
Chapter 36

Chapter 36 


“He’s hot just so you know. I think he likes you“, Bree’s eyes turn dreamy as she hands me our dinner. 

A few days in her apartment and I’m starting to feel a bit normal. A bit happy too if I am being honest. 

The ‘he‘ she’s referring to is Xavier, another one 

of my assistants from my four assistants. 

“I don’t know anything about him.” 

Actually, I do. 

He’s from Texas and disappointingly lacks that southern twang most gentlemen from Texas 


He practiced nursing a bit in Michigan before he got this gig. He’s single, lives with his mother who he seems to love a tad too much to let her live 


And that’s it. 

His information alone is enough to make me want to stay away from him. 

He’s a good guy. I’m good but trouble follows me like lice on unwashed hair. I can’t do that to him. 

This chapter is unlocked. Enjoy reading! 

Chapter 36 

“You didn’t know anything about me either and we are besties now“, Brenda nudges. 

I sigh taking a bite of my cheesy pasta that has a side of peso sauce. 

“I’m sorry about your boyfriend by the way. Sorry, I kinda drove him out of here.” 

Bree picks at her food before she hides the pain 


“Honestly, I think you moving in is the best thing that has happened to me so far. Victor stormed off right after that Jett guy threatened him. He didn’t have a job and he slept on the couch most of the time. Sucks to even say this but he was just using me for my money.” 

“I understand, I’ve had my fair share of douche exes too.” 

“You mean Millie’s dad? Christian Volkov?” 

I almost choke on the cheese and the pasta. 

“He’s not the dad.” 

He’s not my anything. 

“Sorry. Oh God, sorry. I just thought he’s paying my salary and paying me extra to house you and Millie so I thought he was your baby daddy or something.” 

“I don’t think he likes children. Frankly speaking. I think he’d rather have a vasectomy than put a 

Chapter 26 

child in a woman. He’s just my boss, just like he’s your boss.” 

I would dive more into my ex owes him some money so he kidnapped me to repay the debt or he fucked me halfway then kicked me out his house the next thing but I won’t 

I won’t let myself think about the monster sleeping in his huge mansion like a baby because Millie and I are out of his house for good. 

Nope. No thinking about him

Or the inch of his dick that was in me that stretched me out too well giving me pain and pleasure till I bled. 

Nope, definitely not thinking about him and his 

monster of a dick. 

“Ooh ok. Is it true that he’s some sort of gangster 

behind closed doors? That he is not as clean as his 

business partner Kai Davenport? 

“Gangster, maybe. His business partner? I don’t know any Davenport.” 

But I’ve heard of the name Davenport 


“You don’t know any Davenport? He’s like the most sought out bachelor in-.” 

The doorbell rings loud, a second later Millie’s sobs filter into the air and I abandon my pasta 

Chapter 36 

child in a woman. He’s just my boss, just like he’s your boss.” 

I would dive more into ‘my ex owes him some money so he kidnapped me to repay the debt‘ or he fucked me halfway then kicked me out his house the next thing‘ but I won’t. 

I won’t let myself think about the monster sleeping in his huge mansion like a baby because Millie and I are out of his house for good. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Nope. No thinking about him. 

Or the inch of his dick that was in me that stretched me out too well giving me pain and pleasure till I bled. 

Nope, definitely not thinking about him and his. 

monster of a dick. 

“Ooh ok. Is it true that he’s some sort of gangster behind closed doors? That he is not as clean as his 

business partner Kai Davenport?” 

“Gangster, maybe. His business partner? I don’t know any Davenport.” 

But I’ve heard of the name Davenport. 


“You don’t know any Davenport? He’s like the most sought out bachelor in-.” 

The doorbell rings loud, a second later Millie’s sobs filter into the air and I abandon my pasta. 

Chapter 36 

rushing to my room. 

She’s been crying a lot more since we started living at Bree’s. 

My only hope is that the new environment is the only thing affecting her and nothing more. 

I want to hold her but I can’t hold her with one 

arm while the other one is in a sling. 

Bree has been helping me hold her but right now she’s probably entertaining her guest. 

“Hey, baby. The doorbell startled you? Don’t worry, it startled me too. You hungry? Can’t be, Bree said she changed your diaper when I was away at work. Want your toy?” 

I wiggle the Winnie the Pooh squishy in her face but she sobs harder. 

“Come on, Mills. Don’t be like that to mommy. You know I hate it when you cry, baby.” 

I caress her cheek with my thumb, her big blue eyes stare at me and sparkle before she takes my thumb and sucks it. 

Okay, she’s definitely hungry. 

My boobs are heavy too. I can pump out some milk for her or breastfeed her on the bed but I need help getting her in my arms. 

“One minute, okay? One minute then mommy is 

all yours.” 

Chapter 36 

I pull away from my baby giving her a flying kiss. before I walk out of the room heading to the living room. 

My feet barely see Brenda’s visitor when I smell his scent in the air. 

“No“, I murmur. 

Christian Volkov stands in the living room, all muscle, all black suit, all scowl on his face as hist 

eyes graze over the miniature furniture and his eyes…brown swirling with dark colors in there, land on me. 

The room feels like a mouse trap choking my windpipe. 

His presence here suffocates me and wrings my lungs of air. 

I remember him and that night. 

I remember the hospital and how he didn’t visit. 

A vast pit of distaste digs miles and miles into my 


“I think we ran out of sugar. I’m gonna get sugar from the store“, Bree says nervously before she 

grabs her coat and dashes out. 

I almost remind her that we all can see the sugar in the jar on top of the kitchen island from where we are standing and that it’s almost too late for a night to go to the store, but my lips don’t move. 

Chapter 36 

“Little Nurse“, Vicious‘ voice comes out all gravel, all hard and panty dropping. 

He takes a step towards me and I take one back. 

“Don’t come any closer.” 

“I’m not gonna bite.” 

“What are you doing here?” 

“Checking on things.” 

“Well, you checked, now get the fuck out!” 

His nostrils flare with astonishment. I’ll take the bunny slippers from my feet and kick him out with them if I have to.. 

“Your anger tantrums are usually cute but I’ve had a long day and they are starting to piss me off, Sunshine.” 

“You’ve had a long day? Aww Daddy Vicious had at long day and he wants kisses to his boo–boos? I got freaking shot and you didn’t…you. 

just….abandoned me in that hospital! You didn’t 

visit me.” 

His eyes linger on me, tracing my nose, falling to my lips before his eyes are back on me. 

I’m being held by my strength and my strength 

only when he looks at me like that. 

“I wouldn’t have healed you.” 

I took a bullet for you. 

Chapter in 

“Ind you want me theyer 

“So, after that made I don’t we you 

улин лисак ди 

You probably made the right decision facing me 

and Millic out like a bunch of grays and ca thank you enough, View 

He moves lik 

One minute with him bring away from me, the next minute with him being so close to me I have terrater my head for our eyes to www. 

“How’s your shouldere 

“still in pain, don’t we like you care? 

“I won’t. How’s your pay 


I raise my hand to dep bien but he catches it in 


“I only ask because you cred the night. I can ́t heal your shoulder but I can heal your pussy, Little Nurse” 

Let go of me. 

Get out. 

Instead, I ask, “How? Are you some magical 

Barbie of some vort?” 

“Then get out and don’t let the door slap you on 

the way out” 

Chapter 36 

He pulls me by my wris, his lips grote my ear then his voice shivers my timbers 

“But I’d kiss that pussy again to erase the pain.” 

Chapter 36 

He pulls me by my wrist, his lips graze my ear then his voice shivers my timbers. 

“But I’d kiss that pussy again to erase the pain.” 

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