Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica)

Fucked Up Family:>Ep18

Last Time: the Campbell family took some pills and things went really wrong. Or really right, depending on how you look at it. There was piss play, incest, and insemination. But the medicine is gone and they’re all better now.

Eh, not so much.

Everyone is over 18.

It was the kind of night that was meant to be savored. The clear, starry sky. The cool, clean air. It all combined to be comfortable in an almost primal way. But the events of the day conspired against the Campbell clan.

James, Christine, and their three children — Lexi, Austin, and Molly — were all exhausted. The family felt shattered, body and mind. They’d planned this trip as one last outing before the kids went off to school, to their lives, and abandoned their parents to empty nest-hood. The family had bought a new car, reserved a campsite next to a lake in the middle of nowhere, and headed out to drink down the final dregs of summer.

But then Christine, as part of her ongoing health kick, suggested everyone take a special supplement. Something to ‘get them going.’ Well it definitely did that. First the family couldn’t stop peeing. Then, worse, they couldn’t stop fucking. Sister and brother. Father and daughter. Mother and son.

But as the sun sank down, it seemed like the family had finally overcome the chemicals in their systems. They all sat around the campfire, silent, simmering in everything they’d done to each other.

The Campbells worked their way through dinner mechanically. Everyone struggled to speak. They couldn’t even look each other in the eyes. The evening may have appeared like Eden, but it felt like Hell, and they all just wanted it to end.

So, tentatively — like their beds might be filled with poisonous spiders or worse — the family agreed to call it a night. James and Christine went to their tent. Lexi and Molly went to theirs. Austin climbed into his single.

The world went quiet.


Lexi woke up with a start. Her younger sister, Molly, was still slumbering peacefully next to her. The tall, lithe brunette reflexively reached down to her twisted ankle. It was throbbing dully. In fact, her whole body ached. Then Lexi felt it. She had to pee.

Oh no. Not again.

Lexi leapt out of her sleeping bag and raced to the front of the tent. She was wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts that covered little more than her underwear, but she couldn’t risk the time to conceal herself further. It was hard for Lexi to feel embarrassed about the exposure, though — her family had already seen a lot more skin than she was showing in that moment.

The eldest Campbell girl unzipped the front of her tent and rushed outside. The evening air was cool, but pleasant. Frogs and crickets chorused in the distance. Lexi looked longingly off toward the toilets. It was a ten-minute hike, and that was on two good legs. Plus, if this really was another emergency, the pee would end up in her bottoms before she ever made it anywhere near the bathrooms.

Instead, Lexi limped to the far side of the campsite, back between the family SUV and the tree-line. She pushed her shorts down around her ankles, squatted, and let go. In the silence of the evening, her stream of pee seemed loud enough to echo. Lexi shifted a bit, angling herself to keep her piss away from her legs as much as possible. She noticed her ankle wasn’t hurting nearly as bad as before. Squatting was uncomfortable, but not excruciating.

Even better, her pee felt ‘normal.’ That is, it wasn’t shooting out of her cooch like a damned fire hose. It didn’t ache in her tummy at all. Instead it was just the usual, late-night-gotta-go stream of urine.

Lexi sighed in relief. Waking up with that urge again had been scary. If it was all starting again, she wasn’t sure what she would do. Being with her brother had been unexpected. Terrifying. Also, really really awesome. Which was scary in and of itself.

Then seeing the rest of the family caught in the same throes: Molly, Mom. Dad. Oh God with Dad. That had been the most frightening thing of all. Not because of the situation. Lexi had felt so safe in her Daddy’s arms. No what worried Lexi — what really haunted her — was something far more complicated.

With Austin it had been easy. Not the sex (although, also, yes), but because it had clearly been the chemicals coursing through their veins. Lexi could say with confidence that, in that moment, she simply had no other options. Her body had dragged her into it. They could have been doing it on the train tracks — locomotive racing towards them — and the siblings wouldn’t have even paused in plowing each other.

But with James. With her Dad… Had Lexi felt that same urge? The brunette girl couldn’t say for sure. In that moment, with her brother and mother humping in the grass nearby, Lexi had felt desire for her father. No doubt. But was it the same driving need? That was something far less definitive. In other words, there was a chance Lexi had actually chosen to fuck her father. And — oh God — there was no word for how that made Lexi feel. Guilty-frightened-dirty-horrible-broken-thrilled. That.

Lexi finished peeing with a sigh. If only the consequences of her actions could leak away as easily as the uncontrollable pissing apparently had. Just wash right out of her system. Lexi slowly stood, regretted that she had nothing to wipe with, then shrugged and pulled up her shorts.

She was about to turn back to the tents when she heard the crunch of footsteps. Felt someone standing nearby.

“Hey.” It was Austin. He must have walked over while she was doing her business. Lexi’s little brother was wearing a pair of long pajama pants, but no shirt. He was quite muscular, Lexi thought, with sculpted pecs and a defined, six-pack stomach. Austin waved slightly and tucked his head into his chest. He stepped closer till they were standing right next to each other.

