Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica)

Fucked Up Family:>Ep3

Christine made sure everyone had a supplement, then watched as they all swallowed. Everyone stared at each other, silent, like they were expecting someone to grow horns. Nothing happened.

“You’re such a Mama’s boy, Austin,” Alexis said. She deepened her voice, “Gee, Mom, I’ll take two.”

“And you’re such a bitch,” Austin snapped back, “What, are you ragging it this weekend?”

“Austin, shut up! Christine, don’t let him talk to me that way.”

“I hit a little close to home there, Sis? The way you act, I figure you’re always riding the crimson wave. Is that it? You’re PMSing 24-7 now?”

“Austin don’t talk that way to your sister,” Christine said. Austin looked at his mother like she’d slapped him. Surprised, sad, hurt.

“Maybe I would be in a better mood if I didn’t have to put up with my pervy little brother,” Alexis said.

“Kids, please stop,” James said.

“Ow! Don’t you fucking hit me!” Alexis said.

“Mom, Alexis said a bad word,” Austin said, “Ow! And she hit me, too.”

“My name is Lexi!” Alexis screamed. The siblings started shoving each other, harder and harder. Austin flopped backward and suddenly picnic table creaked and tipped over, spilling lunch onto the grass. Brother and sister didn’t even pause, they just kept brawling right there on the ground.

“God… FUCK!” James yelled. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this mad. He leapt up and ripped the siblings apart from each other, like grabbing unruly kittens by the scruff of their necks. “What are you two doing?”

“He started it,” Alexis said.

“I did not,” Austin said.

“Both of you,” James felt his rage rising and he took a deep breath. Held his anger right at the boiling point. “Look at what you’ve done.”

The two siblings glanced sheepishly over at the table, now toppled onto its side. Sandwiches scattered across the grass. A couple of mallards waddled over and started pecking away happily.

“We’ll clean it up, Dad,” Austin said, grumbling.

“No,” James said, “Not good enough. You don’t get to undo it every time you make a mess. I don’t know what’s wrong with both of you but you’re going to figure it out. Right now. This minute.”

James took another deep breath. Christine, Molly, Austin, and Alexis were all staring at him. He felt on display in a way that wasn’t at all comfortable.

“There’s a trail about ten minutes from here,” James said, “The waterfall on the far end of the lake? That’s a river running down the mountainside. The trail follows the course of the river, all the way up to the top. You two pack your gear and go walk the trail. Don’t come back until you’ve made peace. Permanently. Got it?”

“But what if…?”

“Figure. It. Out,” James said.

The siblings both nodded. At least the kids still listened to him sometimes. Alexis and Austin quickly picked their daypacks off the ground and scampered off toward the lake.

James watched them go and sighed. He didn’t know if what he’d done was wrong or right or whatever. But at least he finally had some peace and quiet.


Molly huddled over by the tents while her father yelled at her brother and sister. As she watched him, she felt odd. It wasn’t fear. Her father was so tall and strong. Molly thought he could be imposing, certainly. She could have been mad at her brother and sister for spoiling their lunch and making Daddy angry. But she wasn’t feeling that either.

Instead, Molly felt her heart soar. She was sweating a bit, too. And, weirdest of all, she felt a kind of odd tingling. Down there. Almost like a warm honey was dripping out of her sex. Which was odd. Molly had been with boys a few times — just kissing and stuff, nothing serious — and she’d never felt anything like that. Maybe Austin was right, she thought, but about the wrong sister: maybe it was her that should be ragging it. But that didn’t make any sense, either. She’d finished with her period about a week before.

Molly was starting school in the fall. She didn’t want to go. Alexis went to State and Austin was working at Chez Allez two towns over. But Molly had to go halfway across the continent for college. It was the best medical program in the country, as Molly’s mother was constantly reminding her, and worth the extra effort.

It was that same refrain. You need to put in the extra effort. You don’t work out hard enough. You don’t study long enough. You can’t keep settling for second-best. Her mother should have had a t-shirt made or something, for all the times she said it. It wasn’t fair — Molly didn’t see her brother and sister stuck with those expectations. But because she couldn’t live up to them, Molly was being sent away.

Once her older siblings walked off to hike the trail and find true happiness or whatever, James slowly set about cleaning up after them. Molly tried to help, but her father wouldn’t let her. So, she stood to the side and watched his muscles bulge as he turned the picnic table back over.

James wasn’t an old guy — certainly not old-old — but Molly knew he was getting up in years and she was proud of how in-shape he was. He could outrun most of the other girl’s Dads, she was sure. He was stronger than them too.

