Claimed by the Mafia King


“What’s your name Mr.” The Dpo asked. He was obviously angry at the fact that Scar refused to leave me in the room alone with him.

Hence his not so subtle attempt us feel uncomfortable.

“Julius Ceaser.” Scar Snickered.

“A comic name for a comic face I must say.” The dpo replied with a cold smirk_ catching up to Scars sarcasm.

It was clear that Scar didn’t want to say anything about himself even his name. I hated the DPO more now. What a low blow from such an old man!

“You don’t say.” Scar replied calmly.

“Since you won’t share your name with us, then you won’t mind telling us the reason for your Scar?” The DPO asked with a cold smile.

He had no come back for what Scar said.

“I mind, it is personal.”

“Why ? Do you have something to hide?”

I wanted to interrupt this baseless questioning, but unlike the usual me I trusted Scar to handle his own shit.

“And even if I do?” He replied coldly.

The atmosphere was so tense now I feared that I was going to drown in the tension. This could end badly I thought fearing for myself.

“I have nothing to hide. May I remind you that I am not the criminal here and that the criminals are at large_”

“Tell me what is the reason for your scar!’ The DPO cut in, insistently.

“I do not think the scar on my face is of any issue here, and I beg you not to deviate from the issue at hand. I admire professionalism so stick to the reason why we are all here” Scar cautioned, almost growling.

His voice was so cold and commanding It left no room for deliberation.

I shivered at it.

The DPO focused his attention on me finding that he could not get anything out of scar.

“So Mira can you tell me what happened, I want to hear it from you.” He tried to mask his anger but I could still feel it when he spoke.

Goddamn I loved it!

I started speaking and he paid so much attention to me like he was afraid of being reprimanded. Scar must have really scared the shit out of him.

After narrating everything that happened with Ken to him the best way I could he hummed, leaning forward on his chair.

“Do you know that Ken is the leader of a dangerous gang?” he asked. ” In fact I dare to add a very dangerous cult.”

“No I don’t.” I said, confusion evident in my voice.

“So how do you know him, or rather how does he know you? Or Do you know him at all? What reason would he have to want to attack you?” The Dpo asked, earning him a glare from Scar.

“She obviously doesn’t know him and_” Scar was saying when I interrupted him.

“I do know him. He is the nephew of my Aunty’s husband.” I replied.

Scar turned to look at me and I could see the anger and shock in his eyes.

The Dpo on the other hand looked quite pleased with himself.

“Aunty like blood related?” He continued.

Scar faced him once again.

“No my mums close friend.” I corrected.

“Oh I see.” He nodded. “So he decided to come after you because he wants you.”

“Yes I guess.” I replied, blinking. I was starting to feel sleepy from all his questions.

“Why?” The dpo questioned. “Why would he want you? Were you two ever__”

“Seriously are you asking her why he wants her. I think the questions is not necessary! I am sorry to interrupt you but the issue here is that Ken tried to harm her and that he got away. What should be the main concern of the police now is how to get him before he pulls another one of his stunt on her.” Scar spoke calmly. But his voice was laced with obvious anger.

Remind me again who was almost kidnapped because right now he was acting more of the victim than I was.

“I don’t intend to scare you Mira but you are in danger. Ken is a very dangerous man and if he has his eyes set on you then_____”

His words reminded me of my dad, of the day he told me that I belonged to the world and bad things would befall me.

He was right! my father.

Then I didn’t even know what the hell he meant by what he said, but now I was made open to the idea. I started laughing hysterically.

I must have looked mad to them.

Scar touched my arm in other to calm me down but instead it angered me the more. I flared up.

“Don’t you fucking touch me damn you!” I snapped.

“Mira you have to remain calm this is a station, reduce your voice.” The Dpo warned. I could tell that he was already getting worked up with the whole situation.

I stopped laughing. If I didn’t, I knew I would end up crying and I didn’t want to do that.

Crying was for the weak.

“I’m sorry I’m just really stressed” I said with a strained smile. “Sorry.”

“I understand Mira. Have you by any chance heard of the dragon cult?” The Dpo asked with a serious expression on his face.

“Yes, I have. It is a popular gang_ that is after White lion. I heard that they are merciless and kill their victims with fire.” I said shaking my head. “Just rumors I guess, no facts. ”

“Do you know the leader? The one they call captain.” He whispered.

The walls had ears in our town hence when you talk about gangs you do so in hushed whispers.

He looked at me like he expected me to know who their captain was. How was I supposed to know their leader if I was not part of them?

“No. I’m sorry I don’t take interest in gang business so I don’t know much about them”

“Ken is the captain of the dragon gang and we have been on his trail for six months now. How we actually got to know of the attack on you today was because one of the police officers working under this division was coming back from an assignment and as luck would have it he saw the scene Ken was creating and immediately recognized him as the Captain. Thus he alerted us so we had to send him reinforcement.”

“By reinforcement you mean just one extra officer?” I asked, amused. It annoyed me that he could only release just two officers. Just two officers! For such a life threatening situation.

“You must have been prepared for war. Indeed, reinforcement I can’t say that I was not impressed.” I continued not done with my sarcasm.

Scar chuckled at this.

“I would not accept any sarcastic comments from you miss.” The Dpo said angrily. I clenched and unclenched my fist.

“We wanted to make sure that it was not a false alert_”

“Is it that you don’t trust you officers?” I asked.

“That was not what I said do not put words in my mouth!” He snapped.

“But It was what you implied or did you want to play with my life__”Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“That’s enough!” He yelled.

“OK_Ok fine. My mouth is sealed.” I said raising my hands in a surrender. He glared at me and I glared back. “So What do you intend to do_ I mean what’s the plan?”

“I will send two men to keep watch in your compound. They will run a shift, morning, afternoon and evening not a second will pass that your family will not be protected”

“He’s fond of the number two.” I heard scar murmur. I chuckled.

“Two police officers you say, are we not forgetting something? I leave the house in the morning so who is going to be with me?”

“I’m sorry but we can only release two officers to you. This division is already lacking officers.”

“Why only two? Is it because I am not the governor or a rich man so my life means nothing?! The leader of a dangerous gang is after my life and you sit here telling me you can only release two officers for my protection. Didn’t you swear an oath?” I was so disappointed with the DPO I wanted to scream.

I knew I sounded like a whining child but I just couldn’t help myself. I didn’t want scar anywhere near me.

“I’m sorry but this is the best I can do for now. You should even count yourself lucky that you have been sent two at least and that’s because I like you, you are a fine young woman and your death would be a shame.”

“Save us the details of your thought.” Scar cut in.

The DPO ignored him.

“So which would be better for you, do the officers follow you and leave your family unattended or they stay in your home and leave you unattended. You are to choose between your safety and that of your family because Ken would come for your family.” He said looking at me intensely, for a moment I shivered at his heartlessness. “And that I am sure of.”

“Then you’ve given me no choice. My family always comes first” I exhaled. “I have other things to do so If there is nothing else to say then I beg to take my leave.” I said, while standing up.

“The officers assigned to your home would be on mufti. You don’t want people knowing your family is being watched by the police, do you agree?”_

“Not watched, protected” I corrected.

“Whatever you say.”

“Thank you anyway. For your time.” I gave him a fake half smile and excused myself.

Scar followed me.

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