I whispered, blinking slowly as a memory hit me. Our first romantic date had looked like this. The candles. The flowers. The music. Everything felt the same, and the reminder brought tears to my eyes. The only difference was the setting. We’d been on a yacht going somewhere back then, but now we’re in his cabin’s garden.

“Did you recreate our first date on the yacht?” I was speechless, unable to take my look away.

Robert gave a nod. “Hmm, I believe I did. A bit.”

“This feels nostalgic.” I said, sniffing back a tear. “It’s so beautiful.”

“It is.” He said, leaning forward and kissing me lightly before letting go of my hand. He walked toward the table and motioned for me to follow him. “Come.”

My feet moved obediently, trailing behind him. He led us through the maze of candlelight until we arrived at the table, and my mouth parted again in surprise.

Two glass flutes, a bottle of champagne, and other beverages were carefully arranged on the table alongside little plates stacked with delectable appetizers and sweets. But that wasn’t what drew my attention. It was the stack of gift boxes and several large, square bundles that did it.

“Robert? What are these? What are we celebrating?”

He laughed heartily. “We’ll be leaving Aspen tomorrow, and I wanted to make your last night memorable.” He winked.

“We’re leaving tomorrow?” The words left my mouth, and he nodded.

He drew a chair out for me and curtly added. “Sit.”

His tone of speech had gone severe as if he were giving me strict orders. Still, the look in his eyes as he sat opposite me said otherwise. Love and adoration danced within his irises.

Still, I eyed the gifts curiously, and as I began to speak, the harsh ring of Robert’s smartphone cut me off. He reached into his pocket and, bringing out his phone, swiped the decline button, never looking away from me.

“You’re not going to respond to that?” I inquired, just as the phone rang again. Muttering curses, Robert drew his gaze away from me to examine the caller ID.

His entire demeanor shifted in an instant. His face became expressionless, and instead of accepting or denying the call, his fingers hovered indecisively above the screen. After a brief delay, he pressed the decline button and slid the phone back into his pocket.

“Something wrong?” I inquired again, but he dismissively shook his head. “No. It’s nothing important, love.”

His behavior seemed odd. But I let it go. I didn’t bother him like I usually would.

“What do you want to do first?” He spoke once more. “Should we eat, or do you want to open the gifts?”

“Um…the latter.”

Robert laughed. “Very well, then. Go ahead.”

I slid forward in my seat and drew the first gift box near me. I began slowly untying the ribbon while rambling on and on.

“Let me guess. You got me another expensive piece of jewelry.” I mused, adding. “Oh, Robert, you spoil me so much.”

“It’s nothing.”

“It’s everything. You do all these things for me, and I don’t do much in return.”

“You’re by my side, Renee. That’s all I need.”

I stiffened at his words, looking at him. The smile on his face widened.

He went on. “You, here with me, is everything. And as for the gifts, you more than deserve them. Money isn’t an issue, so let me spend it on you. Let me flaunt it on the woman I love.”

I gulped, feeling suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. During times like these, it struck me why I loved this man – despite our rocky start and the fact that our relationship was unusual and defied all expectations. I adored Robert so much that starting a family with him no longer terrified me. Instead, I let myself dream.

“God. Robert, I adore you so much. I do.”

“And I adore you as well, Renee. I always have, and I always will.” He said honestly before adding. “Now, will you open your gifts?”

I drew my sight back to the gift box in my grasp and took a deep breath. I completed untying the ribbon knots and lifted the box’s top to reveal its contents.

The first thing I noticed was the beautiful red rose nestled inside the box, its petals hanging downward. The edges of the blossom were twisted. The stem was lengthy and delicate, but the tips were perfectly cut, and the side leaves were shiny and black. They were almost like claws, appearing sharp and frightening while also inviting.

This wasn’t just some ordinary rose petal. This meant something else entirely. My breath caught in my throat, and I gazed up at Robert again.

“This…this is beautiful.”

“Yes, I know. Check the rest of the package.” He prompted, and with a nod, I started taking things out.

There was a neatly folded black tie, and I asked him what it was for, but he just shrugged, offering no explanation.

Next in the box was a painting canvas and a book wrapped in tissue paper.

“Is this the painting you bought at the art show? The one you purchased anonymously.”

“I commissioned anonymously. And yes, it is.” He confirmed.

I ripped open the canvas covering carefully. And a sob escaped my lips.

“My goodness.” I exclaimed in awe as I stared at the beautiful portrait of me.

In a sultry allure, I stood in a cloud of hibiscus and sunflowers, and my strawberry-blonde hair flowed wildly. My skin shined, and I wore a pink robe – a long flowing dress that draped to the floor and trailed along in the grass. My brown eyes, rimmed by long black lashes, sparkled, and my lips were curved seductively. Even though the paint was smudged from the brush being used repeatedly to achieve its perfectionism, the artist-whoever they were-had given me an almost heavenly appearance.