“Couldn’t even let me pee in peace, huh perv?” Lexi said, reflexively. Austin flinched, and Lexi regretted it immediately. God, why do I have to be such a bitch?

“No, it’s fine,” Austin said, “It’s my bad. I should have seen what you were doing. Anyway, I’m sorry. For a lot of stuff actually.”

Lexi reflected that her brother hadn’t seemed too upset about the ordeal before. In fact, he’d acted pleased as a peacock. Now, though, the way he seemed unable to even glance at his older sister — maybe he really did feel remorse. Not that he had done anything wrong, either. Fuck this was all one big, intractable tangle.

“I know right?” Austin continued, “I was feeling pretty good for a bit. About everything. I mean, it wasn’t our fault, right? But when I got into my tent, it was like all the guilt was already in there waiting for me. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t even lie still, I was wracked with it. Everything running through my mind. And then I saw you were up, and I thought that maybe you were struggling to sleep, too. I don’t know. You’re right, I’m an ass.”

“No, you’re not. We’re all dealing with this. I couldn’t sleep either,” Lexi lied. She’d passed out like a dead woman. But admitting that to her brother felt like a kind of defeat. That his guilt earned him a kind of moral superiority. Or, worse, that he’d given her a level of physical satisfaction that she’d been unable to provide back to him in return. In either scenario, Lexi was clearly the lesser being. She wasn’t ready to concede that to her annoying, dopey (admittedly really sexy) little brother.

“Can we, I don’t know, talk?” Austin asked, his blue eyes shining. He grabbed his sister’s hand and she let him.

“Yes, I’d like that,” Lexi said, “But maybe we should go back to your tent. I don’t want to wake anyone else up.”

Austin bobbed his head like a happy puppy. He started heading back, then he stopped. “Can you walk OK?”

“Not great,” Lexi said. Very seriously, Austin went back to his big sister and slid under her arm, letting her rest her weight on him. The two of them made their way back to the tents.

“So. You and Dad, huh?” Austin said as they walked together. Lexi felt her face go hot.

“Youwerebetter,” she said. It had just spilled out. Lexi hadn’t even intended on saying anything but there it was. Worse, Lexi knew that it was totally true. Being with her father had been fun, but with Austin it was different. Special. So much for her precious superiority.

Austin stopped and looked at his sister, eyes wide. His mouth made word-like motions, but no sound came out.

“I just… I liked it better with you, OK?” Lexi said, “I don’t know why, but I did. I’m sorry.”Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Why are you sorry?” Austin asked. The siblings started walking again.

“I don’t know. God, this is weird.”

“Everything about today was weird,” Austin said.

“No kidding,” Lexi said.

They got back to Austin’s tent and crawled inside. Lexi’s little brother opened his sleeping bag completely and laid it out, so they both had something to lie on. Lexi thought of a story she’d heard at State. About some wild party back east where they zipped naked people into sleeping bags and made them fuck while everyone watched. Lexi had heard that the grand finale had featured a brother and sister and thought it was bullshit. Now she wasn’t so sure.

Lexi lay down on her side and Austin stretched out across from her. He reached back and flicked on a flashlight. It was still dark, but now Lexi could see her little brother’s face in the yellowish glow. He really was cute, she thought. Nice jaw, jutting cheekbones, just the right bit of stubble. For a moment Lexi thought about leaning over and kissing him but she stopped herself. She needed a subject change and fast.

“So,” she said, “You and Mom, huh?”

Austin’s face went red and his eyes fled to the floor. “Yeah, um, you may have been right before about, you know. Me and my little crush.”

“That looked like more than a crush,” Lexi said.

“Yeah, well, for someone who doesn’t have feelings for Dad, you seemed pretty involved, yourself.”

“I’m sorry Austin,” Lexi said, “I’m not trying to make you feel bad. I’m actually kind of, like, happy for you? Is that strange? Like I know you have feelings for Mom and you got to act on them. To have your fantasy. That’s kind of awesome.”

“And you?” Austin asked, “Did you get to live out your, ummm, crush or whatever?”

“I didn’t know what it was until it happened,” Lexi said, “But yes. Up on the mountainside? I got what I wanted.”

Austin thought for a moment and then it dawned on him. He turned bright red all over again. Cute, yes, but maybe not too bright, Lexi reflected. God girl, you really can pick them.

“And you don’t feel bad about that?” Austin asked, “What happened up there? You and me?”

“What were we supposed to do, exactly?” Lexi said, “You were there. You felt it. I’d have stuffed a cactus up my cunt if that was my only option in that moment.”

“I shouldn’t have fucked you,” Austin said.

“You had to,” Lexi said

“I shouldn’t have… In Mom.”

“She made you,” Lexi said.

“God, I know that’s all true and yet I also feel like maybe…”

“Look, Austin, today was… I mean I’m struggling with it too. Because on the one hand it was kind of amazing and wonderful but at the same time it was also maybe the worst day of my life? I don’t know. What happened to us was inexplicable and weird and also totally out of our control. We’re probably all going to need therapy — God, so much therapy — and even then, it’s something that we’re going to have to figure out a way to live with for the rest of our lives. But we are going to find a way to live with it, OK? Together. I promise.”

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