Molly looked at her father’s tan skin. The little wrinkles at his eyes. The beginnings of grey on his arms and the tuft of chest hair that snuck out the collar of his polo. Yeah, her Dad was a looker for sure. Molly reminded herself she wasn’t supposed to think that way, but she couldn’t help it.

Of course, Dad ended up with someone like Mom, Molly thought. Christine was beautiful and sexy. ‘A real MILF’ as one boy at school had once said.

Molly looked down at her own body in disgust. She’d never be able to get a guy like her Dad. Her thick thighs and dumpy ass. Her big stupid chest sticking out. Why couldn’t she have regular sized tits like Alexis or, even better, little ones like Mom’s? She knew some boys liked big boobs, but to her it was a reminder of how she couldn’t live up to the standard her mother had set. Molly worked so hard. And still she felt like a useless blob compared to her overachiever family.

“Honey, do you want to eat?” James called over to his daughter, “Your Mom put together a new bunch of sandwiches.”

Molly looked at her body again and hesitated. “No thanks, Daddy. I’m not really all that hungry. And I don’t want to get any fatter than I already am.”

“Oh Honey,” James jaunted over to his daughter. Squeezed her tight. “I think your body is perfect.”

Molly felt a fresh batch of tingles ‘down there.’ Christ, it was practically dripping into her panties! What the hell was wrong with her?

Her father gave her another tight squeeze and Molly felt it right in her bladder. Oh, that made so much more sense.

She had to pee. Suddenly. Really really badly.


Lexi walked in front of her stupid, disgusting brother, muttering to herself. At first, she’d let him lead the way to the lake. But then she decided that she wasn’t taking orders from some meat-head, so she insisted instead that she had to be in front. Once they started walking again, though, Lexi realized that the little perv was probably ogling her ass with every step. God, there was no winning with this, was there?

They went past the lake, waterfall rushing down over the rocks and into the water. It really was beautiful here. Lexi hadn’t appreciated it when she was younger. The path that James had set them on was off to the left of the water. It ran right up the hillside — so tall and steep that Lexi couldn’t see the end of it. Well, at least it was clear what they were in for.

There was no grass on the path, only dirt covered in dead leaves with the occasional tree root sticking out just to make things interesting. Lexi had been working out like mad the last year and she was really proud of the results. My body’s almost as tight as Christine’s, she thought. OK, she hated being so tall and her tits were too small, but she couldn’t do anything about those things. She was apex Lexi, and she was proud of it.

But between the steepness of the path and the weight of the pack on her shoulders, Lexi found herself struggling. God, why did James have to punish her like this? It wasn’t her fault that her brother was such a dildo.

She heard him groaning behind her. Austin was in great shape, he was a star athlete in high school, and even he was having trouble with the hike. Well it served him right for being such a pig.

Lexi didn’t know why she hated her brother so much. He just bugged her. His voice was annoying and the actual words he said with it were even worse. He thought he had such a great body with his toned chest and broad shoulders. Like a hotter, younger version of James only with Christine’s golden hair. Like that made him special or something.

Lexi’s foot slipped slightly on a rock, but she quickly straightened herself again. She felt her ankle twinge in pain, but she forced herself to keep going. Fuck this fucking hike with her stupid fucking annoying brother!This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You started it,” Austin said between gasps.

“I did not,” Lexi replied. The height of rhetoric, she knew. She was a smart girl — she was at State, yes, but that was a choice. She could have been at any school in the country. Leaving home — at the time she’d had a bunch of close friends from high school and a super serious boyfriend and it made sense to stay.

Then the friends all moved on (or turned out to be colossal skanks) and the boyfriend split, and Lexi suddenly found herself wondering what it was all supposed to be about. If she was at the wrong school, the wrong place in her life, what did that mean?

It was like playing a board game and suddenly realizing you were going to lose because of some dumb decision you’d made several hours before. Only, unlike Monopoly, Lexi couldn’t just turn over the board and call it done. Couldn’t take it as a learning experience for the next playthrough. This was her life and if she’d played it wrong or followed the wrong rules or whatever she was stuck with it forever.

And that was terrifying.

It didn’t justify acting like she was twelve, though. What was it about her brother? He seemed skilled at bringing out the worst in her.

“Maybe if you weren’t being such a witch all the time,” Austin said.

“If I was a witch, you’d already be a toad,” Lexi said. She stopped and turned, purposefully eyeing her brother up and down, “Actually, I was wrong. Clearly I am a witch.”

She spun and flounced forward again. Thrilled at the reaction she’d gotten from her brother. He had actually, literally, turned bright red. That was awesome. Lexi didn’t know why getting these reactions from her brother made her so happy. But they did.

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