The drawing technique was exquisite, every stroke of the painting brush capturing me perfectly, and my features seemed as if they’d been molded from the finest marble, every curve perfectly proportioned.

I was so taken with the painting that if it hadn’t been for the gentle contrasted hues, I would’ve thought it was a photograph.

It felt like home and like a piece of my history. A piece of me that someone else had drawn in such flawless strokes… a piece of me that someone else loved.

I wanted to ask Robert questions about the painting. How had he described me to the artist? Or what photo had he shown the talented individual who’d perfectly conveyed my features?

But I didn’t ask. Instead, I returned the portrait to the table and picked the book from the gift box.

Tears welled up in the back of my eyes when I flipped it open, noting the contents of the first page.

It was a love note, neatly and cursively written in Robert’s elegant handwriting. The tears I’d held back spilled down my cheek as I read, splashing on the pristinely written words.

The note told our story. It chronicled our love from the very beginning. Every event leading up to this moment was intimately depicted in this write-up. From the first time he spotted me on that beach months ago to the fateful night we kissed and our not-so-perfect yacht vacation. Calling me his forever woman, Robert wrote about the moments we’d shared and how I was such an infinitely beautiful blessing to him. He wrote about how grateful he was that I’d stuck by him despite everything he put me through in his quest for my heart. Despite the challenges, we continued finding our way back to each other, and he wrote that maybe this was a sign we were soulmates and destined to be together forever.

He also wrote about the things he loved about me-my personality and wittiness, among other things. Robert described me as his sunshine and beam of light in this messed-up world.

Talking about our future again, he said that no matter what happened, he would wife me, get me pregnant, grow old with me, and never allow anything or anyone to take this happiness away from us again.

Every word he wrote was so personal, the details so intimate, that more and more tears streamed down my cheeks as I read it. He signed the note off with, “Forever, Renee. My love for you is limitless, neverending. I will always care for you unconditionally, and your safety will always matter to me, above all others, no matter what.”

If there was any gift that Robert had ever given me, this journal outdid it, and as I flipped through the pages, my lips widened into a shaky smile.

There were post-it notes, doodles, and more photos. Each page told the story of our journey as a couple, capturing both the good and terrible times. Robert was so thoughtful, and his efforts in documenting all this meant so much to me.

How had he done this? When did he have time to do all of this? I was utterly speechless.

I closed the journal and attempted to calm my racing heartbeat to no avail.

I swallowed back a sob, and damn… why was I such a crying mess? I couldn’t stop myself. My head hurt, and all the rushed emotions and feelings made me dizzy and weak.

This was strange. It felt weird and…

“Baby girl, what’s wrong?” Robert asked, his voice worried. He reached across the table to hold my hand.

“God, Robert…” My voice cracked, and he began to squeeze my palm comfortingly.

“Renee, are you all right? You’ve gone pale as a ghost.”

“I’m okay. It’s the contents of the lovely journal. How did you manage to create it? The painting, the sketches, the photographs, the notes… I… That was so thoughtful.”

“I’ll always be thoughtful when it comes to you, Renee.”

Tears began to fall down my cheeks, and I couldn’t stop them this time. My entire body shook, and my breathing became more rapid.

“Renee. I’m not too fond of you crying. Can you-”

“God. I love you,” I interrupted him Standing up from my chair, I stumbled forward to hug him.

His arms rose to hold me, drawing me closer to his warmth and aroma, and my body melted into his. His embrace was soothing and protective, and as he tightened his arms around me, I buried my nose in his neck.

“I love you. I love you. I love you.” I whispered over and over as I continued to sob into his chest.

“Shhh…” He cooed softly, running his fingers through my hair as he rocked me back and forth. “Do not cry, baby.”

But I couldn’t help it. I tried to relax, but it was impossible. My hormones were out of control, and I had no rational explanation for it. All I knew was that, somewhere deep inside, I was scared. I was scared at the thought of losing him. But also because I loved him much too much. More than anything else. Than life itself and-

I drew away from him as a hauntingly beautiful piano performance of Arctic Monkeys’ “I Wanna Be Yours” filled the air.

A robust laugh burst beneath my throat as I quickly wiped my cheeks. “I really like this song. Oh, my gosh.”

His brow furrowed in surprise. “Really?”

“Yes. Yes, I do.” I giggled. “Let’s dance.”

“Dance?” He cocked his head to the side, amused, and I giggled more. “What about the food?”

“We’ll eat later,” I said, holding my hand as I stood up. “Please.”

Chuckling, Robert stood up, grasped my offered hand, and pulled me close. He wrapped one arm securely around my waist.

Leading me to the center of the garden, we began to move to the rhythm of the music, hips swaying to the beat. I laughed and threw my head back.

Robert laughed, too, and in that moment, nothing else mattered. Nothing except music and this man holding me. This man who was my soulmate. Who cared enough about me such that he’d carve out a piece of his past and built a new life with me in its shadow… a life I could only hope to share one day.

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