Claiming His Luna

Chapter 94: Hello, Sister

Cercei’s POV

“Come on, please, stay a little longer,” Lucian pleaded, enveloping me in his warm embrace.

“You’re quite so dramatic; after all, we share the same house,” I chuckled, beating him with a pillow. He closed his eyes, savouring the softness of his elegant silk pillow.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“But we’re not living in the same room,” he complained, sounding somewhat dissatisfied. I rolled my eyes; I had practically lived in his room for the past few days while he neglected his work completely.

We spent every moment together. Day and night, we did sex, intimately exploring and tasting each other’s bodies. Recalling the events, it was enough to make my cheeks flush with a rosy shade. I truly felt connected to him, getting to know him on a deeper level.

“Lucian, it’s time for you to return to work; you have your company and your pack to lead,” I pulled him through his hand, trying my best to move him, but he seemed rooted to his bed.

“Just one more minute,” he mumbled.

“You’ve been saying that for the past three days. Come on, get up,” I insisted, and finally, he conceded, allowing me to pull him up.

He gave me a tender kiss on my lips.

“Fine, you win,” he sighed, and I couldn’t help but smile inwardly.

Reluctantly leaving his room, we had breakfast together, and as he showered, I returned to my room.

I couldn’t stop grinning like a fool; my heart soared with happiness and contentment. Such joy was unfamiliar to me, yet it felt so right.

It felt strangely empty as I entered my room, and I missed him terribly. Absolutely sounded clingy, I scolded myself, considering he was only a few steps away. Nevertheless, I refrained from disturbing him; he needed his focus.

I sighed in bliss as I sank into the hot tub, the warmth soothing my tired body. Lucian was like a hungry beast, and trying to keep up with him had left me exhausted and sore. The hot water gently soothed my muscles, coaxing them into a state of relaxation.

Before I knew it, I had already dozed off in the tub. After my refreshing bath, I dressed and decided to take a leisurely walk. Lucian and I were growing closer, and he now trusted me enough to wander without the constant supervision of his men. No one was shadowing my every move, giving me a sense of freedom.

It turned out that Lucian’s actions were just a playful attempt to tease me. In reality, there was no need to worry about my safety within his luxurious estate. The mansion and the entire North were heavily protected and guarded, making it a stronghold of safety.

Taking advantage of the snowfall, I wandered through his garden, which resembled a beautiful, enchanted forest. Wrapped in a warm jacket, I welcomed the wintry landscape more than I ever thought possible. The chilly breeze, surprisingly, brought a sense of comfort, and I couldn’t help but feel like I was growing accustomed to this place. Unexpectedly, the North was beginning to feel like home.

After my leisurely stroll, I returned to the mansion and noticed that the interior surprisingly appeared to have fewer guards. The gates and perimeters were filled with vigilant eyes before, but now they seemed scarce. Perhaps the guards were away for training, or maybe Lucian had grown tired of his amusing game.

As I prepared to head back to my room, my mind recalled the peculiar sounds I had heard before. A memory pulled me to the other end of the hall, where the mysterious door had caught my curiosity. With no guards to stop me, I approached the door, my pulse quickening. The silence was deafening, unlike the chaotic noises from my previous encounter.

Placing my ear against the door, I held my breath, but there was no trace of sound. With nervousness, I reached for the doorknob, my hand trembling. Slowly, I turned it, and the door creaked open, setting my heart pounding in my chest.

Yet, when the door revealed its interior, there was nothing out of the ordinary. It appeared to be an ordinary, unused guest room, void of any presence. Disappointed, I sighed, conceding that perhaps my imagination had played tricks on me that day or my paranoia had led me to hear imaginary voices.

When I turned to leave, my eyes caught sight of a set of small wooden stairs hidden in a dark corner. Something about those stairs felt strangely familiar. I realised that I had been here before. This was the place I had spent that unsettling night inside the glass cage on the day I arrived.

Intrigued yet anxious, I approached the stairs once again, feeling like I had wandered into a suspenseful horror film. Each creak of the stairs underfoot sent shivers down my spine, and the dim lighting added to the eerie atmosphere. The stairs led me down to what appeared to be a storage room of sorts.

Inside, numerous wooden baskets were strewn away, each bearing the word “fragile” in bold letters. The air was heavy with dust, causing my nose to ache slightly. The room appeared to hide secrets, hinting at untold mysteries, leaving me with an unsettling feeling that I had stumbled on something unexpected and cryptic.

I approached the light, and there I saw the glass cage. Memories of my discomfort rushed back; if my back could talk, it would have cursed me endlessly for putting it through such a painful experience.

But what made me stop in my tracks was the sight of a figure inside the cage, one that felt chillingly familiar. Her brown hair, so similar to mine in its straightness and that delicate silhouette, I knew them all too well.

It couldn’t be possible. I had almost convinced myself that my ears had deceived me, but now, standing here, I had to face the truth. It was her voice I had heard that day. The very voice that had filled my life with fear and hatred.

Denial surged inside my mind, too scared to acknowledge what was right in front of my eyes. How on earth could she be here? Was she being held captive by Lucian? Did her father have any knowledge of her whereabouts?

When she turned and saw me, she froze, mirroring my own shock. Her appearance was vastly different from what I remembered. Her usual glamorous and fashion-forward vibe was gone, replaced by a tired, messy version of herself. Puffy eyes, messy hair, no trace of makeup, and unfamiliar clothing wrapped her petite figure.

In a moment of mixed emotions, her shocked expression turned into a smile, a smile that seemed to carry both relief and a teasing mischievousness. She even waved slightly as if we were old acquaintances reuniting after a long time.

“Hello, sister,” her familiar voice greeted me eerily.

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