Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 74

I couldn’t believe it.

I mean I could but it was still unbelievable.

My life was taking such a dramatic turn and it was just so beautiful to look at. How did I manage to come so far? From being the slave that no one wanted anyone to do with to being meone that Brax held in such high esteem. His feelings for me were obvious since the very beginning, I was just the one that was too oblivious to them because I was busy fighting for my life

“Brax, the handsome and kind brother of Aston, asked Kira out on a date.” Is what all the maids are going to be singing soon and for some reason, it didn’t annoy me as much. I had not heard from Aston in a while but numerous rumours of him had reached my cars. Rumours that left me reeling and rethinking all my life choices.

Nothing annoyed me more than the fact that I thought he was actually starting to like me. I had hope that he would at least get all soft on Me and we would see where it went from there. I wasn’t expecting anything big or anything grand but I didn’t expect him to switch up so fast. One minute he was dramatically saving me from dying and irr the next, he was banging Mara so hard that the guards could apparently hear through the door. Going out with E was something that I wanted to

reach his ears too. I wanted him to know that I went out with Brax and I wanted him to feel what I felt when I heard of his escapades with Mara.

I wanted to wipe the smug smile that I was imagining on her face so bad. I wanted to put her in her place.


As I got ready, my heart raced with excitement and nervousness, it had been ages since I’ve had to dress up for anything

ne sitting in front of a mirror to get ready for a date felt so surreal. It felt like a dream. I put on a beautiful dress, one that Brax had brought for me. When he brought me the dress, I wondered if it was because he was just being nice and

and gentlemanly or because he was aware that I didn’t own any nice clothes. The latter would make me feel really insecure just sitting here in front of the mirror had me really wary. So many things could go wrong.

I tried and failed to draw my brows and it was starting to get frustrating so I just decided to go without make up instead. I didn’t know what kind of date Brax had planned out but I knew for sure it was going to have something to do with nature and Brax liked to get us alone together every time we went out so I didn’t have to worry about being in a crowded place and being underdressed.

1 slipped on the short blue dress he got for me, it was a really nice colour on me and I couldn’t get over how nice it looked. I swirled around in front of the mirror trying to see what it looked like from behind. I let my hair down after combing it out like a million times because I couldn’t get a straightener, I considered going into Mara’s room to steal one of the one she has but it life would be over if I got caught and it would be too embarrassing to continue to live. I felt like a princess regardless,Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

When Brax arrived, he looked at me with eyes that shone like stars.

“You look stunning, Kira,” he said, his voice full of admiration.

“You don’t look too bad yourself.” I said not wanting to let out how excited I felt seeing him stand in front of me

“Shall we?” he said stretching his hands and reaching for mine. We walked out of the palace hand in hand and the maids fed their eyes. I was pleased. I couldn’t wait for the gossip to go around. I didn’t notice it before but his outfit complemented mine and it had mouths moving, the final blow that had them gasping was when he opened his car door for me.

We went to a beautiful garden, full of flowers and trees. I felt the urge to scream that I was right but I didn’t want to seem like a crazed person.

We walked hand in hand, enjoying the beauty of nature. Brax told me about his dreams and aspirations, and I shared mine with him. It felt like we were in our own little world.

As we sat on a bench, Brax took my hand and looked into my eyes.

“Kira. I want to free you,” he said, his voice full of determination. “I want to be with you, as equals, not as master and slave.” I understood his words bm I didn’t know why he would bring it up at a time like this.

“Brax, 1. / I started, but he interrupted me with a kiss on the forehead. It was soft and gentle, yet full of passion. I didn’t see that coming but it made me feel cute

As he pulled away, I knew that whatever this was that was happening between in, Trax took it seriously..

“Let’s get out of here.” Bras said, his eyes sparkling with mischiet “I want to show you the world.” He screamned and I giggled as he dragged me away with him.

We walked hand in hand, exploring the city like two curious adventurers. Brax showed me hidden gems I never knew existed a secret fountain, a hidden garden, a street performer who played the most beautiful music on his violin and T realised that there was a lot of nice places in the pack but I was too busy being a slave to notice.

As we strolled, Brax told me about his childhood, his dreams, his fears. I listened, captivated by his words, his laughter, his smile. I felt like I was seeing the world through new eyes, like everything was fresh and exciting and the thought of being this free everyday occupied my mind.

We ended the night with a picnic under the stars. Brax had packed a basket with my favorite foods – sweet pastries, juicy fruits, and crispy bread. We sat on a blanket, watching the stars twinkle above, and talk out our hopes and dreams. Even with dreams that I knew were close to impossible, I still wanted to discuss with him because he was so easy to talk to me.

As the night wore on. Brax took my hand again, his eyes shining with a soft light. “Kira, I want to be with you,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I want to wake up every morning with you by my side. I want to explore the world with you, to laugh with you, to cry with you”

My heart skipped a beat. No one had ever spoken to me like that before. I felt like I was melting into his words, like I was home. He was using every opportunity he had to tell me how he felt and it was just the cutest thing ever.

“Brax. I started, my voice barely above a whisper. “I want that too.”

And with that, he leaned in, his lips meeting my forehead again, in a soft sweet kiss. I liked how he was being so gentlemanly but it felt like he was taking things too slow, if it was Aston, things would have progressed a lot better.

As he pulled away from me, I felt like I was floating on air. Brax’s eyes sparkled with happiness, and his smile could light up the entire city, just because of a forehead kiss.

“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” he whispered, his voice full of emotion and he looked too cute.

I smiled back at him, my heart racing with excitement. “I’ve wanted you to.” I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

Brax laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “I’m so glad I finally did,” he said, pulling me close again.

We sat there for a moment, holding each other, savoring the moment. The world around us melted away, leaving only the two of us, lost in our own little bubble of happiness.

As we sat there, I knew that falling for Brax was not such a bad idea. He was kind, gentle, and caring, and he made me feel seen and heard in a way that no one ever had before.

“Brax,” I whispered, my voice barely audible.

“Yes, Kira?” he replied, his voice soft and gentle.

“I think I might need to pee.” I said, my heart pounding with embarrassment.

Brax’s eyes locked onto mine, his gaze burning with intensity and then he just burst out laughing.

“Lets go.”

We were in front of my room and he was staring hard at me, my breath caught in the air. He leaned in and I raised my head but he titled my jaw and went a lot lower.

He kissed my lips.

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