Claiming His Resisting Mate

Chapter 57 – Emotions Overwhelmed

JOHN’S POVBelongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I am actually surprised Kole was able to find a place hidden from us to build his own hiding room. Who could have thought that their underground technique would be this beneficial” Cassius uttered as he slightly shook his head.

“Everyone should learn this technique” Devak tapped on the table with his fingers. “If we keep the ‘enemy’ term at side I must say this technique is awesome. Now I understand how this Hell Hound keeping themselves alive even they are discarded from the wolf clan”

“Demon knows how to handle his pack. Remember he even killed his own mate just to keep himself powerful and strong without having any weaknesses. Even he was aloof from the emotional attachment with the members of his pack which helped him a lot. Though he loses sometimes, it doesn’t affect him much since he doesn’t care about it at all. We can see through Kole’s situation, he already discarded him even before Kole died actually” Hardwick stated clearly.

“I really underestimated his ability. Just a mere beta and he brought such chaos. Facing the Alpha wouldn’t be that easy. I fear if the training we have given would be able to hold them back or not. Kole could built his own place right under my nose and I was not fucking aware of that” Cassius let out a low growl.

“It was not because of weakness, it’s because they are keeping an eye on us every passing second ” Hardwick frowned, “which we didn’t do at all. We are more into organizing our own matters where they are more into keeping an eyes on the enemies”

“There was a saying that clever enemies give more lessons so it’s better to have smart enemies than having a fool as a friend” Devak shrugged. “After the Kole’s matter, what do you think about the Demon’s next move?”

“He must have been- John?” I turned around to look at Cassius who was giving me a bewildered expression. “Are you alright? You seemed to spacing out of the conversation we are having right now”

I shook my head, “sorry, I was thinking about something. What are you guys talking about?” I tried to focus on their conversation.

Cassius lightly shook his head, “you need to clear your mind first before you decide to join in our matter. I know you are still worried about Reese, but believe me she will wake up soon. It’s just a matter of time. Besides Turner already said she is out of danger”

“I just can’t help myself” I sighed. “he also said she must wake up in 2 days time but it’s already over 3 days yet there’s no sign of her movement. Even though I really want to engage myself in other works, my mind and wolf is not letting me” I held my head closing my eyes, “it’s too much, I don’t know what should I do”

I felt someone patted my back “man, you need to keep your patience and strength for her. If you lose it then how do you think she will fight for herself? You and your wolf are the reason she couldn’t give up on her own life” I heard Devak’s voice. “This is how we are mates, we help each other”

“Devak is right John, you need to keep your hope for the best” Hardwick said comforting me.

“John, I guess you should take a walk to settle your mind and-” before Cassius could finish the loud bang echoed in the room. We turned to look at the door only to see Adriana standing there.

“Peaches? What happened?” Cassius asked.

But Adriana didn’t give him any look yet her gaze was fixed on me. She revealed a beautiful smile “John, she is awake”

I felt like relief showered over me. My eyes widened and my heartbeat started to raise. She is awake? She is awake. Finally she came back to me. I got up immediately.

“Is it Luna? Is she really?” I couldn’t hold back the surprise in my own voice.

“Yes, she is and go to meet her now. That poor girl is desperately waiting for you” she smiled.

“Thanks for informing me Luna” I ran out of the study room. I couldn’t contain my happiness. I have been waiting for this moment. After waiting for ages I could finally get to see her. I ran towards the infirmary.


“So are you excited?” Tanea asked. “You know your mate was waiting for you like hell. He looked like he was a walking doll without any emotion on his face. Sometimes he would sit here looking at you for hours without moving an inch”

“He will be too happy when he gets to know you are finally awake Reese. We were so worried about you and also for John too. His abnormal behavior has scared us” Savannah uttered softly. “Hardwick almost said if you don’t wake up then he will go crazy without any cure”

I felt my chest tightened hearing them. I can clearly see the scene in my eyes. He must be devastated, though I never intended to put him in such a situation but I don’t know why our circumstances are not in our favor.

“Reese, once he is here give him a punch” Tanea said making me frown.


“Of course, I mean how could he look like a living dead and thinking worse of your situation” she rolled her eyes. “His own overthinking made him suffer and you are feeling too bad. We all had the hope you would wake up but that man, he looked like you were already dead. I couldn’t stand that” she shook her head.

If the situation was normal I would have laughed out loud. Tanea is really something, this girl knows how to change the topic and even turn it into humor.

“Tanea, what the hell are you saying?” Savannah groaned.

“Hey, it’s true,” Tanea argued. “Haven’t you seen his face?”

“You two” I shook my head. “I guess Tanea is right”

“Reese what the hell? You are taking her side?” Savannah gasped. “She is just spouting nonsense”

“You may think in that way my love but this girl” Tanea pointed towards me “knows I am right”

Savannah gave an eye roll and refused to talk pursing her lips. I chuckled at their act.

“Oh you are just too much” Savannah groaned.

“Come on I can give you mor-” Tanea words stopped in the middle when the door flung open revealing the most awaited person of my life. Suddenly the other two people in the room faded away and all I could see was my mate. He looked shocked, happy, hurt, confused and loving. I don’t know how he managed to reflect all these emotions at the same time.

He rushed in and in a second he was standing right infront of me. Without a word he pulled me for a hug. The action was forced and I gritted my teeth to endure the pain in my body. His grip was kind of tight and I pursed my lips so that the wince which was about to leave my mouth could be swallowed down again. I forced a smile and let him feel me. I knew how miserable he was. I could feel it through his racing heartbeat.

“Uh, John don’t you think you are holding her too tight? In case you forgot she still needs time to heal those welts on her body” Tanea said, breaking our hug.

“I am sorry” he whispered.

I smiled, “it’s fine don’t worry”

“We will go and bring some food to eat” Savannah said as Tanea and her walked out of the room leaving us alone.

“How are you feeling?”

“I am good though it’s still painful. I guess unless these welts are healed fully I have to suffer a little” I replied holding my tears back. Seeing him now, it’s making me emotional all over again.

He frowned, “I will ask Turner to prescribe medicine so that you won’t feel pain anymore”

“Azrael I am sorry” I sobbed letting out everything, “I never wanted to see you in pain and I also promised myself I would never let that happen but I don’t know why because of me, you are are always in pain” I felt like my heart is creaking and thousands of weight has burdening it. I tried to control my emotions but it overpowered me, bleeding my heart. “I guess what others assumed for you is coming true. I am the reason behind your pain and I felt like-” I closed my eyes when I felt he sealed my lips with a kiss. He kissed me tenderly like I am the most precious thing in his life. I was drowning in his sweet kiss as I felt my heart flattered immensely.

After a long sweet moment he finally pulled away. Joining our foreheads we stayed in silence. We could hear each other’s breathing but no words were exchanged.

“You can’t say that, ” he uttered after some time. “If I had given heed to what other days then we wouldn’t be here. No one has the right to decide for me. I know I want you, my mate, my better half. There’s no way we could separate from each other. What others think about us I don’t even give a damn and you are allowed to get overwhelmed by it. What you need to remember is you are mine and that’s enough”

“Azrael I-”

“No more words” he silenced me placing his finger on my lips. “Just let me feel you. I missed you so much” he rubbed my lips and leaned down to kiss me again. Just as we were about to kiss the door opened again.

“Oops, sorry wrong timing I guess”

Azrael let out a groan making me chuckle. Turner really knows when to barge in but I guess my mate is not happy with it.

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