Crash Into Me

Twenty One

The last time someone touched her, she was violently violated. It was a memory she could never erase from her mind. She thought she would never feel the pleasure of it ever again, but then there was John. He was passionate and gentle at the same time, he had touched her all in the right places. They showered together afterwards, the kisses never stopped. They put on a robe and spent the rest of the night talking over champagne. And just before they went to sleep, they made love one more time. ********** She laid naked underneath the sheets, her exposed shoulder was kissed by the first sunlight. Her hair rested over her neck. He watched her sleep, swiped some strain of hair away from her face. He caressed her arm with the back of his hand, her skin was soft, as soft as her touch when she rubbed soap all over him last night. She touched every inch of his body and tasted him with her mouth. Just thinking about it made him lust for her even more. He hugged her from behind and kissed her shoulder. She opened her eyes, the first thing she felt was his warmth wrapped around her, his breath upon her ear and his whisper, “Good morning beautiful.” She turned and looked at his gorgeous morning face and kissed him. He was ready for her again, “Let’s not go back today … let’s stay here another night,” he said. “Put our clothes in the laundry … and we’ll go back tomorrow,” he added. “Okay,” she smiled. He kissed her again, stealing her breath away. He pushed her on her back, and spread her open. “I want to do this with you all day,” he said nibbled in her ear. She laughed softly, “You’re going to kill me John Brady.” “It’s all your fault … I think I’m addicted to you now,” he kissed her again. He made love to her again ever so gently. They were falling for each other hard and fast. Nothing else mattered. ********** “I want to have breakfast … they serve great breakfast here,” she said. “I thought we just had breakfast,” he teased her. “Food, John … food, we have to eat something.” “We don’t have anything to wear,” he reminded her. “Shit! I forgot, I guess they can bring breakfast here, right?” She was famished. She called the front desk to arrange breakfast and laundry services while John was biting her neck and shoulder. The elevator beeps a few minutes later, John attended to it. At the same time, Sandy’s phone rang. It was Lucas. Lucas : Hi … where are you? (he was less enthusiastic)

Sandy: Umm … I’m at the suburbs … near The Hills

Lucas: With John?

Sandy: Yeup … with John

Lucas: I just want to say thank you for the other day … that was embarrassing … (chuckled)

Sandy: No problem, glad you’re alright, it was John’s idea actually

Lucas: Yeah … send him my regards for that

Sandy: I will

Lucas: Sandy … (clears throat) … I don’t mean to ruin your escapade or anything … but there’s something you need to know …

Sandy: What is it? (Looking at John talking to the room manager)

Lucas: It’s about Patrick

Sandy: (Walked out to the balcony) What is it?

Lucas: I had some people checked on him, he did indeed bought a one way ticket to Bhorma only one day after the restraining order expired

Sandy: So he’s still here?

Lucas: He hasn’t bought another ticket yet

Sandy: Shit!

Lucas: Have you seen the newspaper this morning?

Sandy: No … why?

Lucas: Well, it’s a little late, it’s all over the internet actually … there are pictures of you and John at the club … I just thought you should know that.

Sandy: (Touched her face) Oh no … shit!

Lucas: Just be careful, Sandy, he might be watching you … I still have some people trying to track him down … when are you coming back?NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Sandy: Tomorrow morning

Lucas: Be safe, okay? I’m just … looking out for you

Sandy: Okay … thanks Lucas

Lucas: Sure … I’ll see you soon When she hung up, John was standing by the doorway with a serious look on his face. “Who was it?” Sandy was still recovering from the news, she started searching for the pictures on the internet. “It’s Lucas.” John had that ‘Oh, Lucas’ expression. She told him what Lucas said, her mood was dropped to the lowest level. She found the pictures on various sites and social media. “John Brady with Mystery Lady” “John Brady Shoots Next ‘Wicked Games’ in Bhorma” “John Brady seen with mystery woman at a local Bhorma club” “John Brady held hands with a lady friend” “John Brady, another fling?” “John Brady’s latest date recap” John took her hand to stop her from looking any further. “Stop looking at that … please, let’s just have breakfast.” John never shared anything on the internet, he was very tight with his personal life. People took pictures of him and posted them on the internet with whatever caption they felt fit. Most of them were click baits so people would be interested to read their articles. He never searched himself on the web, he didn’t care much for what people say about him. He knew there were 90% garbage that was said about him, his only concern right at that moment was how Sandy reacted to it. “He could see those pictures, you know? And read those articles,” she had lost her appetite. “Or he won’t … we don’t know that, lets not speculate,” he said, eating his sandwich. “Besides … Lucas has his private investigators tracking the bastard down, right?” he was being sarcastic. Sandy didn’t respond. “Everything is well taken care of … by Lucas,” he sounded more annoyed than before. “You don’t get to be jealous of Lucas, John,” she broke her silence. “And why is that?” “Because Lucas is just one guy whom I don’t even have feelings for,” Sandy played with her food. “What is that supposed to mean?” Sandy looked John in the eyes, can’t believe he didn’t understand what she meant. “Do you know how many women out there who would give anything just to be with you?” John raised his eyebrows, “What? That’s besides the point,” he dismissed her. “That’s exactly the point, Lucas is one guy versus millions of women who wants to be with you.” “They want the idea of me because I’m a celebrity … Lucas wants you … all of you …” “Oh, they want all of you too, trust me,” she insisted. “Not to mention fellow actresses, and crews, and nuns … I don’t know,” she added. John was amused by her argument, “There’s nobody for me … there’s nobody calling me, texting me, telling me sweet nothing or what have you … nobody’s looking out for me and keep track of what I’m doing all the time … here, you can check my phone,” he handed her his phone. He made a gesture to trade phones with her. “I dare you to trade your phone with mine.” “Don’t be ridiculous, I’m not gonna check your phone.” John threw up both his hands, “I rest my case.” “Can we not talk about that?” Sandy was avoiding any further discussion about Lucas. “Fine … I just don’t like the way he looks at you,” John was not done with the topic. “You paid attention to the way he looks at me?” “Of course … it’s a guy thing, I guess, the way a guy looks at a woman, says everything,” he said while looking at Sandy. “And what does it mean when you’re looking at me like that?” “That’s for me to know, and for you to find out,” he teased her.

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